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Graphical Fidelity I Expect This Gen



That’s exactly why the game aint pushing the visuals as much as we had hoped. Having RT at 60fps is great but we know damn well these consoles aint got the juice to do all that whilst providing gorgeous looking games. RT alone won’t make the game look the part.
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The Amiga Brotherhood
Building looks really bad.

Did you see the screenshots i posted on the last page? They look like textures painted on 2d objects. They look atrocious even by last gen standards. Play Division 2, Mafia remake and Watch Dogs legion and you will instantly see why buildings in those games feel like actual 3d models. I understand Spiderman is different from those games as it needs to fly by these buildings very fast but come on, that would be an excuse i would buy last gen. definitely not in a game that is using ssd as its selling point.


At least there's more cars and air conditioners. That's where the PS5 is pushed hard.


Flashless at the Golden Globes

That’s exactly why the game aint pushing the visuals as much as we had hoped. Having RT at 60fps is great but we know damn well these consoles aint got the juice to do all that whilst providing gorgeous looking games. RT alone won’t make the game look the part.

lol those classic insomniac bullshots.


If they had put this much effort improving their engine like they did touching up these bullshots, we might actually see better looking buildings.


lol those classic insomniac bullshots.


If they had put this much effort improving their engine like they did touching up these bullshots, we might actually see better looking buildings.
Man I never ever take all these shills seriously. Geoff, and that other guy Shinobi along with a few others, everytime they say something I assume the opposite.


lol those classic insomniac bullshots.


If they had put this much effort improving their engine like they did touching up these bullshots, we might actually see better looking buildings.
Why are you cherry picking?

Have you not watched the entire video?
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Flashless at the Golden Globes
Man the lighting in Spider-Man 2 makes it look ancient as it's just completely wrong. The characters can look great but I guess GI is one of those things you don't really notice until it's not there. You can get away with basic lighting in Mario games for example as nothing looks realistic but drop realistic looking characters in a dated looking world and things look completely wrong.

If it's like the first game there will be no real time day night cycle so they could have baked in some better looking lighting for sure.

It's a shame there likely won't be RT GI when it comes to PC as Cyberpunk 2077 on PC looks like it's come from the future compared to this. Sony Devs tend to do really quality assets and animations while Cyberpunk has tons of poor quality assets and iffy animations so if Insomniac or Naughty Dog were let loose with powerful hardware and could use modern techniques we'd see crazy shit but unlikely to happen.

The linear stuff looks great but then it did in the first game.

In other news I've nearly finished Starfield and it's got to be one of the most inconsistent looking games I've ever played. It normally looks ok by modern standards but when everything works (the future looking interiors mainly) it can look photoreal as the detail can be crazy but then again when everything doesn't work it can look like a high res Xbox 360 game. I think the nicest comment I can make on the graphics is that it looks good for a Bethesda RPG but I'd have preferred consistently good rather than occasionally amazing but often terrible.
Its odd because at times there is proper light bounce on characters and buildings. The tweet that points out indirect lighting being way better in the sequel also shows that there have been improvements made to their GI system but it still looks flat at times and i can’t make sense of it. Are they using higher quality GI during takedowns where the cinematic camera kicks in and maybe adds hero lighting?

Say what you will about starfield but GI during mid day lighting has proper light bounce. Its why the game looks best in properly lit ship interiors because the GI is doing its job. Obviously as the daylight goes away their poor asset quality on planets and that massive downgrade to geometry of the terrain are exposed. Kinda like how Spidermans buildings look better in that dusk lighting condition compared to midday. That time of day is masking the imperfections.


Flashless at the Golden Globes
Why are you cherry picking?

