Lots of people have left (disproportionately the well-educated and more 'Western' like) and the mainlanders have immigrated in quite a bit.Alright, so I‘ve been here a few days and so far it has been nice. Been checking out Victoria Bay and Lamar Island and also been up to Lions Rock. Decent view, wheater is amazing. Last time I was here it was foggy as shit. Food and restaurant scene is amazing. Feels like one could eat somewhere else for 2-3 years straight every day.
Only thing that kinda bothers me (aside from the mask of course) is how hard it is to come by with English. Kinda remember this being easier. So many great restaurants but the meals are in Chinese only and the staff doesn’t speak English. Also, people in general are not as friendly as I expected - except for my the people in my company of course, those are dope.
So my first impressions are a bit mixed. 2 more months to go. Certainly want to visit Tian Tan Buddha, Ocean Park and Disney Land and score at least on Chinese Lady here. They‘re all so good looking. Almost no fat people. Coming from Europe the difference is mindblowing. I‘ve probably seen one or two fat girls here so far. Damn… People in Europe and the US should stop eating so much trash.
Hong Kong is a sad shell of its former self.