I notice how they're not showing scenes with the actors when reading the nominations. Good because they couldn't choose any scenes that didn't have big spoilers in them last year.
Was true detective really not nominated?
come at me
Mini seriesWas true detective really not nominated?
Damn I'm stupid. But I loved Fargo and td equallyBest miniseries (which it lost to Fargo)
McNulty and Rawls are on the same show again?
so is this the wire with sexy time?
From WikipediaWhat is Pride about?
Based on a true story, the film depicts a group of lesbian and gay activists who raised money to help families affected by the British miners' strike in 1984, at the outset of what would become the Lesbians and Gays Support the Miners campaign.[
Too busy banging chicks.Duchovney hasn't slept in three days.