Have you not watched the entire video?
Have you not seen my posts in the previous two pages? I’ve cherry picked half a dozen gifs to show the game looking at its best. I didn’t see you complaining when i was making gifs from cherrypicked sections that looked good.

lol I dont know why the look like that, but I told you not to create these giant 30 MB gifs. Thats three of them. Thats almost 100 MB. On the top of the page. going to make this whole page miserable to browse now.

trick with gifs is to keep it to one shot. its not a montage. its a gif. Also, for the gifcam, use Quantize from the dropdown when Saving the gif.

I recorded this gif with gifcam. Only 4MB, 16 fps, 774x556 size, and doesnt have the artifacts you see in yours. what monitor are you using? If you are on a 4k monitor or tv, be sure to switch to 1440p to reduce the size of the gifs.


I really like the mid day lighting here in 'some' shots. It doesnt always show, but I noticed a pretty significant leap over the harsh baked feel of the first game's mid day lighting. This has this really soft look to it at least when spiderman goes into his special moves. doesnt really pop in other shots in the trailer when hes swinging around, but its still a noticeable upgrade from the first game.



Here is the same time of day from Spiderman 1.


Here are some night time comparisons with the reveal trailer. Lighting looks better than it did in PS4 but i dont think they got close to that original reveal trailer. I do think had they added some hero lighting on enemies and spiderman during gameplay, it wouldve come a lot closer.




I think they add the hero lighting in some takedowns like you see in the mid day gifs above, but here its like eveyrone is in shadows which might be accurate but doesnt really look as good.

Spiderman PS4 vs PS5 vs Matrix vs Movie CG Comparison



Matrix comes the closest to matching the CG in the movie, but honestly, it's closer to the Matrix than I originally thought. The ray traced reflections and lighting are there but the asset quality of buildings hold it back.

Here i am discussing it looking its worse. And more importantly the downgrade from the touched up screenshots insomniac continues to release time and time again. Not sure why you feel compelled to defend this shady practice of bullshots, these awful building textures in a game touting ssds letting them load high res assets on the fly. The game looks its best in dusk time lighting but that was also true last Gen.



Can’t Git Gud
What am I not seeing with SM2 ?
It looks nothing like the early trailers. I don't get next gen vibes from it.

The traversal speed and loading is next gen but the shading model is kinda flat at time and idk... I kinda don't see it.
Edit: Don't get me wrong, it looks good but it's no more than what Ragnarok was to gow2018
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Are they using higher quality GI during takedowns where the cinematic camera kicks in and maybe adds hero lighting?
This was my takeaway as well.

Most of that trailer is cutscenes anyway whether there story scenes or cinematic takedowns. They know what there doing....focusing on there strengths all while motion blurring and CAing there shortcommings.

Its all about inviting our imaginations to fill in the gaps they occluding and getting us to project that A+ animation quality onto other areas where there clearly lacking. Shit works way too often and make threads like this a nightmare.
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Flashless at the Golden Globes

I appreciate that assets are reused a lot, but those two buildings on the right have an identical texture on them that hasn't even been shifted for greater variety.
lol yeah, i sent my friend this screenshot and he noticed sent it back with those two buildings circled. Honestly I dont mind reusing of assets. Most of these residential buildings in NYC were designed to look the same though i suppose they couldve changed up the decay a little bit.

I just want higher fidelity assets. If they have to borrow them from Epic's Quixel Megascans library then so be it. If NYC in this game will look like NYC in other games because they are all using the same Quixel assets then so be it. As long as it looks like NYC in real life.

You do realize those shots aren't in the same place?

Look at the screenshot Musilla posted then. Same issues with poor painted on textures. The asset quality of buildings is way higher in the bullshot.



Flashless at the Golden Globes
This was my takeaway as well.

Most of that trailer is cutscenes anyway whether there story scenes or cinematic takedowns. They know what there doing....focusing on there strengths all while motion blurring and CAing there shortcommings.

Its all about inviting our imaginations to fill in the gaps they occluding and getting us to project that A+ animation quality onto other areas where there clearly lacking. Shit works way too often and make threads like this a nightmare.
Id like to see how cyberpunk dlc handles the day time lighting. Its another cross Gen game but using rtgi on PC and prebaked lighting on consoles like Spider-Man. I hope they let you fly some cars in the dlc just so we can see what it looks like from above.

