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Graphical Fidelity I Expect This Gen


Gold Member
What did you think of callisto?

i kinda miss these linear corridor games. playing FF7 and Dragons Dogma 2 back to back broke me. so much fluff. Now i just want an 8 hour palate cleanser.

The only problem is that it might be an order 1886 like game with 5-6 hours of walking and cutscenes and only 2 hours of mediocre combat. I liked callisto because it was mostly all combat despite being an 8-10 hour game. Lets hope there are a bunch of setpieces like that big giant dude in the VGA 2021 gameplay reveal.
Incredible faces(at least some of them, witwear lookedp pretty bad), the rest was good but hardly mindblowing.
The game was so shit that it soured me on everything else tbh.
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One of the biggest downgrades from this gen are the one made from GG on HFW, and people keep saying it's not.


Sony fanboys have proven to be the worst when it comes pretending Sony is still the graphics kings, or that they aren't the worst in the game rn at downgrades. FW was a massive downgrades. Slimysnake pointed that out years ago.


Went back to Tlou1 to get some gifs of cutscenes where the game looks best, and compare the character models to Hellblade 2 since thats going to be the new benchmark for character rendering in cutscenes.

Ellie looks the best, amazing in almost every scene. Joel and other characters not so much, but i did manage to find a couple of scenes where he looks great.


Isaac in Lou2 cutsceness looks even more like real person


Sony fanboys have proven to be the worst when it comes pretending Sony is still the graphics kings, or that they aren't the worst in the game rn at downgrades. FW was a massive downgrades. Slimysnake pointed that out years ago.

Curiously we only see the downgrades of certain games, even some before they are on the market.

I love HFW and still one of the most visually impressive games right now, but is not what they showed us on that reveal trailer, not even near on some departments. Maybe the next one could achieve that lighting and detail.


Gold Member
Curiously we only see the downgrades of certain games, even some before they are on the market.

I love HFW and still one of the most visually impressive games right now, but is not what they showed us on that reveal trailer, not even near on some departments. Maybe the next one could achieve that lighting and detail.
I'm gonna be disappointed if horizon 3 is just gonna look like fw reveal tbh.


I'm gonna be disappointed if horizon 3 is just gonna look like fw reveal tbh.

You can see an advancement in Death Stranding 2, but I'm sure GG will push even further the engine whit much more detailed characters, terrain and vegetation, and possibly RT shadows and reflections on top of RT lighting for the Ps5 pro.


Gold Member
You can see an advancement in Death Stranding 2, but I'm sure GG will push even further the engine whit much more detailed characters, terrain and vegetation, and possibly RT shadows and reflections on top of RT lighting for the Ps5 pro.
I hope so, but horizon is the type of open world that has a lot of shit going on as opposed to the ultra barren world of ds, kojima can make graphic better because he has less shit to render.

The pro is not gonna have advanced lights that are impossible on ps5, they can't show a game that only 5-10% of people can play imo.
They are gonna squeeze the ps5 and then put all the bells and whistles on pro, a light system that completely change how the game look is too much of a difference.
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I hope so, but horizon is the type of open world that has a lot of shit going on as opposed to the ultra barren world of ds, kojima can make graphic better because he has less shit to render.

The pro is not gonna have advanced lights that are impossible on ps5, they can't show a game that only 5-10% of people can play imo.
They are gonna squeeze the ps5 and then put all the bells and whistles on pro, a light system that completely change how the game look is too much of a difference.

GG will implement RTGI or some type of real-time GI for the base Ps5. They know it will be a huge investment but it will pay off the effort from artists to design and lit the world.

On Horizon 3 is sure to have a lot more on-screen, but they're clearly evolving the engine to take advantage of the Ps5's geometry and culling capabilities, and if they use a much more enhanced streaming system they will not have issues with memory.


Flashless at the Golden Globes
Kingdom Come Deliverence guys are showing their new game next week. I didnt like the game too much because first melee melee is dumb but the game was a looker on last gen consoles. Probably the best looking cry engine game last gen.

i wonder if crytek has improved the cry engine this gen or if the devs switched to UE5. but the studio has talent and i suspect we will see a game that comes very close to Avatar or the UE5 forest demo.

I hope so, but horizon is the type of open world that has a lot of shit going on as opposed to the ultra barren world of ds, kojima can make graphic better because he has less shit to render.

