"For some reason, I can't help but feel depressed whenever I think about graduating. I'm going to graduate high school in June on time, and I'm going to college as planned.
But, the depression kicks in when I see my classmates and think that I won't be able to see them very much, and many of them never again. I think that overcomes leaving high school to more freedom.
Anyone else feel/felt the same way?"
Unfortunately, this is a repeating thing.
You go to school, you make loads of great friends, then you all go your seperate ways.
You go to uni, you make loads of great friends , then you all go your seperate ways.
You get your first job, you make loads of great friends, then you go your seperate ways...
etc etc...
the thing is you'll find that you'll keep in touch with really close friends, and a lot of people you simply won't contact again, with the power of the internet though, your generation is probably going to have it easier - i didn't have email until i got to uni, and even then, most people in 93 didn't have their own email account. So i lost touch with a lot of people from school.
The good news is that it actually makes the good relationships you have with people even more strong. And even better, you meet new people and make new friends - although it all sounds a bit daunting, it ends up being a fantastic laugh/experience if you take it in your stride.