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GOP Convention entertainer: Gays trying to kill our children, homosexuality is a curs

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iapetus said:
Got to save that boiling hatred for people who deserve it, like the scum who exaggerate their military record in Vietnam.
I've never met nor read anything from someone who hates Kerry. Doesn't want him as president, sure. Doesn't like what he said after Vietnam, definitely. But not hate.

I read something every day, meanwhile, that expresses real, frightening hate for Bush.


People like him(Donnie)never seem to make their point based on any rational thought...they have to attach FEAR to it in order for it to have any gravity(OMG! GAYS RAPE CHILDREN....SOMEONE PLEASE THINK OF THE CHILDREN).

And I think that that kind of brainwashing is as dangerous if not moreso than somebody committing acts of violence.

Someone's PERSONAL RELIGIOUS believes shouldn't have a detrimental impact on MY life.
Che said:
Unthinking hatred? This person says that homosexuality "is caused by men raping small children" for god's sake! What's not to hate about that?
No, what you asked is how conservatives would react, in general, to these statements. I said that very few of them would react with the kind of hate seen in this thread.

If you want to use me as one example, I just shook my head and sighed - I too question the wisdom of having an all-gay high school, and I honestly can't know whether or not homosexuality is a choice, genetic, or a little of both. But that's about where we stop agreeing. And I don't hate the guy for saying what he thinks. Nor do I hate any of you. That's called tolerance.


iapetus said:
Got to save that boiling hatred for people who deserve it, like the scum who exaggerate their military record in Vietnam.

"And now ladies and gentlemen this thread hitted rock bottom!"
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