Just dug my account out of the grave expressly to join in the discussion around this. Loved Grandia 1 and 2, I even had a copy of 1 until... things happened a few years ago, don't ask, but I still have my DC copy of 2! Albeit without case or manual... but still!
Anyway, loving the new version so far simply thanks to being able to play with my PS3 controller instead of the DC one :x that thumbstick was unkind to say the least. All the other bonuses are like gravy to me, heh.
Will admit that hard mode actually does appear to be a reasonably good change to things, and while I still haven't gotten to
yet, so I can't really comment, there is a noticeable boost to the normal battle difficulty. It isn't enough to really make those harder, just enough to make things more complicated. Which, is exactly in line with what the devs have said thus far, so unless the boss battles don't stand up in the long term (which I have no reason to doubt) I'll say the hard mode is definitely a good change to an otherwise largely easy game.
I think the part about this game in particular that makes me fall in love with it again and again, is the fact that the characters all appreciably grow over the course of the game. I mean, they exhibit the kind of character growth and development largely unknown to gaming these days, and make most other characters seem entirely one dimensional, by comparison.
Anyway, gonna head back to it now, just wanted to poke in and say hi to all you other wonderful fans, and join in on things!