I'm in Europe and I don't really agree with this.
I wouldn't describe Google as "Anti-Competitive" really. People are free to choose alternatives whenever they'd like. It's not Google's fault if most people don't bother to either switch or educate themselves a little bit.
This is about google putting GMail \ Youtube \ etc first in their searches.
Consider that in the search engine market, Google has a 90%+ share in europe. That's a monopoly, whatever or not the market share is rightfully earned through product quality or through anticompetitive practices.
Since it's been determined to be on fair grounds, there's no underway process to split up google's european operations or anything - but abuse of dominant market positions is a thing.
certainly most of you cheering this on still use multiple Google services daily
surely, being on this board, you know of several functional, viable alternatives to each
the reason you're still using Google is not because Google is somehow brainwashing you or preventing you from knowing about alternatives. Brussels infantilizing the good people of the EU isn't really a good way to promote tech competition there.
Again, this is not about google's main product, it's about the abuse of dominant market position to promote the -other- services, some of which are dominant on their own weight, some of which are not.