This post is overwhelming, but I understand where the frustration comes from, especially from someone that isn't even from the United States.
Though, I do understand the frustration of why some people foreign to the United States, some people have to understand that the problems here will take, at least, another 100 years to smooth out to a less bumpy consistency.
The sad thing is that things will not change overnight, and it will take more and more black lives to be undeserving-ly taken for some to understand. And when talking drastically, it will take more and more white lives to be taken for
some to understand. That's the truth. And now, many, like me, are wondering what is going to be the breaking point. The point where everyone gets together to recognize this problem.
Some care, some don't. That is what Capitalism has done for us. People don't care because they are safe, they have what they've got, and they are comfortable as long as there aren't gunshots outside and dead bodies leaning on the curb outside of their home.
Knowing I cannot escape racism, I would quite honestly love to move out of the United States when possible. That is mainly because I would be better off at many other places as an young African American guy. At-least I wouldn't have to worry about
whiskey sippin', gunslingers as much.
I'll keep counting my days. If I do die by the hands of a police officer, a security guard, or anyone of remotely present authority, I'll know that I have died doing nothing wrong, and that some people don't give a fuck.
Now I'm tired.. And now I'm sitting here just thinking about how I just watched a video of a child getting murdered.