Battlebus imprisoning me \m/ >.< \m/
Brain rot, like all this shit “social media”. Just delete it all, including the accounts.
That's actually a thing?! Bloody hell.I made this meme the other day because my girlfriend keeps sending me Tik-Tok videos and she doesn't understand why I don't find them funny... It's always just some idiot woman lip syncing to an actually funny comedy routine.. like yes the comedy routine is hilarious. Why are you not sending me a clip of the comedian who was actually speaking?
That's actually a thing?! Bloody hell.
Are you sure? According to the bots who keep bumping this, it’s an “opportunity to make money from the app by creating fun and helpful content”.TikTok is a CCP PsyOp, a weapon of mass destruction disguised as an app.
Most of social media is toxic and burnout is real. Take a break from all of it and don't participate in anything. You'll feel better - I and many other people certainly do.For a lot of reasons, but what I'm talking about in particular is when I get videos about when "something bad is going to happen".
Why do people make these? WW3 is starting! The global economy is about to collapse! Water availability is about to nosedive! YOU ARE IN TROUBLE!
I guess they make them for views, but I hate that shit. Legit sometimes puts me in a bad mood for hours if I'm already not feeling particularly well mentally or if I get a lot of these.
I never engage or upvote, and yet every once in a while, they'll pop up.
And they're always some random-ass person in their bathroom or some shit. I'm supposed to trust that they magically have special inside information?
Even knowing they're full of shit, I can't help but feel much more negative about the future for a short time. I wouldn't even watch them but most of the time they just spring it on you.
I know what you're going to say. Just stop watching TikTok. It's trash. It's a waste of time. And I agree and I think I will stop using this app.
TikTok is a CCP PsyOp, a weapon of mass destruction disguised as an app.
How does a bot account from 2014 not post a single message until 2024? Who kept you on their radar long enough to say, "Oh, it's been 10 years. Time to awaken and shill on NeoGAF."I get what you're saying, and yeah, those fear-mongering videos can mess with your head, especially when you're not in the best place mentally. But honestly, I don’t find TikTok depressing. I think it depends a lot on how you use it. For me, I saw an opportunity to make money from the app by creating fun and helpful content.
Don't use it or want too
I'm in my 40s, Snapchat and tiktok at my age is only for Predators
social media is 99% depressing. outlier comparisons, clickbait articles we never cared to know about, etc
The fuck is the point of this app? To reduce our attention span to the size of a nano byte?
Pull the plug on it, immediately.
China has no problem with "pulling the plug" on western apps (i.e. Youtube) in their country so give them a taste of their own medicine. Fucking simple.
once u hit 40 ull understand