The pro is not gonna have advanced lights that are impossible on ps5, they can't show a game that only 5-10% of people can play imo.
They are gonna squeeze the ps5 and then put all the bells and whistles on pro, a light system that completely change how the game look is too much of a difference.
Yep. just watch. PS5 will have RTGI. PS5 Pro will have RTGI+Reflections+Shadows.


Flashless at the Golden Globes
Looks like it was 2 years ago and they said it was in early development. I dont understand what happened to this studio. They made Crysis 1-3 plus warhead and Ryse in a span of 6 years then went MIA for the next 11 years releasing nothing but remasters of the first game.

Its weird how studios just completely drop the ball all of a sudden.

H . R . 2

Looks like it was 2 years ago and they said it was in early development. I dont understand what happened to this studio. They made Crysis 1-3 plus warhead and Ryse in a span of 6 years then went MIA for the next 11 years releasing nothing but remasters of the first game.

Its weird how studios just completely drop the ball all of a sudden.
lack of partnership and Covid must have been the culprit, among other things
also their overreliance on GaaS and Hunt made them complacent
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Gold Member
Kingdom Come Deliverence guys are showing their new game next week. I didnt like the game too much because first melee melee is dumb but the game was a looker on last gen consoles. Probably the best looking cry engine game last gen.

i wonder if crytek has improved the cry engine this gen or if the devs switched to UE5. but the studio has talent and i suspect we will see a game that comes very close to Avatar or the UE5 forest demo.

Yep. just watch. PS5 will have RTGI. PS5 Pro will have RTGI+Reflections+Shadows.
The big question is, do we gonna have inferior assets and characters because rtgi steal a lot from the rendering budget?
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Flashless at the Golden Globes
lack of partnership and Covid must have been the culprit, among other things
also their overreliance on GaaS and Hunt made them complacent
I didnt realize they made the Hunt. i thought it was some second rate studio. lol how far the mighty have fallen.

Anyway, kingdom come was absolutely gorgeous. Way better looking than Crysis 3 which is a bit overrated imo. Kindgom come was the true evolution of that crysis engine. I really liked the art style which was far less cartoony than horizon and witcher 3. even if the overall production values didnt match the highs of those games due to their smaller budget. I hope they go for that same art style. i love Avatar and Horizon, but Dragons Dogma 2's more muted color palette is more of my jam and i suspect these guys will go for that art style.


Flashless at the Golden Globes
The big question is, do we gonna have inferior assets and characters because rtgi steal a lot from the rendering budget?
Doubt it. This is what the characters look like on a 1.8 tflops PS4. So its not like they are using the majority of 10 tflops on character rendering and assets.


RTGI is expensive but not that expensive. Depending on the game its roughly a 30-50% hit. avatar does RTGI, reflections and shadows on PS5 with far more environmental level of detail with faster traversal and draw distance. GG just needs to drop the native 4k resolution, and go back to using checkerboarding. i play the 40 fps mode which uses the same half res 4kcb mode they used on the Pro but now with way better AA, and it looks almost as good as native 4k to me. just slightly less sharper similar to DLSS quality. But they get 100% more GPU power that way to do whatever the fuck the want.

The assets are also virtually identical. All they did was add more foliage, more ground level textures like an additional moss layer on the ground, but the rest of it was virtually identical. Besides, i think using mesh shaders or nanite quality assets will let them push incredibly high fidelity assets without completely exploding past their vram, bandwidth, and tflops budget. As long as they invest in the new techs we've seen in UE5, they should be able to easily exceed Avatar quality visuals within 10 tflops.

Besides, I have a feeling Death Stranding 2 is using native 4k and seems to be running some form of GI. Either RT or software based like Software Lumen. So if they can get expensive RTGI running at native 4k in a barren open world then they can add so much more detail to Horizon while adding RTGI as long as they are willing to downgrade to checkerboarding. Honestly, their performance mode looks fine and its effectively 1296p. Id say go with that and leave 4k for the PS5 pro or the PS6 which should be out by the time Horizon 3 comes out.


Gold Member
A 30-50% hit on performance sound pretty small yeah...

I bet you think lizzo is skinny uh?!
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Flashless at the Golden Globes
A 30-50% hit on performance sound pretty small yeah...

I bet you think lizzo is skinny uh?!
Getting a 1080p game running at native 4k uses 4x more resources or 300%. 30-50% isnt that much when you have so much more of the GPU at your finger tips.

