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GOTY: Elden Ring or God Of War Ragnarök: Avatar bet

Who takes home the 2022 GOTY?

  • Total voters
  • Poll closed .


Ok, now that I have platinumed both games and slept on it for a while I think I’ve made up my mind:
Elden Ring will win GOTY.

Both games are really great and deserving but ER simply brought more new stuff to the table and brought the souls-genre to a new level both commercialy and literally.


God Of War Ragnarok is a great game, no doubt about it. But it is more of the same thing, with nothing really new or different brought to the table. In fact, it’s probably not quite as good as 2018, because of some poor story decisions, and pacing issues, brought on by having to play on that crappy old hardware.

Elden Ring also has to play on that crappy old hardware, but it very much does bring a lot of new stuff to the table, in the way it takes the already excellent Soulsborne formula, and applies it to the single best open world I’ve ever explored.

Elden Ring is GOTY.


Gold Member
Looking back, as much as I loved Ragnarok, I think Elden Ring deserves it more. Kratos might as well get it, it's the greatest Sony 1st party release of the year and many voters are still in the honeymoon phase with it, can't blame them.

Will I join the party and bet like a good neogafer? Sure why not. Betting on ER. That doesn't mean I won't be happy to see Ragnarok take it, nor switch my never yet changed avatar for a month. Let's go.
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I thought calling GOW:R a DLC granted some bans in this forum.

Kydd BlaZe

I voted for Ragnarok. Fuck it.

If Elden Ring wins (and it probably will), I’ll have to force myself to play it. I’ve never played a Souls game before (I flirted with Bloodborne years ago, actually but never made it out of the intro area) because I’m too intimidated by the crushing difficulty I keep hearing about.


After finishing Ragnarok, there is not a shadow of a doubt which game I like more. I uninstalled GoWR right after credits. I will definitely go for another playthrough of ER (4th one, I think?).

But I can easily see Ragnarok getting more GOTY awards, because people love those 'cinematic experiences'.

My vote for ER remains and I will proudly wear the stupid avatar if I have to.


Ok, now that I have platinumed both games and slept on it for a while I think I’ve made up my mind:
Elden Ring will win GOTY.

Both games are really great and deserving but ER simply brought more new stuff to the table and brought the souls-genre to a new level both commercialy and literally.
Mad respect for platinuming both!

I guess I’m about halfway through GOWR, it’s an amazing game, hopefully I can get in another couple hours over the weekend. Can’t/Won’t choose a winner yet until I’ve seen the end.

Lux R7

I voted for Ragnarok. Fuck it.

If Elden Ring wins (and it probably will), I’ll have to force myself to play it. I’ve never played a Souls game before (I flirted with Bloodborne years ago, actually but never made it out of the intro area) because I’m too intimidated by the crushing difficulty I keep hearing about.

ER offers you a huge build variety and a lot of ways to make the game easier (also less boss walls, because it is open world and you can proceed at your own pace) so i think you should try it and not really worry about difficulty.


I voted for Ragnarok. Fuck it.

If Elden Ring wins (and it probably will), I’ll have to force myself to play it. I’ve never played a Souls game before (I flirted with Bloodborne years ago, actually but never made it out of the intro area) because I’m too intimidated by the crushing difficulty I keep hearing about.
You should play it anyways. It’s a masterpiece. And unlike BB you will have more options and places to explore if you ever feel “stuck”. Beautiful world design
God of War imo

Elden Rings is just Dark Souls 3 with a jump button, horse and an unnecessarily large map filled with too many reused assets. I'm not the biggest fan of FromSoft/Souls-like obviously but I was honestly kind of disappointing getting Elden Ring after something as genius as Sekiro. The people who praise Elden Ring like it was some sort of revolution are absolutely embarassing.


I really don't care. I enjoyed them both.

After reading this, I want God of War to win just to watch this forum have a fucking temper tantrum like a bunch of toddlers.

People get super fucking annoying about Elden Ring.
I voted for Ragnarok. Fuck it.

If Elden Ring wins (and it probably will), I’ll have to force myself to play it. I’ve never played a Souls game before (I flirted with Bloodborne years ago, actually but never made it out of the intro area) because I’m too intimidated by the crushing difficulty I keep hearing about.
Elden Ring is honestly pretty damn easy if you take your time and just explore. You can easily explore for like 30 hours before even attempting the first real boss. At 30 hours you'll be prepared and can probably overcome it within 5-10 deaths. There are a shit ton of checkpoints too, the game is incredibly forgiving in that regard. Lots of people just try to brute force the game and get frustrated. You can't really do that if you're going in green, just gotta relax and enjoy the journey.

tl;dr - Don't let prior Souls difficulty experiences prevent you from at least giving ER a solid attempt. Outside of certain builds in Demon's Souls, ER is easily the easiest souls game.