The engine already handles night time lighting way better than Spider-Man but it will be interesting to make some mid day comparisons.


honestly i thought Horizon was polarizing because of its last gen roots, but it seems even next gen only games have their weaknesses.

After ff16, starfield and now spiderman and avatar, i think its safe to say that Ratchet and Horizon FW deserve more credit. they are far more consistent than these games looking next gen 80% of the time. spiderman is 50-50, starfield and avatar are 60-40, but just not consistent enough.

were there any night shots in the spiderman trailer? game looks best in dusk time lighting but i want to do some comparisons with night time shots and the original reveal trailer.
Dont forget Demons Souls, especially with it 1440p60 mode, 4k30 even tho its much more pixels/second doesnt really make that big impression, most likely coz of those nasty 30fps.
Both Ratchet and Horizon FW and its dlc in 60fps look really good if we keep in mind its ps5 they running on, not pc rig with 4090 and 7800x3d


Represent(ative) of bad opinions
The framerate warriors have absolutely fucked us all with their fucking 60fps bullshit.

Now performance modes will have ray tracing, meaning devs will push actual visual fidelity as little as possible.

My hype for Wolverine went straight into the gutter. It’ll look no better than spiderman 2.
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Represent(ative) of bad opinions
How can you go from tlou2 to mindless smashing of space insects?

Jesus maybe i just got over my musou phase long time ago but that look as boring and basic as it comes...

If you like this style maybe take a look at evil west, it has the same mix of melee and shooting but more calculated and slightly less chaotic.
Can’t always play a super serious game sometimes I need dumb fun. But dumb fun at this fidelity is EXTREMELY rare.


Graphics are really good, not exactly next-gen but man the scope of this game looks HUGE! One of the most ambitious FF games to date.

I remember in an interview they said they were leveraging the SSD to stream in the huge open world maps and areas, this was months ago, seems like it paid off.
Wonder if we gonna get loading screens every time we enter new "box" like in starfield or game gonna be more or less seamless xD


lol yeah, i sent my friend this screenshot and he noticed sent it back with those two buildings circled. Honestly I dont mind reusing of assets. Most of these residential buildings in NYC were designed to look the same though i suppose they couldve changed up the decay a little bit.

I just want higher fidelity assets. If they have to borrow them from Epic's Quixel Megascans library then so be it. If NYC in this game will look like NYC in other games because they are all using the same Quixel assets then so be it. As long as it looks like NYC in real life.

Look at the screenshot Musilla posted then. Same issues with poor painted on textures. The asset quality of buildings is way higher in the bullshot.

The bottom image is brighter and has DOF applied. While not the exact same area,the building density looks about the same.


Flashless at the Golden Globes
The bottom image is brighter and has DOF applied. While not the exact same area,the building density looks about the same.
We are not talking about building density like it’s foliage. Of course the game has the same number of buildings lol

We are talking about the detail level on the buildings. Their textures. Models are all lacking.


I think the issue with discourse around games like Spidey is that yes, generally the game is very impressive but there are some elements that when subpar stick out like a sore thumb relative to all those other high quality elements. Folks will come to defend it because it's mostly good and use that as an argument to try and nullify those more specific criticisms; as if there's any logic to that approach.

It's like having a nice big roast dinner and saying I loved everything on the plate except the carrots and then someone comes along to say, "well the rest of the dinner was great, therefore the carrots are great and your criticism of them is irrelevant". Which makes no sense of course.

There's also the generation argument. Most people criticising elements of the game are doing so from the perspective of this being exclusive to new hardware versus previous games being last/cross-gen, therefore expectations will be higher, and rightfully so. While most people praising it are coming from the perspective that it's very good looking in general and at least somewhat of an improvement over previous games; therefore any criticisms are mute.

