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GOP Blocks Probe of Trump's Putin Ties, Continues Clinton Investigations

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Suspicion is mounting about Donald Trump’s ties to Russian officials and business interests, as well as possible links between his campaign and the Russian hacking of U.S. political organizations. But GOP leaders have refused to support efforts by Democrats to investigate any possible Trump-Russia connections, which have been raised in news reports and closed-door intelligence briefings. And without their support, Democrats, as the minority in both chambers of Congress, cannot issue subpoenas to potential witnesses and have less leverage to probe Trump.

Privately, Republican congressional staff told The Daily Beast that Trump and his aides’ connections to Russian officials and businesses interests haven’t gone unnoticed and are concerning. And GOP lawmakers have reviewed Democrats’ written requests to the FBI that it investigate Trump before they were made public.

But the lawmakers in both chambers have declined to sign on to them. Republicans have no appetite to launch inquiries into their party’s presidential nominee, and they continue to believe the FBI flubbed its investigation into Clinton and her aides, who should have been charged with mishandling government secrets, the staffers said.

Instead Republican lawmakers appear far more interested in probing Hillary Clinton’s use of a private email server, nearly three months after the Justice Department declined to press charges against her or her aides. FBI Director James Comey has been called to testify to Congress three times about the email investigation, and Republicans have launched a separate inquiry into whether the former secretary of State committed perjury when she testified before Congress about her unorthodox communications system.
As a result, Clinton is likely to face relentless grilling on Capitol Hill from now until Election Day, but Trump can rest assured that his fellow partisans will go easy on him.

Democrats have implored the FBI to look deeper into Trump’s dealings with Russia and those of his aides, including former campaign manager Paul Manafort, who worked for the pro-Russian government of Ukraine, and Trump foreign-policy adviser Carter Page, who met with Russian government officials in July, including one believed to be connected to the gathering of information about the upcoming U.S. election, according to Yahoo News.

But GOP lawmakers won’t sign on to the Democrats’ requests.

At a hearing of the House Judiciary Committee on Wednesday, Rep. John Conyers (D-MI) complained that his Republican colleagues weren’t pressing Comey on the Trump campaign. “Instead, I believe that the focus of this hearing will be more of the same: an attack on you, and your team at the Department of Justice, for declining to recommend criminal charges against Secretary Hillary Clinton,” Conyers said.

In the past month, the top Democrats on four House committees—including those that have most strongly pursued questions about Clinton’s email—have written to the FBI director asking him to investigate whether connections between Trump campaign officials and the Russian government “may have contributed” to hacks against the Democratic National Committee and other political organizations (PDF).

Senate Minority Leader Harry Reid, meanwhile, asked the FBI to investigate, among other things, the meetings between Russian officials and Page. Reid was prompted to write to Comey after an intelligence briefing about the hacks on the DNC and Russian efforts to interfere with the election, two individuals with knowledge of the matter told The Daily Beast. (Page denies the meetings ever happened.)

Republican leaders’ decision not to investigate Trump represents an ironic turn for a party that only four years ago was being criticized for being too hawkish on Russia. Now, it’s Democrats who are being accused of using “McCarthyite” tactics.

Bunch of brave patriots.

But then again this is the party who attacked their opponents as friendly to communists while committing subterfuge with secret negotiations with communists. Party über alles

Do Better

The American legislative branch is a joke.

It's possible they'll be investigating Clinton's emails for the next eight years.


They're just trying to level the playing field. How else can they possibly get an unelectable candidate elected?
Well obviously it's important to make a thorough investigation of the (Democratic) candidate so voters can make an informed decision to vote for the (wildly unqualified, racist, sexist, xenophobic, narcissistic, sociopathic, greedy, emotionally stunted, intellectually lazy, corrupt, evil bigot with small hands Republican) candidate. That's democracy in action, folks.

This country deserves a better conservative party than this deplorable waste of imbeciles and hypocrites.


The GOP is dangerously unfit to govern.

It's only a matter of time untill this backfires on America. Eventually we will have an politically created crisis that does actually damage to our national interests.
Sometimes I wonder if they realize that they're hypcritical and unreasonable, or if they're that far off the deep end they believe they're doing what's right.

I honestly don't know which I prefer.
I'm so sick of these idiots. Can we just get rid of them?


AYF 001

The GOP is dangerously unfit to govern.

It's only a matter of time untill this backfires on America. Eventually we will have an politically created crisis that does actually damage to our national interests.
Like global climate change? Or the Saudi Arabia bill that McConnel is already blaming Obama for?
I'm so sick of these idiots. Can we just get rid of them?


