Connoisseur Of Tedium
So today I received 2 collection notices from Cingular. One for the amt of $594 and the other for $406. It kinda stumped me because I just recently migrated from ATT to Cingular in Dec '04. I just finished talking to customer service and she had hard time finding those past due amts. She finally found them and mentioned that those accounts were started in 2000. She gave me the old numbers attached to the accounts which are different then the ones now. She mentioned that it could be fraud. Slowly but surely it hit me that I actually did owe this to a previous cell carrier here in Houston. What Im thinking is that Cingular swallowed them up and now they want to collect that money. So should I just play dumb and hopefully they will clear it or should I own up to it? One of the accounts was owned by my bitch ex who I sorta still have contact with. Now if I do have to pay should I call her ass up and ask for money? Give me your infinite wisdom GAF.