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Good to see convicts have a sense of humour

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Jul 18 2004

It's scrawled on goody bag

By Alexander Hitchen

VIRGIN Atlantic airline goody bags packed by prisoners sparked a terrorist alert when a passenger opened one and found a BOMB THREAT.

The traveller was about to watch an in-flight movie when he was stunned to see a message on the bag containing his headphones which read: "This is a bomb - goodbye!"

After urgent contacts between the crew, Virgin headquarters, security experts and police, the flight from Britain to Delhi was allowed to continue.

The threat turned out to be a hoax - suspected to have been perpetrated by a twisted inmate at one of the jails where bags are packed.

But despite the security alert, Virgin amazingly still uses hardened criminals to pack passengers' headphones.

A spokesman admitted: "Even though the message wasn't a genuine threat it can be particularly disturbing to the passenger or crew involved."

The incident has never been made public but The People has uncovered the shocking events on the Airbus A340-300 as it flew at 27,000 feet in March last year.

After the plane took off from Heathrow at 10pm bags containing entertainment headsets were handed to passengers.

When one of them found the terrifying message on the see-through plastic bag, flight staff contacted Virgin HQ in Crawley, West Sussex. They spoke to the company's security experts and policewho recommended the flight continue.

But Virgin chiefs ordered a massive investigation into how secure packaging had been compromised.

They traced some of the bags back to three prisons where they are packed.

Two are women's jails - Cookham Wood, Kent, and Send, Surrey - and the other is Wormwood Scrubs in London.

All three house inmates whose offences range from robbery to murder.

Warders are supposed to supervise the prisoners when they refurbish the bags. But an inmate is believed to have scrawled the chilling warning across the plastic.

The inquiry led to 500,000 Virgin bags worldwide that may have been packed by prisoners being recalled.

A Virgin spokesman admitted they knew that the contractor who refurbishes the headphones passes some of the work on to prisons.

The spokesman said: "We think there is no security threat. You could argue that prisons are more secure than a commercial operation."

A Prison Services spokesman said: "We, along with other suppliers, do work for the contractor used by Virgin.

"Although there is absolutely no proof the incident was as a result of our work we have tightened the checks."


Still u gotta laugh :p
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