He clearly out fishing for reactions, someone asked and apparently he couldn’t get into ER. Makes great tweets though to rank popular games you don’t finish. I should do the same and maybe get more than 0 followers 🤓

The boring reality is that both are 10/10 games and your genre preference is what’s going to decide your winner. But that opinion don’t give you clicks.


He clearly out fishing for reactions, someone asked and apparently he couldn’t get into ER.
He destroyed GNÁ at GMGOW in a ridiculously short time and with no damage taken though..

This motherfucker is mindblowingly good at videogames.
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He destroyed Gna at GMGOW in a ridiculously short time and with no damage taken though..

This motherfucker is mindblowingly good at videogames.

Not talking about his skills, I just see him fishing for reactions when he start ranking two very popular games he knows people are invested in when it comes to GOTY, he knows exactly what he’s doing. And then when asked how much he played of ER he dodge the question and says he played enough but couldn’t get into it. I mean if I would rank games I can’t get into I would have hilarious lists.


Gold Member
Game/movie with a linear story was really fun for 50 hours but I am done with it. I am still playing Elden Ring regularly since release. Easy win. I applaud Sony Santa Monica and look forward to their next adventure but it's rough going against Miyazaki's best game so far in my opinion. No need to quote me saying it's Bloodborne, guys. No PC version auto disqualifies it since no mods. :p


Gold Member
God of War imo

Elden Rings is just Dark Souls 3 with a jump button, horse and an unnecessarily large map filled with too many reused assets. I'm not the biggest fan of FromSoft/Souls-like obviously but I was honestly kind of disappointing getting Elden Ring after something as genius as Sekiro. The people who praise Elden Ring like it was some sort of revolution are absolutely embarassing.

Rekt, I think EviLore banned this guy himself. (I kid :D)
He destroyed GNÁ at GMGOW in a ridiculously short time and with no damage taken though..

This motherfucker is mindblowingly good at videogames.

Are you new to games? Shes not a difficult boss, at all especially if you've defeated the valks in previous gow.


Are you new to games?
Depends, is 25+ years in the hobby as a max difficulties addict being new to games?
I'd like to watch your own GMGOW fight with her after this, please share.

To me, anyone with a world record on GoW boss battles at GMGOW, better than Game Breaker God and other elite GoW players, is very obviously "mindblowingly good at videogames".

Shes not a difficult boss, at all especially if you've defeated the valks in previous gow.
Personally beat every GoW ever released at max difficulty, destroyed every Berserker + King at GMGOW with ease, and she's by far the hardest enemy in the game and it's not even close.
Saying it's not a difficult boss at all (At GMGOW? Are you kidding me?) since you defeated Valkyries in GoW 2018 doesn't mean anything considering there's very few boss battles as demanding as these in videogame history.

Anyone disagreeing, feel free to share their fight at GMGOW.
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Depends, is 25+ years in the hobby as a max difficulties addict being new to games?
I'd like to watch your own GMGOW fight with her after this, please share.

To me, anyone with a world record on GoW boss battles at GMGOW, better than Game Breaker God and other elite GoW players, is very obviously "mindblowingly good at videogames".

Personally beat every GoW ever released at max difficulty, destroyed every Berserker + King at GMGOW with ease, and she's by far the hardest enemy in the game and it's not even close.
Saying it's not a difficult boss at all (At GMGOW? Are you kidding me?) since you defeated Valkyries in GoW 2018 doesn't mean anything considering there's very few boss battles as demanding as these in videogame history.

Anyone disagreeing, feel free to share their fight at GMGOW.

I doubt everything you said, considering the hyperboles you use such as "mindblowlingly good" or "demanding as these in videogame history" lmfao. Neither of these statements are true, at all unless ofc God of War is the only game you played and Destin is the only human you ever seen or interacted with.


I doubt everything you said, considering the hyperboles you use such as "mindblowlingly good" or "demanding as these in videogame history" lmfao. Neither of these statements are true, at all unless ofc God of War is the only game you played and Destin is the only human you ever seen or interacted with.

Feeling alright dude?


