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Got turned down for a playtest...


That, in itself, really isn't a big deal. There have been quite a few playtest sessions that I never qualified for. Typically, they ask you a bunch of questions about games in a similar genre. For example, to playtest Halo they might ask you how many hours you've played Counter Strike, Socom, Max Payne, etc.

What really threw me for a loop this time, was that Microsoft started the interview process off by telling me the game I would playtest would be rated M and had nudity and graphic violence. They asked if I had any objections to playing that type of game. I said no, and they proceeded to ask me the questions.

Now they throw me for a loop again. How many hours have I played Gran Turismo, PGR series, Socoms, Tom Clancy any series, Top Spin, SSX, Amped, Halo, and Killzone.

For the life of me, I can't think of the game I would be playing that has nudity, graphic violence, and somehow relates to the games mentioned above. Any ideas?

btw, I didn't qualify :/


rollin' in the gutter
Heh, sounds like they were throwing a few curveballs at you. It's probably an action-adventure of some sort.


Sounds like they were testing the waters to see if you were a whore of any specific company.
No 1080 or Double Dash?


works for Gamestop (lol)
They're probably trying to cover their asses by planting in a couple games that don't relate to the game that's in testing


jedimike said:
Now they throw me for a loop again. How many hours have I played Gran Turismo, PGR series, Socoms, Tom Clancy any series, Top Spin, SSX, Amped, Halo, and Killzone.

For the life of me, I can't think of the game I would be playing that has nudity, graphic violence, and somehow relates to the games mentioned above. Any ideas?
It's strange they didn't ask you how many hours you'd put into GTA3 and Vice City.


Wario64 said:
They're probably trying to cover their asses by planting in a couple games that don't relate to the game that's in testing

Yah, you're probably right. Throwing out bait to see if people are being honest about their answers. Playtests are usually on newly released games or very soon to be released games. So, it wouldn't be a top secret project or anything.
My guess, the game has to be Conker. It's the only Xbox game coming out that stands a real chance of including tons of vulgarity, nudity, and violence.
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