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GOP Kentucky state legislative candidate posts racist Obama images

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A Republican candidate for Kentucky's state legislature posted racist images of President Barack Obama and his family -- and defended those images by saying "Facebook's entertaining."

Dan Johnson, the bishop of Heart of Fire Church in Louisville, posted an edited image of the President and first lady Michelle Obama with ape-like features. He also labeled a photo of a chimpanzee a baby picture of Obama.

"It wasn't meant to be racist. I can tell you that. My history's good there. I can see how people would be offended in that. I wasn't trying to offend anybody, but, I think Facebook's entertaining,"
Johnson told WDRB, the Louisville TV station that found the images and confronted him with them.
Johnson did not immediately return a request for comment. However, Johnson would not admit to WDRB that the photos crossed a line.
"I looked this up. There has been no president that hasn't had that scrutiny. Not one," he said. "I think it would be racist not to do the same for President Obama as we've done for every other president."
His Facebook page also contains a number of Confederate flags, as well as anti-Islam posts -- including one that calls on states to "legally ban this criminal syndicate 'religion.'"
"My thing for Islam, if you want to be in America, be an American. The thing about all religions in America, they don't oppose America or want to destroy America, or some way or another get us to take on another law, like Sharia law. I hate that," Johnson told WDRB.

More at source..

This guy's a real winner. I actually like this one picture he also has posted:


Send me to the zoo if old..


Clothed, sober, cooperative
One day in America a racist is going to admit he is a racist.

And the earth shall crack asunder.


Holy shit he went in



Johnson said his problem with President Obama was "personal," not "racial." He cited a class action lawsuit he took part in involving first responders -- as well as a funding bill President Obama voted on -- for his personal differences.

Johnson said he's heard from African-American leaders he says are on his side.

"I've got black pastors that are ready to stand with me," he said. "I've got black legislators who are willing to stand with me."

When asked to name these supporters, he declined, but said he had plans to call another press conference where they would be at his side.


It would be actually be the real racism to not post racist insults on the Facebook as is traditionally done for every President.

I know being full of shit tends to go hand in hand with being a racist asshole, but I'm still kind of impressed by how full this guy is. It must leak out of his mouth whenever he breathes.
Dan Johnson, the bishop of Heart of Fire Church in Louisville, posted an edited image of the President and first lady Michelle Obama with ape-like features. He also labeled a photo of a chimpanzee a baby picture of Obama.

"It wasn't meant to be racist."

Brah thats as racist as you can get without calling a dude the n word.


As a taster of racism, I must say it is not even original. Shit was old in 2009. If you going to go in at least be original
You know.. plenty of people in the US know this shit is unacceptable.

But so many people fail to see a pattern within the GOP over this shit.
You point out that there are a lot of racists within the GOP and people give you a blank stare.

I wish someone has kept a log of everytime someone in the GOP says something racist.

We literally have GOP Pundits, elected officials, and campaign surrogates saying racist shit all the time.

And it's not even all that subtle.
I said this in PoliGAF, but political cartoonists must have November 9th circled like 50,000 times on their calendars, as that's when they can finally start depicting the president (or at least, the president-elect) as a monkey when they want to depict him/her as stupid.

These, however, ain't political comics. They're racist bullshit.


Someone in the GOP is a huge racist... I'm shocked... shocked.
President Obama's election really drove a lot of white people crazy.


Saint Titanfall
You know.. plenty of people in the US know this shit is unacceptable.

But so many people fail to see a pattern within the GOP over this shit.
You point out that there are a lot of racists within the GOP and people give you a blank stare.

I wish someone has kept a log of everytime someone in the GOP says something racist.

We literally have GOP Pundits, elected officials, and campaign surrogates saying racist shit all the time.
They don't fail to see the pattern, they choose to ignore it. Same why the choose to ignore that there's a problem with the police system despite major stories popping up about it at least weekly.
"I looked this up. There has been no president that hasn't had that scrutiny. Not one," he said. "I think it would be racist not to do the same for President Obama as we've done for every other president."

I think we can all agree that NOT posting pictures comparing black people to apes would be the soft bigotry of low expectations.
I wish the cable news shows would have offered that campaign chair who said, "Before Obama there was no racism" plenty of TV airtime to defend her beliefs.

It would have looked sooooo bad.

Stop It

Perfectly able to grasp the inherent value of the fishing game.
He holds no office. He's a candidate.
In a pretty fully red state. So er...yeah.

In what universe is this not racist as fuck? The black turds matter picture etc just seals the deal. Can the GOP de select him as a candidate? Please, someone somewhere just show some decency and show this racist fuckwit the door.


The Gop has really really gone to shit ever since Obama was elected. The party is a mess of obstructionist bigots.


Johnson said he didn't care if his posts cost him votes in November.[
In one overtly racist image, Wasko had posted Clint Eastwood holding a noose with the text "Barry this rope is for you. Wanna bring that empty chair over here!"

Yeah..... Nothing of value lost.
the video in the CNN link has an interview with someone and it was done in September 29, 2018. Not really relevant to the topic at hand, but I thought i'd share.


Why is it a thing to do something blatantly racist then claim that it's not? I would think that some of these people are just trying to bait people, but I'm inclined to think that this is a game for some of these racists. How far can they go and claim it's not racist?
I'm sure there are Kentucky State Legislative districts where covert racism is a prerequisite and overt racism is occasionally needed to make things a little clearer.


Why is it a thing to do something blatantly racist then claim that it's not? I would think that some of these people are just trying to bait people, but I'm inclined to think that this is a game for some of these racists. How far can they go and claim it's not racist?

I don't think it's that. These ignorant assholes believe that racism = killing "innocent" people because of the color of their skin. Everything else is fair game and doesn't make you a racist.


It would be actually be the real racism to not post racist insults on the Facebook as is traditionally done for every President.

I bet his logic is along the lines of "BushOrChimp existed, I'm applying the same premise to a different president, therefore not racist!"
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