God of War 2018 on the "Give Me God of War" difficulty is the single most challenging video game experience I've had. This setting is not only immensely hard, but it cannot be reversed once the player begins the journey. It took me three years to finally beat this game, and the ultimate crowning achievement was my battle against Sigrun.

- I'd go with the valkyrie queen

- I would say Sigrun is harder than any Soulskiroborne bosses because of how little room for error there is. You HAVE TO dodge perfectly or get royally stomped. Whereas with Soulskiroborne bosses you can get hit a couple times and still manage to win.

- Shew, I think Valkyrie Queen is one of the hardest bosses I've fought in any game!

- I’m just saying for me personally, I did what OP did and saved Sigrun for last... after failing for like 2 hour on her I put it on the easiest difficulty and she still stomped me into the ground for a good hour before I beat her. I’ve beaten Bloodborne, DS2, and DS3 multiple times.
Completely agree with OP, hardest boss I’ve ever faced in any video game.

- I’ve played Bloodborne and most of the Souls games and Sigrun was just as difficult for me as a fair few of the Souls bosses. This was on the easiest difficulty...

- Sure makes the bosses from Dark Souls cry in a corner

Was pretty sure this has been common knowledge for years and not at all controversial?

True, that bitch on hard is more difficult than 99% of souls bosses, at least it was for me, no other boss has like 15 different fucking moves...

Also lol at currently beating this guy at these games:

And have some random person on a Forum dismissing your skills.

Share your GNÁ GMGOW fight, as you're the one warping reality and rewriting history it's the least you could do.

Feeling alright dude?


God of War 2018 on the "Give Me God of War" difficulty is the single most challenging video game experience I've had. This setting is not only immensely hard, but it cannot be reversed once the player begins the journey. It took me three years to finally beat this game, and the ultimate crowning achievement was my battle against Sigrun.

- I'd go with the valkyrie queen

- I would say Sigrun is harder than any Soulskiroborne bosses because of how little room for error there is. You HAVE TO dodge perfectly or get royally stomped. Whereas with Soulskiroborne bosses you can get hit a couple times and still manage to win.

- Shew, I think Valkyrie Queen is one of the hardest bosses I've fought in any game!

- I’m just saying for me personally, I did what OP did and saved Sigrun for last... after failing for like 2 hour on her I put it on the easiest difficulty and she still stomped me into the ground for a good hour before I beat her. I’ve beaten Bloodborne, DS2, and DS3 multiple times.
Completely agree with OP, hardest boss I’ve ever faced in any video game.

- I’ve played Bloodborne and most of the Souls games and Sigrun was just as difficult for me as a fair few of the Souls bosses. This was on the easiest difficulty...

- Sure makes the bosses from Dark Souls cry in a corner

Was pretty sure this has been common knowledge for years and not at all controversial?

Also lol at currently beating this guy at these games:

And have some random person on a Forum dismissing your skills.

Share your GNÁ GMGOW fight, as you're the one warping reality and rewriting history it's the least you could do.

Thanks for some random minority opinions. Based on your post, I am now more than certain you have no idea what you're talking about. I've lived to see someone saying GoW is harder than Sekiro. Thank you for the good laugh. Fyi harder=/=tedious.
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Shit is gna that difficult? i still have to beat like 8 bers, the king and then her, goodbye to another 20 hours...


God of War has slow walking sequences, instantly disqualifying it imo
Many games have walking in them. Man, it is getting harder to take anything you say seriously [specially when it comes to Sony for whatever reason]. Do you not realize the type of game God of War is? The original ones also had 'walking sequences'. Most games have those! That is like complaining about having to use a controller! You know, because you have to with most games. :D (Well, you might complain about that too)

In the original game, there were moments, similar to the one I am about to describe, where you had to walk inside of, I think it was a dragon, and press 'X' to grab some guy and Kratos would proceed to throw him down. You had to push the left stick forward to have Kratos walk inside! The horror!

I have put about 26 hours in the game so far and I know what you are trying to characterize the game as and it is not even close. Majority of the walking in the game is like walking in the new RE2/3 remake games. Stop being disingenuous! Unless you are just complaining about the short points in the game where they try to put emphasis on the conversation that is happening or just before a cutscene starts, but that is still mis-characterizing it.

All games handle that differently. Some force you to click 'X' or 'A' in a [branching] dialogue chain (with some sort of influence) while games that are linear and narrative driven in nature, might slow things down just a little to emphasize the conversation/narrative.

