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Grand Theft Auto V |OT| It's Time To Go Home

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Gold Member
I know they've stated the exact kilometers measurement of the world.

But does anyone know how long it takes to walk across the entire map (top to bottom, the long direction)?

Would you say it takes 15 minutes, or more?

Walking? Much, much more than that. I wrote in my previous post that I timed myself driving a "lap" around the map, and that took about
minutes. Sure, that's probably around 3x the distance you're talking about, but walking is sooo much slower.


Weird question, but is there any way to delete a contact from your phone. I got a stripper's number and I don't want it on my phone anymore.

Why would you do that? Getting dirty pictures on your phone from strippers is awesome.

Just make sure your girlfriend plays on a different GTAV save.


fired zero bullets in the orphanage.
So what's the deal with random events? It says x/14 in 100% checklist and x/16 for "miscellaneous" but on the phone there's a checklist that says 57 random events.

I know they've stated the exact kilometers measurement of the world.

But does anyone know how long it takes to walk across the entire map (top to bottom, the long direction)?

Would you say it takes 15 minutes, or more?

Walk? It would take forever. Hours probably.

I haven't tested it at all but someone said driving around the outer part took over 10 minutes in a very fast car.


I experienced a whole of throng of people waiting for the GTA launch batch today at Saturn. At first I thought, they'd demo one of the new consoles or something, lol.


In RDR you could access the Social Club from inside the game on the start menu.

I can't find anything like that anywhere in GTAV and I ASSUME you should be able to do it in game as well.

I don't see it but it could also be in the Online code drop in a few weeks.
It was 4:20, my name was still franklin yet it wasn't yet it was yet it wasn't. The tv was on but I don't remember it, maybe it was off no it was on. A medicinal vial of something special that was ordinary kept me company infront of the tv that was on no wait it was off.

Deleted member 1235

Unconfirmed Member
Go to Michael house, as Michael. I think.

Anyone steal their therapists Porsche?

I did.
I've never seen Michael!? I'm franklin and didn't get to see any other character except intro, I think a mission got stuck or something

I've done 4 missions, can't find 5
I'm going to ask this again, will a USB 2.0 flash drive work will for installing GTAV on it?

The Xbox 360 only supports up to 2.0. It isn't important what the version of USB the flashdrive is (though 2.0 is preferable). What is important is the read speed of the flashdrive. Rockstar recommends a USB 2.0 flash drive with at least 15mb/s speed :-

Rockstar said:
If using a USB flash drive it must be at least USB 2.0 with a minimum 15mb/s read speed and formatted for Xbox 360 use. A new USB flash drive is recommended to ensure optimum performance.


So when shopping for a flashdrive make sure you know what the read speeds of the drive are before you purchase one.


Redmond's Baby
About heists, maybe it was already answered:
You cannot shuffle heist members after planning (when you select which way you want) anymore?
yay i got my copy yesterday! i bought it down in zmart down here in chile, i reserved so i got some stupid dlc code for a blimp but i think that comes with every copy of the game after all?
Anyway there was a small line in zmart and i thought that was bad until checked Microplay's line, look at this shit:

So after playing like 5 hours i gotta say that even tough it shares a lot with IV, everything feels tighter from the shooting and the way cars handle, things feel better overall. Graphics are pretty good not a huge upgrade but noticeable and there's a bunch of crap to even at the earlier stages of the game so that's fucking great i hated IV lack of activities.
So I'm enjoying it a lot and i'm just starting the first heist so i'm looking forward to that.
Where in Chile is that? We have microplay here in Canada too (not sure if same company) but its shit and I think now mostly in Quebec cause I never see them in Toronto anymore. Anyways have fun. And happy independence day sept 18 bro!


I also keep getting reminders of how much I hate controllers. Tried the shooting challenges and man, it is just not working for me. Give me a mouse and keyboard any day.

I'm with you there. I just did the mission at
LifeInvaders where you clear the spyware from the computer. And closing the popups with a controller just felt "wrong."


stupid question but how the heck do you do stock trades in gta v? i'm looking everywhere how to trade but don't know how. where do i go?


Side mission question, spoilerish? Nothing major, anyway.
Does anyone know how to get on top of the building for Dom's, I believe third mission? I assume helicopter is the only way.


i'm in a car chase. i have to shoot the cars that are chasing me.

why does it shoot automatically? all i have to do is aim.

It is part of the game. It is how they bring difficulty at the fact of shooting from a car. Actually, I like this method. In GTA4 it was easy if you played in first person. In this game it switch to third person if you start a gunfight.


So what's the whole car insurance thing, it was mentioned a lot before the game came out, but I haven't seen any reference to it in the game, I was hoping it would be rockstars way of solving the whole doing up a car and not having to worry about spending loadable something that could be exploded a mission later.

Same for the hanger and garages, I'd like to store vehicles and such like, but there doesn't seem to be much point when I have to bring them back each time, lol.


Went to a strip club, got a dance, she invited me over, sexed her good, then she sent me a naughty picture to my phone. Amazing.

