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Gran Turismo 3 (A.I.) WTF?


I was extremely late to the party on this game. I ended up buying this game right before I left for Japan so I could play in on my JP PS2.

Anyway, I have been playing it pretty extensively...but WTF is up with the computer controlled drivers? It seems to me that they have one line on a track that they follow and that is it. They don't try to avoid other cars, and they will run right into me like I am not even there.

Granted, this is the best car simulation I have ever played...but couldn't they have put a little more effort into this? I hope to god this will be corrected for GT4...that game just has me foaming at the mouth right now.
It wasn't like car AI was that great back then (or even now). It's pretty bad but that's racing AI for you even though that's not a good excuse. They said they're cleaning it up with GT4, they're spending these months before it's release tweaking everything just right.


I whinny my fervor lowly, for his length is not as great as those of the Hylian war stallions
Fight for Freeform said:
GT3's AI...well there is none :p

Play it with 6 players...and it is AWESOME.

Yeah, if the online play works out, then the AI won't matter :)
I don't think any developer could emulate real players
Suikoguy said:
Yeah, if the online play works out, then the AI won't matter :)
I don't think any developer could emulate real players

Well Burnout 3 is suppose to have a mode where cars try to ram you..So they're doing a really nice job at emulating alot of human players. :p


I whinny my fervor lowly, for his length is not as great as those of the Hylian war stallions
SolidSnakex said:
Well Burnout 3 is suppose to have a mode where cars try to ram you..So they're doing a really nice job at emulating alot of human players. :p

Muwhahaha, its a start at least


Yeah, if the online play works out, then the AI won't matter

Exactly. I just hope that I find some serious drivers out there who don't want to play bumper cars. When you play 6 player, you're all in the same room and no one's going to act like a prick. Sometimes when I play PGR2 online it's such a pain because of people who aren't that serious.



There is no A.I.


segasonic said:
How about the non-existant damage model and crash physics?

Damage and crash physics is soooo pointless IMO. If GT were to simulate real crash physics, then one or two crashes would end the race. I don't want Gran Turismo to be that realistic.


Fafracer forever
AI is really the only real problem with GT.
One problem with 'smart' AI that would properly avoid other cars etc. is that there's a question how far it should do that when human players will generally have no problem plowing through other cars like they're not even there - against such players, a considerate AI that is careful to avoid hitting other cars would be at complete disadvantage without any chance to win (short of having it cheat, but that kinda defeats the whole purpose of simulator mantra).
And that's just one of the problems... the more complex the AI the more gameplay questions arise really. Not that I'm saying GT is doing the best job with their AI, just pointing out it's a lot of design choices behind stuff like that, not just straight - "can you implement a better algorythm or not".

If GT were to simulate real crash physics, then one or two crashes would end the race
Games normally get around that by making cars much more durable then they really would be. So you still get the benefit of being punished for whacking your car against everything that moves and doesn't, but it doesn't end the race just like that.

And considering GT has usually made the right tradeoffs between realism and gameplay so far (like making collisions have little to no effect on your car which considerably lessens frustration of less skilled players even though it's not realistic), I don't doubt they'd find ways to integrate damage without breaking the game too.


Well, if you really were after a sim game, you could try to solve that problem by really simulating a race. Make the player scared of cars too by allowing them to wreck and be out of the race if they try to plow through other racers.


I whinny my fervor lowly, for his length is not as great as those of the Hylian war stallions
Games normally get around that by making cars much more durable then they really would be. So you still get the benefit of being punished for whacking your car against everything that moves and doesn't, but it doesn't end the race just like that.

I remember reading something that GT was going to have some punishment for running into walls, it just does not show damage. I guess we will find out when it comes out this fall


Junior Member
Nice trolling. Only people who seemed to bitch about the AI are the ones who dont know how to drive. You aught to be slammed by the other cars for sucking so badly.

Ranger X

Can't agree here Gek. The AI is indeed not good in any GT so far. They keep their line whatever you do, they don't react to almost anything, they are just "there" and racing around the track.
It's one of the main reason i'm getting bored at Grand Turismo series and have hopes for the fourth (because of the online mode).
I'm always in front of everyone and no fucking CPU can give me any challenge (and i mean, i drive completely serious and respecting sport rules). I'm getting tired to race against asphalt. I'm getting tired that there's no physic response when i hit another car. I don't care for damage but if i hit the back wing of some other car, it should start to drift away. Right now in Grand Turismo, cars are fucking rocks without any collision physics and that is the real only downside of this game, not the lack of graphical damage.

And i really doubt GT4 will correct this. I saw some vehicles touching each others in some videos and it's 100% not realistic... just like before!


Gek54 said:
Nice trolling. Only people who seemed to bitch about the AI are the ones who dont know how to drive. You aught to be slammed by the other cars for sucking so badly.
Trolling my ass. Anybody who doesn't agree with the GT A.I. being shitty has never played a racer with good A.I.
segasonic said:
Trolling my ass. Anybody who doesn't agree with the GT A.I. being shitty has never played a racer with good A.I.

That's because there are very few racers that actually do have what could be considered good AI.


Junior Member
In GT the cars will drive around you and around each other. If you are not willing to watch your six and move out of the way of the faster drivers as you should you will get smashed. This is not uncommon in real life proffesional racing. Quit sucking and you should get along with the AI just fine.


When it comes to AI and racing Grand Prix 4 crushes all other racing games currently on the market. The game is amazing, the only racing game where the AI has really pushed and probed at me on the track from start to finish. It's a damn shame Geoff Crammond isn't around anymore.

But HEY! there's always GT4 Online :D


For a Finer World
I just hope they get collisions in GT4 right both online and offline. At TGS it was incredibly annoying to have people crash you out of a corner by not braking - and exiting the corner clean themselves.

Also the GT3 "lean on the AI car"-cornering technique was often faster than driving clean.

Thus far GT has catered to my car fetishism, while serious racing has been done in other games. But this gen no racing AI has really impressed, PGR2 feels like driving against one opponent spread over many cars while in F-Zero I don't exactly "race" the other cars...

That said I'm REALLY looking forward to GT4.

Ranger X

I don't understand why the collision aren't better yet. Look at the TOCA series from codemasters... the game is simplier in many ways regarding the AI and the collisions are WAY MORE realistic than GT. Behavior of the CPU drivers too.
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