If it is not your cup of tea, I don't know why you keep trying to fool yourself by thinking it will completely become into something else, specially when it is a sequel to a well known game.
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As for the topic itself, I don't know if God of War will win GOTY but I am definitely enjoying the combat in the game more than Elden Ring.
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Thanks for some random minority opinions. Based on your post, I am now more than certain you have no idea what you're talking about. I've lived to see someone saying GoW is harder than Sekiro. Thank you for the good laugh. Fyi harder=/=tedious.
Your attempt at suggesting those I posted are "random minority opinions", right after posting the most random and outsider opinion on the subject I've ever read and when all you had to do is use Google to see this has been the general consensus since 2018 and these are just a bunch of the very first results, is honestly pretty damn sad.

Type "Sigrun hardest boss ever" and enjoy your read.. just don't be triggered by the the third link GMGoW Sigrun (God of War) is harder than any Souls Boss on the Dark Souls Remastered Forum on GameFAQs.

All I got from this interaction is that you've never been even near a GoW game at their max difficulty, are probably a Give me a Story kind of player, and therefore have no idea whatsoever of what's being discussed.

Shit is gna that difficult? i still have to beat like 8 bers, the king and then her, goodbye to another 20 hours...
She's way harder than any other enemy in the game to me, made me purchase and use the very first resurrection stone in the entire playthrough. Not as hard (long) as Sigrún at GMGOW maybe, but she's got some very nasty moves and constantly changes from the parry version of a certain attack to a killer version of that same attack to fuck with you.
SlimySnake SlimySnake found some pretty good and effective strategies against her however.
All I got from this interaction is that you've never been even near a GoW game at their max difficulty, are probably a Give me a Story kind of player, and therefore have no idea whatsoever of what's being discussed.


No difficulty trophy for neither GoW nor GoWR so cant prove you wrong but I beat both games on hardest difficulty, the first game on PS4 as well as on PC and GoWR on PS5 but too lazy to print you that as well. Believe what you want, and git gud my child.


I really don't care. I enjoyed them both.

After reading this, I want God of War to win just to watch this forum have a fucking temper tantrum like a bunch of toddlers.

People get super fucking annoying about Elden Ring.
I wish I could say that wouldn't happen but...yeah it is possible if it ends up winning.


Many games have walking in them. Man, it is getting harder to take anything you say seriously [specially when it comes to Sony for whatever reason]. Do you not realize the type of game God of War is? The original ones also had 'walking sequences'. Most games have those! That is like complaining about having to use a controller! You know, because you have to with most games. :D (Well, you might complain about that too)

In the original game, there were moments, similar to the one I am about to describe, where you had to walk inside of, I think it was a dragon, and press 'X' to grab some guy and Kratos would proceed to throw him down. You had to push the left stick forward to have Kratos walk inside! The horror!

I have put about 26 hours in the game so far and I know what you are trying to characterize the game as and it is not even close. Majority of the walking in the game is like walking in the new RE2/3 remake games. Stop being disingenuous! Unless you are just complaining about the short points in the game where they try to put emphasis on the conversation that is happening or just before a cutscene starts, but that is still mis-characterizing it.

All games handle that differently. Some force you to click 'X' or 'A' in a [branching] dialogue chain (with some sort of influence) while games that are linear and narrative driven in nature, might slow things down just a little to emphasize the conversation/narrative.

If it is not your cup of tea, I don't know why you keep trying to fool yourself by thinking it will completely become into something else, specially when it is a sequel to a well known game.

Ragnarök has many aspects I'd call really bad gamedesign, I'm planning a thread about this actually.
But in short, forced slow walking and arbitrary limiting of mechanics and abilities is BAD GAMEDESIGN full stop.

I'll go in-depth once I got the time and motivation to write said thread (I want it to be as complete and to the point as possible, with comparisons and detailed examples)

Ragnarök is imo by far the worst game in the series, and especially towards the end I had a hard time pushing through all the bullshit and bad design decisions of it.

So, stay tuned ;)
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Flashless at the Golden Globes
Your attempt at suggesting those I posted are "random minority opinions", right after posting the most random and outsider opinion on the subject I've ever read and when all you had to do is use Google to see this has been the general consensus since 2018 and these are just a bunch of the very first results, is honestly pretty damn sad.

Type "Sigrun hardest boss ever" and enjoy your read.. just don't be triggered by the the third link GMGoW Sigrun (God of War) is harder than any Souls Boss on the Dark Souls Remastered Forum on GameFAQs.

All I got from this interaction is that you've never been even near a GoW game at their max difficulty, are probably a Give me a Story kind of player, and therefore have no idea whatsoever of what's being discussed.