I can concede that the game looks very good in general, that it is impressive overall. I can concede that it looks better than previous games in almost all parts. I can concede there are functional parts of the game that wouldn't be possible on previous generations. I can concede that this presentation is much better than the first one and has won me back over enough to likely pick it up.

What I can't concede is that there aren't some glaring flaws in the visuals that undermine the better elements. Elements that are surprising given the full move to the current gen only and the technical prowess of the team/s working on it and the budgets involved; and that being a current gen only title it's not quite blowing me away to the degree I'd hoped.

Whereas -- for the most part -- those staunchly praising it tend not to concede anything, the game looks good therefore it must not be criticised and that is that.

There are some really poor textures and some rudimentary geometry edges that can really rob the image. There is sometimes a lack of cohesion between assets that just looks, "off"... Some of the buildings especially, can look quite awful. I think they're just re-using higher LOD or touched up versions of many of the environmental assets from the first game/s; and have focused their time and effort on hero assets; and on the surrounding systems such as lighting etc. I hope that Spidey 3 onwards sees some new higher quality assets for these parts of the game/s.

Just take this shot from the new showcase for eg. plenty of nice stuff going on the shot itself and some good stuff proceeding it. Then you get that awfully flat, dull texture. Spidey isn't making any contact with the surface. And, once again the edge of the building is tack sharp and straight with no roughness, no embellishments. Just a plain straight line. These small things massively undermine the impact and believability of the overall image.


You see a similar thing with curbs and where buildings meet, perfect straight lines intersecting with no shading or shadowing. It makes things look rudimentary and robs the image of depth.

Hard edges rarely look good.
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Building looks really bad.

Thankfully the game does look great when you are flying by, but as matrix shows, you can have the best of both worlds this gen.
the matrix demo is a demo that dips below 20fps when there is tons of action, if actual game launches with that fps its gonna get fried in reviews
All of u guys are techsavy ppl but somehow many ppl forget what those consoles got under the hood, both xsx and ps5 are by now midrange pc equivalent and its not even full 3 years from their launch.
If u got rt and 60fps in the game then ofc graphical fidelity jump vs ps4 will be relatively tiny coz u simply got barely or no oomph left for anything else vs 1080p30 ps4's Spiderman, GoW or TLoU2.
https://www.amazon.com/dp/B08Y91QVG8/?tag=neogaf0e-20 this gpu is stronger from both xsx and ps5 gpu's in any circumstances.
Same with this cpu, its even bigger gap vs cpu's in next gen consoles https://www.bhphotovideo.com/c/product/1695216-REG/amd_100_100000926wof_ryzen_7_5700x_3_4.html
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What am I not seeing with SM2 ?
It looks nothing like the early trailers. I don't get next gen vibes from it.

The traversal speed and loading is next gen but the shading model is kinda flat at time and idk... I kinda don't see it.
Edit: Don't get me wrong, it looks good but it's no more than what Ragnarok was to gow2018
there was one early trailer, reveal trailer, and it was cgi/bullshot simply, so ofc actual gameplay will never even come close, it never does


Id like to see how cyberpunk dlc handles the day time lighting. Its another cross Gen game but using rtgi on PC and prebaked lighting on consoles like Spider-Man. I hope they let you fly some cars in the dlc just so we can see what it looks like from above.

The engine already handles night time lighting way better than Spider-Man but it will be interesting to make some mid day comparisons.
This might give you an idea of what your asking for, there are vids with flying car mods but the ones i know about are still using the old RT mode.



