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Got $9.95/mo? Then you, friend, can the have The Sarah Palin Channel!

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Half of their subs will come from Media Matters/ThinkProgress/DailyKos/Salon itching for a blog post that goes viral and provokes liberal faux rage.


MBA in pussy licensing and rights management
So is it like LeluLove where she'll take up any issue I request because I'm a subscriber?
She won't be the first and won't be the last. Rush Limbaugh, Sean Hannity, Glenn Beck, Laura Ingraham, and several others all have subscription based things.
She won't be the first and won't be the last. Rush Limbaugh, Sean Hannity, Glenn Beck, Laura Ingraham, and several others all have subscription based things.

I actually think she could diversify better than those guys too. Hunting, cooking, fashion, winter motorsports, etc.
"Are you tired of the media filters?" she asks. "Well, I am. I always have been. So we're gonna do something about it."

Membership is set at $9.95 per month or $99.95 for a year.
Uh . . . that $9.95/month is one hell of an effective filter.


How can anyone not want her in the White House?!?


Just imagine ;)

Mike M

Nick N
That reminds me, whatever happened to that Tea Party news channel that was supposed to debut with the 2012 election coverage out of Vegas?


If people like Glenn Beck can make tens of millions from these subscription based services, I bet Sarah Palin can retire as a trillionaire in a few years.

I can already see it, "Sarah goes moose hunting".
The money from the last book must be running dry, time to move back into the spotlight!
For a few months then vanish back into obscurity
I wonder if she can see Russia from her television station.

Sadly I know a couple acquaintances on my FB feed from HS/college that probably would subscribe to this.


God, Sarah Palin always reminded me of the worst kind of bitch you'd find at an am way convention.

I used to have to work concessions as a teenager at a convention centre and whenever am way rolled into town, it was women like this who made me dread that the real world was full of these people.


Yeah, saw that earlier. It's amazing. It's her own channel, she has complete authority over the content and she still couldn't be bothered to do another take or have someone proofread her comments before putting it up online.


Yeah, saw that earlier. It's amazing. It's her own channel, she has complete authority over the content and she still couldn't be bothered to do another take or have someone proofread her comments before putting it up online.

unfiltered media man......its the only way to get the 'real' news.....

Anybody who pays for this needs to have their heads checked.


Is she an android? In that video, she reboots around the 40 second mark after rambling off course into purgatory. After that she returns to form with the regular script that minimum wage is only a temporary stepping stone.
How does she have enough content to fill a 24 hour cycle?

And good grief at that low budget set. The porn set looked higher budget...I wish I was joking.

$9.95 well spent. -_____-


Neo Member
Surely we can think of some much better, cheaper ways to hear hot-button words like "Benghazi" and "reform" strung together in nonsensical ways.
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