Not to mention the savings they will get from lighting everything dynamically. no more need for streaming in GBs of lighting data for textures. everything is there already which will let them improve visuals elsewhere.


Flashless at the Golden Globes
Didnt we have realtime GI running in Fable for a 1.3 tflops xbox one before it was cancelled?

I think UE4 also had Dynamic GI demos last gen that were running on the 680 which was roughly 2.8 tlfops.

RTGI is slightly heavier on the GPU. Alex found anywhere between a 5-17% hit to performance going between software and hardware lumen in the Matrix awakens demo. so if they dont want that extra hit, they can use software GI without blowing their budget. Leave hardware lumen or RTGI for the PS5 pro.

Demon Souls already uses Realtime GI. Which is most definitely software based since they took out the promised RT shadows at launch. And that game also runs at native 4k 30 fps. If bethesda can do realtime GI in the creation engine then GG definitely can as well while also offering a massive leap in fidelity just like Bethesda did despite the addition of realtime GI.
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Buggy Loop

Gold Member
Looks like it was 2 years ago and they said it was in early development. I dont understand what happened to this studio. They made Crysis 1-3 plus warhead and Ryse in a span of 6 years then went MIA for the next 11 years releasing nothing but remasters of the first game.

Its weird how studios just completely drop the ball all of a sudden.

They expanded way too fast after the success of Crysis 1 went to their head. Along many dumb decisions.

  • 2011 Crysis 2 costed a fortune and had the lowest grossed margin of the series
  • 2013 Crysis 3 sales did not meet expectations
  • 2013 Microsoft exclusives
    • Warface, do you even recall it? I didn't. Free to play online. Again, probably money thrown in the wind
    • Ryse, mixed reviews, ~1.3M units in sales. okay I guess but not what you expect from a big exclusive.
  • 2014 mobile
    • Deal with DeNA (kiss of death) for The collectables (69 metacritic)
  • At this point in 2014 some devs are complaining to not being paid and that the company is in a bad spot.
  • 2015 Amazon
    • Cryengine licensed to Amazon, yay?
  • 2016 VR
    • The Climb & Robinson the journey... VR is a niche market
  • 2016
    • Oh shit, Amazon released Lumberyard, a copy of cryengine. Why pay a license now.
    • CIG (Star Citizen) switched from cryengine to Lumberyard. Crytek tries to sue CIG with an action claiming that CIG had to use cryengine and not allowed to move away from it (LOL). Dismissed in court
    • Crytek tries a 2nd time, that CIG violated the GLA by promoting other game engines (Star engine & Lumberyard). Which again, CIG is not competing with Cryengine as they don't sell a license to it. Again, dismissed in court
    • 3rd time? Yup. Claimed copyright infringement for removing crytek trademark for the game engine... thing is CIG is no longer using cryengine... dismissed
    • 4th? You better believe, something will stick right? Ex Crytek employee was the now CIG attorney, they claimed conflict of interest, they withdrew it themselves..
    • 5th... seeking damages, dismissed
    • 6th Breach of contract for snippets of cryengine in the video series bugsmashers... dropped
    • 7th Failure to provide bug fixes and optimizations. CIG was required to provide any bug fixes and optimizations to crytek when using CryEngine. Crytek claimed they didn't. CIG brought the receipts that they did... Crytek realizes they're a fucking fool and dropped the claim
    • 8th Crytek claims CIG shared source code with Faceware, but themselves admit they have zero evidence in support of its claim 🤦‍♂️ Dropped
    • 9th and last fucking one... Loss of benefits as CIG dropped the engine to Lumberyard and it would be a loss of money source from CIG promoting cryengine... even though there's nothing in GLA obligating CIG to promote CryEngine... dismissed.
  • Then massive studio closures. After Crytek had not paid many studios for months, including the Frankfurt studio. Five studio closed.
The head of the studio was a dumbass clearly.

So from Single player non exclusives to Microsoft deal, to mobile, to VR, to giving the engine away to then spending huge money in court for everything to be dismissed.

Sarcastic Night GIF


Gold Member
This is the problem when they show these vertical slices that look way better than the game - eventually when you reach that point it feels not as impressive because you were supposed to have a game that already looked like that
I don't think it looks way better in the graphical aspect that i care about the most.