Flashless at the Golden Globes
Lol some people are getting banned in the Spidey 2 preview thread cuz they voiced their displeasure with the game. God bless this thread and the users/posters in it, even the ones I disagree with (looking at you ChiefDada ChiefDada :messenger_winking_tongue:)
Didnt see any bans myself, but saw this poor bastard get crucified for saying the most obvious thing and left him a pity like lmao



Flashless at the Golden Globes
This might give you an idea of what your asking for, there are vids with flying car mods but the ones i know about are still using the old RT mode.

lol the lighting here looks really flat too. I think this video shows why im always so meh on Cyberpunk.

the matrix demo is a demo that dips below 20fps when there is tons of action, if actual game launches with that fps its gonna get fried in reviews
All of u guys are techsavy ppl but somehow many ppl forget what those consoles got under the hood, both xsx and ps5 are by now midrange pc equivalent and its not even full 3 years from their launch.
If u got rt and 60fps in the game then ofc graphical fidelity jump vs ps4 will be relatively tiny coz u simply got barely or no oomph left for anything else vs 1080p30 ps4's Spiderman, GoW or TLoU2.
https://www.amazon.com/dp/B08Y91QVG8/?tag=neogaf0e-20 this gpu is stronger from both xsx and ps5 gpu's in any circumstances.
Same with this cpu, its even bigger gap vs cpu's in next gen consoles https://www.bhphotovideo.com/c/product/1695216-REG/amd_100_100000926wof_ryzen_7_5700x_3_4.html
I was able to get it running at a locked 30 fps by simply reducing the traffic density and parked cars by half. I think the game is more CPU bound as you start traversing through the cars really fast. During the chase sequence the fps was more or less a locked 30 fps. i think alex found that it was 29.4 or something like that on average on both consoles. it's the fast traversal with many cars and the collisions that were causing the drops. And thats mostly because nanite did not support collisions/destruction back then.

But yeah, 60 fps with RT was always going to produce dated visuals but no one asked them to try and release a 60 fps game. Starfield was released at 30 fps on the xsx instead of trying to downgrade visuals even further to hit 60 fps. If Sony studios want to continue disappointing us then I guess 60 fps rt games are the way to go.

Yeah, Division 2 has some stunning modeling on the buildings. They look 3d in ways spiderman buildings just dont.

That said, in spiderman's defense, division doesnt have to stream in its buildigns really fast. Maybe insomniac needs these buildings to be low poly so they can have spiderman zoom past them in flying speeds thus reducing their overall geometry. of course, i wouldve taken that excuse last gen, but nanite wouldve solved that problem.
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GAFs #1 source for car graphic comparisons
The best looking game gets and expansion only for next gen next week and not mention of it here...
Launching flop aside, CDPR are the top level for graphics right now....no question.

We have mentioned it here already a couple of times when they released the trailers and previews.


Flashless at the Golden Globes
I can concede that the game looks very good in general, that it is impressive overall. I can concede that it looks better than previous games in almost all parts. I can concede there are functional parts of the game that wouldn't be possible on previous generations. I can concede that this presentation is much better than the first one and has won me back over enough to likely pick it up.

What I can't concede is that there aren't some glaring flaws in the visuals that undermine the better elements. Elements that are surprising given the full move to the current gen only and the technical prowess of the team/s working on it and the budgets involved; and that being a current gen only title it's not quite blowing me away to the degree I'd hoped.

Whereas -- for the most part -- those staunchly praising it tend not to concede anything, the game looks good therefore it must not be criticised and that is that.
This is an excellent post overall, but I wanted to highlight this part because it nails why discussion around exclusives like starfield and spiderman have become so toxic. There is nothing wrong with admitting the game looks underwhelming at times. Nothing wrong with admitting that the game received a downgrade. just like there is nothing wrong with saying it looks great at times, but the constant downplaying of any criticism gets irksome really fast, and completely derails any discussion.

I have no problems admitting that Avatar was downgraded from the original reveal. I had no problems calling out Starfield for a massive downgrade in planet surface visuals. I had no problems saying HFW is the best looking ever made, and still calling out its lighting, LOD, and draw distance flaws. And yet, I only ever get pushback when I criticize HFW. Despite consistently ranking it first place in any of the million threads we get about the best looking games this gen. It's like there is no room for nuanced discussion.