Reminds me of this exchange from Red Heat:

Art Ridzik: Yeah? Well, tell me something, Captain. If you've got such a fucking paradise over there, how come you're up the same creek as we are with heroin and cocaine?
Ivan Danko: Chinese find way. Right after revolution, they round up all drug dealers, all drug addicts, take them to public square, and shoot them in back of head.
Art Ridzik: Ah, it'd never work here. Fucking politicians wouldn't go for it.
Ivan Danko: Shoot them first.


Republicans in Congress are the worst. They've used their power for political witch hunts. They're colluded with media agencies in order to create faux outrage campaigns and scandals. They've halted progress on numerous issues. Their priority has been opposing Obama and scoring political points over governing. I hope their party sinks along with Trump this November.


There will come a point where the Government will simply need to excise the GOP from itself in order to govern. I look forward to that day.
GOP traitor: Let's see, should we investigate a potential threat to our national interests or should we play politics and engage in a pointless political witch-hunt? Pointless witch-hunt it is!
There will come a point where the Government will simply need to excise the GOP from itself in order to govern. I look forward to that day.

You would think it would be with this election and Trump after they spent 8 years being obstructionists to Obama, blaming Obama for everything (even though since day 1 they have actively worked to undermine him) all culminating in their current party leader.

But no, it wont happen. It really should. These republicans are the worst and the real threat to the country.

It seems that demographic of people that will defend him no matter what includes the GOP congress. Which is scary

Especially when you have idiots going "I want him to win to break the establishment situation. I am not worried about what he tries to do because Congress will try to stop him." Clearly, if they wont investigate him for actual issues before president, instead looking to continue a partisan/political witch hunt on Clinton and the Dems, he is going to be able to do whatever the hell he wants in Congress. I mean look at how quickly they fell in line, or even people going "I think Trump is complete shit, but I need to blindly vote my party." In fact, it will probably be worse than imagined as he will be easily manipulated.


Unconfirmed Member
I see the GOP is riding the crazy train all the way to November 8th. Trump is untouchable, none of his illegal actions will be questioned.


Sir, we have reports that Russia is planning an invasion of two sovereign nations, along with a sale of deadly chemicals to an anti-US insurgent group. What do we do?

Bro, let's fucking investigate Hillary's motherfucking emails.


The checks and balances of the US Government are broken when one branch can be this shitty and get away with it for such a long time.

Please vote the repeated offenders out of office where you can, GAFers.


The problem is that the demographic of people that will defend Trump no matter what aren't enough to win an election.

They seem to still be enough to maintain control of the entire Legislative Branch of government so they're going to stay winning overall. They get to block the Judicial Branch from refills and overturn vetoed bills from the Executive.


I don't know why it matters. Trump supporters won't care one way or the other.

Sarcasm? You're pointing out how silly it is to say things don't matter just because Trump supporters won't care and you're doing it on a topic that doesn't really have anything to do with Trump supporters caring or not. Yep, going with sarcasm.


Sometimes I wonder if they realize that they're hypcritical and unreasonable, or if they're that far off the deep end they believe they're doing what's right.

I honestly don't know which I prefer.
Are they idiots or just arseholes. I think arseholes. The way they'll support gun control for their conferences but not for regular Americans has me believe they are just dickheads.
It seems that demographic of people that will defend him no matter what includes the GOP congress. Which is scary

In Congress's case, they're legit shook about losing supreme court seats to liberals and they don't want to lose some of their own seats at the polls this November. They know that these scandals mean bad news for moderates and undecided support, which is why the GOP has been clinging so desperately to emails and benghazi, and are now pulling this stunt.


Anyone from their party who would enable that investigation would immediately get fingers pointed at them when they lose the presidency and the house come November.


It's utterly incredible the people who would have done witch hunts in the 60s (or was it 50s) against communist sympathisers are now willing to look the other way when it is their own presidential nominee... Surely this could and hopefully should backfire when patriotic Americans who currently back the republicans/Trump wake up to what's going on. This is their bread and butter thing to get antsy about, haha.


Are they idiots or just arseholes. I think arseholes. The way they'll support gun control for their conferences but not for regular Americans has me believe they are just dickheads.

Wait what? So you can open carry into university lectures but it's too dangerous for their own party conferences...? What a bunch of cunts. America needs to sort out these backwards ass fuckers and all the idiots that vote for them. Time to progress past these bastards.
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