I thought the whole stripclub thing was lazy and lame as can be, it's ripped from IV but now you have a meter to fill by holding a button. Boooring. At least implement a real minigame with rhythmic touching or something. And I gotta say that I feel like this about other stuff as well, the side activities haven't evolved much.


One thing that really bugs me is the lack of AA in the city during the daytime. I see flickering lines a lot in the distance while driving. It's very distracting. I ultimately changed the HDMI setting on my TV to Graphics (was on video) and it helped a bit. It's still noticeable though.

I am getting used to it, but sometimes it can be REALLY bad and it takes me out of the experience.

Also, certain poles and straight lines have virtually no AA at all. One realy noticeable one is in the customs shop. Not really bothersome, just unfortunate.


So what's the whole car insurance thing, it was mentioned a lot before the game came out, but I haven't seen any reference to it in the game, I was hoping it would be rockstars way of solving the whole doing up a car and not having to worry about spending loadable something that could be exploded a mission later.

Same for the hanger and garages, I'd like to store vehicles and such like, but there doesn't seem to be much point when I have to bring them back each time, lol.

There is an impound, but I'm not sure exactly how it works. I got a message about one of my cars being there, I went and I ended paying 250 for a Mini Cooper I stole and forgot about. Need to figure out how it works.


Walk? It would take forever. Hours probably.

I haven't tested it at all but someone said driving around the outer part took over 10 minutes in a very fast car.

Oh wow... yall really think it would take hours on foot?

Not necessarily literally walking the whole time, but I mean on foot holding "A" down. I would be surprised it if's more than 15-20 real life minutes, that's a long time.


fired zero bullets in the orphanage.
Oh wow... yall really think it would take hours on foot?

Not necessarily literally walking the whole time, but I mean on foot holding "A" down. I would be surprised it if's more than 15-20 real life minutes, that's a long time.

It's more vertical than horizontal, and there's a lot of mountains and stuff. So it would take a really long time.
Oh wow... yall really think it would take hours on foot?

Not necessarily literally walking the whole time, but I mean on foot holding "A" down. I would be surprised it if's more than 15-20 real life minutes, that's a long time.

gametrailers review said it takes 12 minutes to drive around the island


Just noticed when ADHD - Kendrick Lamar plays on the radio, there is a lyric that says "Playstation and some drank". They blank out Playstation lol.

I was wondering before the game came out what would happen with this on the Xbox.. wonder why they chose the song if they'd have blur out lyrics.

song is GOAT tho

If PS3 doesn't blur out Kendrick da gawd then my 360 choice continues to backfire on me :(


Oh wow... yall really think it would take hours on foot?

Not necessarily literally walking the whole time, but I mean on foot holding "A" down. I would be surprised it if's more than 15-20 real life minutes, that's a long time.

Yeah that was me. I took an Infernus (Lambo) and drove full speed on the highway around the island. Took about 10 mins with no crashes.

I can guarantee you that running just holding A would take minimum 30 mins and that's an extremely low estimate.


Oh wow... yall really think it would take hours on foot?

Not necessarily literally walking the whole time, but I mean on foot holding "A" down. I would be surprised it if's more than 15-20 real life minutes, that's a long time.

Yes it is definitely longer than 20 minutes.

The Goat

I like the game quite a bit so far, but definitely sick of the chase this car/motorcycle down shit. So tedious. Still getting the hang of driving. It doesn't feel quite right to me. Almost like a lack of physics, compared to the overly bouncy GTA IV cars.

Some soft check points in the missions would have been awesome as well, R*. I hate restarting from the beginning of a mission. Grrr.


So what's the whole car insurance thing, it was mentioned a lot before the game came out, but I haven't seen any reference to it in the game, I was hoping it would be rockstars way of solving the whole doing up a car and not having to worry about spending loadable something that could be exploded a mission later.

Same for the hanger and garages, I'd like to store vehicles and such like, but there doesn't seem to be much point when I have to bring them back each time, lol.

I think the car insurance is for multiplayer only. You can pay it, and if another player steals your car you don't lose it.

About the garages. The garages are different from your safehouse. In your safehouse you have place for only one car. It seems you can't lose that car. It is a different car for each character. I don't know if you can keep the upgrades you make for that car. And it seems as you complete missions, you can have some other vehicles parked outside that garage.

The proper garages are for storing cars you buy or steal. If you leave them in other place, you must pay a "fine" to bring it to your garage. I'm not sure what happens if the car is destroyed. It seems is the place for special cars too. These cars don't use slots in the garage.

BTW, these garages are marked in your map. I think it is a different garage for each character.
In loving this game. Truly a one of kind experience.

One thing that annoys me--the fact that they removed the backseat first person view from the taxi rides. What the hell did they do that for??!?!

they fucking didn't! nooooooo :( makes me a sad panda. it was one of the most immersive things you could do in GTAIV and it never got old for me, i really really enjoyed observing the world from a moving taxi, without having to worry about driving controls. for some reason it looked and felt amazing.

stupid Rockstar :(


Anyone started earning "serious coin" yet in-game? After the jewellers & a few successful stock market trades I've earned next to nothing for 2 days.
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