She's way harder than any other enemy in the game to me, made me purchase and use the very first resurrection stone in the entire playthrough. Not as hard (long) as Sigrún at GMGOW maybe, but she's got some very nasty moves and constantly changes from the parry version of a certain attack to a killer version of that same attack to fuck with you.
SlimySnake SlimySnake found some pretty good and effective strategies against her however.
GNA raped me for a good hour last night after I had made a mockery of GMGOW thanks to the runic/relic refresh build and the beserker relic. The problem with GNA and the beserker boss is that they have several one hit attacks so you pretty much HAVE to be perfect. GNA is harder because shes a lot more unpredictable than the Beserker king, and has several unblockable attacks which are permutations of blockable attacks. So you think you should dodge an attack, but dodging gets you hit because she switches it up at the very end. The tracking is also bullshit on GMGOW. Dodging isnt enough, you have to dodge at the very last second. The tracking attack on GMGOW kinda exposes the game's combat engine. There is absolutely no need for some of these tracking attacks. A Dodge should trigger iframes. Fucking travelers were hitting me during a realm shift that literally only triggers if you do a last second dodge.

Here is one of the several dozen one hit deaths i had last night.



Ragnarök has many aspects I'd call really bad gamedesign, I'm planning a thread about this actually.
But in short, forced slow walking and arbitrary limiting of mechanics and abilities is BAD GAMEDESIGN full stop.

I'll go in-depth once I got the time and motivation to write said thread (I want it to be as complete and to the point as possible, with comparisons and detailed examples)

Ragnarök is imo by far the worst game in the series, and especially towards the end I had a hard time pushing through all the bullshit and bad design decisions of it.

So, stay tuned ;)
I wouldn't waste your time unless it is something you like doing. How YOU choose to enjoy games isn't going to apply to someone else. I am playing the same game and don't think I will see eye to eye to whatever it is you are going to say—clearly we look for different things in games. As I already stated in my previous post to you, the portions you are referring to, where that happens, is not the majority of the game, and when that does happen, it is to bring attention to a story aspect of the game. You don't have to like it.

Other games utilize different ways of doing that, that others might consider 'bad' design — I am not a big fan of dialogue chains in any game but I look past it for the things I do enjoy in those games. This is a linear game by design, that has adopted some aspects of open world and games like it have existed before. Just face reality, the game is not for you. No amount of detailed analysis is going to change that. So, don't waste your time, unless it just something you enjoy.

You have to learn to see different perspectives from your own. Not every game needs to be the same. For you, it is bad game design but no one made you the authority on that.
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Feeling alright dude?


God of War 2018 on the "Give Me God of War" difficulty is the single most challenging video game experience I've had. This setting is not only immensely hard, but it cannot be reversed once the player begins the journey. It took me three years to finally beat this game, and the ultimate crowning achievement was my battle against Sigrun.

- I'd go with the valkyrie queen

- I would say Sigrun is harder than any Soulskiroborne bosses because of how little room for error there is. You HAVE TO dodge perfectly or get royally stomped. Whereas with Soulskiroborne bosses you can get hit a couple times and still manage to win.

- Shew, I think Valkyrie Queen is one of the hardest bosses I've fought in any game!

- I’m just saying for me personally, I did what OP did and saved Sigrun for last... after failing for like 2 hour on her I put it on the easiest difficulty and she still stomped me into the ground for a good hour before I beat her. I’ve beaten Bloodborne, DS2, and DS3 multiple times.
Completely agree with OP, hardest boss I’ve ever faced in any video game.

- I’ve played Bloodborne and most of the Souls games and Sigrun was just as difficult for me as a fair few of the Souls bosses. This was on the easiest difficulty...

- Sure makes the bosses from Dark Souls cry in a corner

Was pretty sure this has been common knowledge for years and not at all controversial?

Also lol at currently beating this guy at these games:

And have some random person on a Forum dismissing your skills.

Share your GNÁ GMGOW fight, as you're the one warping reality and rewriting history it's the least you could do.

I dunno man, utilizing reddit to back up your point is kind of silly.

For instance,

Elden Ring's Sales Aren't As Important As It Seems

Redditor oopseyecrappedmypants doesn't seem to think the number of sales that Elden Ring has had really mattered. They say, "GoW will win based on its ability to be played by normal people. Many people bought ER and got extremely frustrated and put it down. Elden Ring is great don’t get me wrong. But it’s massive flaw is not being told what to do."
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