Looks like it was 2 years ago and they said it was in early development. I dont understand what happened to this studio. They made Crysis 1-3 plus warhead and Ryse in a span of 6 years then went MIA for the next 11 years releasing nothing but remasters of the first game.

Its weird how studios just completely drop the ball all of a sudden.
I think alot of the real talent left or got poached ages ago kinda like how dice lost it's mvps etc. I think the lead crytek dev went to Id and doom 2016 was his baby and I think some others ended up at amazon on their branch of crytek (lumberyard?) and Epic. Someone should be able to correct me on those last 2 really not 100% on those but am on the iD software one.
Where is the downgrade other than facial expression, different background and even more hero light around aloy?

I'm on a tablet so maybe i'm not seeing the obvious difference in term of details, materials, skin shaders, hairs etc. That look pretty much the same.

If you wanna show some real downgrade, load that gif when she enter the water with that fabolous bubble effect.
These are my feeling’s.
Can someone clarify ...I heard that Hellblade 2 has 900p base resolution prior to upscaling on SX ...is this true??

If so the image quality is going to suck. I know the game is a looker and that 30 fps was the correct decision for this particular game as its the only way to achieve these kinda visuals, but if they're targeting 30 fps AND using black bars in this linear game then i don't care if this is the best looking UE5 game, they done fucked up if it's 900p base res!

I havnt watches the DF video yet so I don't know if 900p is SX or SS ...please tell me it's SS ...

We havn't had a game with a 900p base res that has looked good after upscaling is applied. It will be soft, blurry, and full of aliasing artifacts if this is the case


Flashless at the Golden Globes
Can someone clarify ...I heard that Hellblade 2 has 900p base resolution prior to upscaling on SX ...is this true??

If so the image quality is going to suck. I know the game is a looker and that 30 fps was the correct decision for this particular game as its the only way to achieve these kinda visuals, but if they're targeting 30 fps AND using black bars in this linear game then i don't care if this is the best looking UE5 game, they done fucked up if it's 900p base res!

I havnt watches the DF video yet so I don't know if 900p is SX or SS ...please tell me it's SS ...

We havn't had a game with a 900p base res that has looked good after upscaling is applied. It will be soft, blurry, and full of aliasing artifacts if this is the case
Df said its mostly around 1440p.

There might be some res drops during but i wouldn’t worry too much. It will be 1440p the vast majority of the time.

A 900p game would show on YouTube as a bluury shimmering mess. Hb2 simply isn’t that.


I’m hella late, but it turns out face rigs that impress me most are all 3Lateral, including Horizon: Forbidden West AND Death Stranding 2. I did not know that.

And now that includes Hellblade 2 and 1946.

Insomniac has worked with them too! Why are they going with Ziva for Wolverine over 3Lateral, who could deliver the Hellblade 2 results they’re looking for?

Wolverine needs to look as good as 1946 next year.

And I’m wondering if Death Stranding 2 can get the character rendering to look as good Hellblade 2. What could potentially hold them back? Skin materials? Lighting? Facial animations?


I’m hella late, but it turns out face rigs that impress me most are all 3Lateral, including Horizon: Forbidden West AND Death Stranding 2. I did not know that.

And now that includes Hellblade 2 and 1946.

Insomniac has worked with them too! Why are they going with Ziva for Wolverine over 3Lateral, who could deliver the Hellblade 2 results they’re looking for?

Wolverine needs to look as good as 1946 next year.

And I’m wondering if Death Stranding 2 can get the character rendering to look as good Hellblade 2. What could potentially hold them back? Skin materials? Lighting? Facial animations?

They choose Ziva because they need a full body muscle simulation.

I think Wolverine don't need to look like 1946. A game like this need to focus on asset density, level design, animation, combat, and destruction.
Try frontiers of Pandora
I’m hella late, but it turns out face rigs that impress me most are all 3Lateral, including Horizon: Forbidden West AND Death Stranding 2. I did not know that.

And now that includes Hellblade 2 and 1946.

Insomniac has worked with them too! Why are they going with Ziva for Wolverine over 3Lateral, who could deliver the Hellblade 2 results they’re looking for?

Wolverine needs to look as good as 1946 next year.

And I’m wondering if Death Stranding 2 can get the character rendering to look as good Hellblade 2. What could potentially hold them back? Skin materials? Lighting? Facial animations?
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