And because you have Geoff keighley calling it the best superhero game ever, and IGN singing its praises as a true next gen exclusive, and everyone on forums drowning out any criticism, the devs will never hear any negative feedback and we will continue the cycle of faux next gen games that look like cross gen games.



GAFs #1 source for car graphic comparisons
lol the lighting here looks really flat too. I think this video shows why im always so meh on Cyberpunk.
I don't know if you know but real life has also flat lighting sometimes. Not every tod/weather setting gonna look like the perfectly timed shot.



Flashless at the Golden Globes
I don't know if you know but real life has also flat lighting sometimes. Not every tod/weather setting gonna look like the perfectly timed shot.

Yeah, but thats why we dont like Marvel movies with made for TV cinematography because when we pay the big bucks to go see a movie, we want it to have better cinematography than our boring wretched lives.

I actually think Cyberpunk has way better lighting than Spiderman but just their city design layout keeps almost the entire city in shadows at all times which is obviously not the best way to showcase your graphics.


We are not talking about building density like it’s foliage. Of course the game has the same number of buildings lol

We are talking about the detail level on the buildings. Their textures. Models are all lacking.
Um? It would make more sense to compare the same area because different buildings should look different in different parts of a city.


Dont forget Demons Souls, especially with it 1440p60 mode, 4k30 even tho its much more pixels/second doesnt really make that big impression, most likely coz of those nasty 30fps.
Both Ratchet and Horizon FW and its dlc in 60fps look really good if we keep in mind its ps5 they running on, not pc rig with 4090 and 7800x3d
lighting, animation, textures, effects... this shit is crazy



GAFs #1 source for car graphic comparisons
I actually think Cyberpunk has way better lighting than Spiderman
Thats something that everybody knows lol, even Insomniac will tell you that. The lighting in overdrive mode is the most advanced lighting model we currently have out of any game.

but just their city design layout keeps almost the entire city in shadows at all times which is obviously not the best way to showcase your graphics.
Even then you will notice the superior lighting to any other game. And its a big city with lots of tall buildings, areas in shadows is expected like in the real world. And there are areas where the building are much much smaller, Its not always in the shadows. And the demo you praised the most (Matrix UE5) has the same tall buildings.


Flashless at the Golden Globes
Thats something that everybody knows lol,
You are saying this after what we've seen the last couple of days?
Even then you will notice the superior lighting to any other game. And its a big city with lots of tall buildings, areas in shadows is expected like in the real world. And there are areas where the building are much much smaller, Its not always in the shadows. And the demo you praised the most (Matrix UE5) has the same tall buildings.
Yeah, but matrix here looks way better than cyberpunk despite the shadows. hence, me being meh on cyberpunk whenever you guys bring it up.



GAFs #1 source for car graphic comparisons
You are saying this after what we've seen the last couple of days?

Yeah, but matrix here looks way better than cyberpunk despite the shadows. hence, me being meh on cyberpunk whenever you guys bring it up.

Bruh wtf is that screencapture lol, atleast post some decent direct captures.





Flashless at the Golden Globes
That guy is using 100s of mods, one of them is the Natural Californian Lightning Mod. Look what that mod does to the lighting.

The vanilla is the non path traced lighting btw.
lets see how much they improve the lighting in the new release. i wonder if they are going to relight the original game.

cant wait to download it for the 10th time and still not finish it.


GAFs #1 source for car graphic comparisons
I half assed tried to recreate a similar shot in Spider-Man Remastered on PC.. it's clear there's material and lighting upgrades and that the city density is improved.



The lighting and ambient occlusion definitely make things look more grounded in the sequel for sure.
The top one is the pc version maxed out with some little touches. Insomniacs bullshots are always enhanced but your pc shot of Spiderman 1 Remastered gives me hope for the pc version whenver it releases.
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