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GOP Kentucky state legislative candidate posts racist Obama images

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guys remember george w bush was depicted as a monkey so lets not say racism just yet


Kai Dracon

Writing a dinosaur space opera symphony
Why is it a thing to do something blatantly racist then claim that it's not? I would think that some of these people are just trying to bait people, but I'm inclined to think that this is a game for some of these racists. How far can they go and claim it's not racist?

They are getting bolder because of Trump, the GOP, and the political climate. I mean David Duke is coming out cheering that it's time for white people to get their conquest back on.

When they think they're going to take full control of society, they begin to dictate perception, like telling people what is and isn't racist in order to justify wallowing in blatantly racist behavior.


I don't think it's that. These ignorant assholes believe that racism = killing "innocent" people because of the color of their skin. Everything else is fair game and doesn't make you a racist.
I know way too many of these people. It's distressing.
Dan Johnson, the bishop of Heart of Fire Church in Louisville

Doing the Lord's work

Also, Bush was depicted as a monkey because of his perceived lack of intelligence. Obama is known for his intelligence, so it's a false equivalence meant to excuse a bad racist joke.


In a pretty fully red state. So er...yeah.

In what universe is this not racist as fuck? The black turds matter picture etc just seals the deal. Can the GOP de select him as a candidate? Please, someone somewhere just show some decency and show this racist fuckwit the door.

I'm betting his numbers go up.

And his church should be ashamed too. But "American Jesus" I guess. These people don't know anything about Christ other than a label.


Love how that pic says you gotta take responsibility for your own personal choices yet they never apply that logic to minorities, just whites. When it comes to minorities they are always responsible as a whole group for the actions of a few.
"I looked this up. There has been no president that hasn't had that scrutiny. Not one," he said. "I think it would be racist not to do the same for President Obama as we've done for every other president."

Top tier cunt asshole logic.
I don't think it's that. These ignorant assholes believe that racism = killing "innocent" people because of the color of their skin. Everything else is fair game and doesn't make you a racist.
Yep, people with so much privilege and ignorance that words can't do anything to them in any way (until you call them racist), so they assume the same must be true of everyone else as they "tell it like it is" about other races or "joke" when they assume no person of the belittled race is around.
Dude's a fucking disgrace to the state of Kentucky.

I mean, Kentucky's main three exports are bourbon, fried chicken, and racism, but even then this dude makes us look bad.


I don't think it's that. These ignorant assholes believe that racism = killing "innocent" people because of the color of their skin. Everything else is fair game and doesn't make you a racist.

They can't be that dense, can they?

They are getting bolder because of Trump, the GOP, and the political climate. I mean David Duke is coming out cheering that it's time for white people to get their conquest back on.

When they think they're going to take full control of society, they begin to dictate perception, like telling people what is and isn't racist in order to justify wallowing in blatantly racist behavior.

So post-election they will go back into hiding, right? And then we can't forget to come out for the midterms or we'll have to deal with this shit all over again?


Had to look up his district. Had to make sure he wasn't Louisville since apparently his church is in Louisville. Also, I think he's just a candidate.
Racism is here and has always been here.

It's just been covered up for the past few dozen centuries due to the lack of Social Media to expose it all.

Well, in 2016, we have a front row seat to all manner of racism. From videos of cops killing unarmed minorities to ignorant Facebook posts by your own friends and family members.

This isn't new thinking. This is just higher exposure thanks to technology.

Problem is - there is a large enough presence, close to a majority even, of people in the United States who would rather accept racism to keep more of their own money and privileges than try to make compromises for equality and the betterment of all.

It's just fucking all-around sad.


So post-election they will go back into hiding, right? And then we can't forget to come out for the midterms or we'll have to deal with this shit all over again?

No. They're going to see that Trump's message had an audience, but his delivery on other important issues was lacking.

This isn't going away.


No. They're going to see that Trump's message had an audience, but his delivery on other important issues was lacking.

This isn't going away.

Pretty much. The only way this thing would be going away is if Hilary won in a landslide victory, which we all know won't be happening, sadly.


In a pretty fully red state. So er...yeah.

In what universe is this not racist as fuck? The black turds matter picture etc just seals the deal. Can the GOP de select him as a candidate? Please, someone somewhere just show some decency and show this racist fuckwit the door.

So I'm guessing this guy is in a very red district and will win easily?
It's Kentucky, so he's going to win in a landslide victory probably.

The incumbent for his district is a Democrat but Bullit county is 66% republican. I think his district includes a little bit of south Louisville metro so that may have tipped the scale blue in that district in the past.


Junior Member
Today I learned that as long as I don't think I am being racist then it isn't actually racism.

This is one of the many reasons racists are terrible people. They completely lack self awareness and fool themselves into believing that their actions aren't as serious as they really are. Dangerous af. How can you help show people the wrongs of their ways when they don't even see the wrong in the first place?
It's not the pictures that boggles me nor the racism it's the fuckin excuses

I mean shit the last blackface thread we had the girl came out and said she didn't know what blackface was now this Facebook is entertaining/we've done it to past presidents garbage

They don't even need to try they know someone will defend them
I really do think there is going to be a civil war part 2 in this country one day. The culture difference between rural and urban is too great at this point.


I love how Trump has empowered all racists to come forth and be known.

In a way I think Trump becoming a nomination was a good thing. People needed to know how racist and hate filled many citizens can be.


I really hope you're wrong.

Me, too.

I'm only 35, so my memory about politics doesn't go back too far, but i can't remember a time when so many members, or hopefuls, were so openly racist.

That picture of the Obamas wounds me in ways that I cannot say.

I have no faith in a large portion of the American population. I expect nothing but the worst out of them.
Dayum, Trump wouldn't even be able to spin his way out of that. How in the world is this racist fuck going to try to tell people he's not racist?
Why is it a thing to do something blatantly racist then claim that it's not? I would think that some of these people are just trying to bait people, but I'm inclined to think that this is a game for some of these racists. How far can they go and claim it's not racist?

Toddler mentality of pushing things obviously past the limit of acceptability, and then trying to backpedal and deflect blame afterwards. Honestly I think I have slightly more respect for avowed white supremacists. At the very least they own who they are.


Aftershock LA
I hate racists. That's really all I have to add.

Fuck this guy, and everyone who thinks like this guy. Fuck them all. There's no winning these people over. They've made up their minds, and they've decided that it's better to hate another human being, than empathize with someone that doesn't look or act like they do.
"I looked this up. There has been no president that hasn't had that scrutiny. Not one," he said. "I think it would be racist not to do the same for President Obama as we've done for every other president."

Show me the historical shopped photos of every president made to look like apes and maybe we talk


This election will be very telling ; Im really hoping that racists are just a small portion of our population.

I don't understand how you are in denial.

Trump will get at least 40million votes. That portion of the population is either racist or are A-OK with electing someone so unrepentantly racist.


the video in the CNN link has an interview with someone and it was done in September 29, 2018. Not really relevant to the topic at hand, but I thought i'd share.
Glad I'm not the only one who see that.

Edit: took me four tries to get that video to play. Thanks, op. In some ways I think facebook/social media has been great in weeding out shitty politicians.
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