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Graphical Fidelity I Expect This Gen


Flashless at the Golden Globes
Amazing lighting.


Last gen lighting



GAFs #1 source for car graphic comparisons
I understand it can be a bit tough to keep up with these diverging arguments, but it's important to understand the distinction. In the post you quoted, you have your answer... it does not look as good as GT7's lighting despite using RT. That's it. Just in the last page, I said it looks good. But in comparison, and when talking about the impact of RT lighting it's fair to compare a game with RTGI and a game without RTGI (GT7) to drive home the point that it isnt a NOTICEABLE difference like FeelsLikeIm42 asked me.
But its not using RTGI during gameplay, those are gameplay sequences without any RTGI. Only RT effect it has is RT reflections. And the lighting in those looks atleast as good or even better. I have more than 150h in GT7 i know how good the lighting looks and i know how good FM lighting looks compared to it.
Again? Why does it matter if its Dynamic or static tod? TLOU2 looks better than Metro. Plain and simple. Who cares if one game has dynamic or fake lighting if the final product looks better? Again, we are talking about the impact of RT lighting, RT reflections and RT Shadows, and whether or not they are worth it. Look at RDR2, Horizon 2 and tell me if their dyanmic time of day looks better or worse than even the new version Metro which uses RTGI.
lol so you want open world games and racing games to have static tod and weather? And do you honestly think that games like RDR2 and Horizon 2 wouldn't look better with RTGI. There are many lighting errors in those games that make them look gamey that RTGI would have eliminated just like it did in Metro.
Do you think that RTGI wouldn't make these scenes better?


or these


note: those 2 games are in my top 10 best looking games btw
That control screenshot is hilarious. Devs used to have screenspace reflections and now they dont even bother. I played control on PC on day one. It had SIX different RT settings and reflections was the only one that was noticeable. Reflections are the one thing that make a perceptible difference. Im pretty sure I brought up Miles just on the last page. Dont want to repeat myself.
It does have SSR but in those situations SSR would not work since it is reflecting things ofscreen and out of angle. And that again is the reasons why RT is perfect for those instances because you don't need a angle or special type of lighting to hide the flaws. It will work and look good 99% of the time. Just like games as RDR2, Horizon2,.. while they all have excellent lighting there are still moments where it looks shit or not as good as the highlight moments because the lighting is dynamic.


Represent(ative) of bad opinions
Surprised none of you are mentioning the GTA 6 rumours.

What do you think about the "super advanced" water/physics that game will supposedly have?

If the rumours about the physics are true, then this just might be the type of stuff we have been dying to see for over a decade.

Game has the potential to blow everything out of the water.

Hope it does.


Gold Member
Surprised none of you are mentioning the GTA 6 rumours.

What do you think about the "super advanced" water/physics that game will supposedly have?

If the rumours about the physics are true, then this just might be the type of stuff we have been dying to see for over a decade.

Game has the potential to blow everything out of the water.

Hope it does.

We can only hope it's nextgen only and that they were smart enough to start developing on something that could resemble a ps5 over a ps4 to not have half assed tech.


Surprised none of you are mentioning the GTA 6 rumours.

What do you think about the "super advanced" water/physics that game will supposedly have?

If the rumours about the physics are true, then this just might be the type of stuff we have been dying to see for over a decade.

Game has the potential to blow everything out of the water.

Hope it does.
What rumors? Do you mind posting them? I also liked the play on words in your last sentence was it pun intended?:messenger_beaming:


It does have SSR but in those situations SSR would not work since it is reflecting things ofscreen and out of angle. And that again is the reasons why RT is perfect for those instances because you don't need a angle or special type of lighting to hide the flaws. It will work and look good 99% of the time. Just like games as RDR2, Horizon2,.. while they all have excellent lighting there are still moments where it looks shit or not as good as the highlight moments because the lighting is dynamic.
I don't think Control has SSR, the game does reflection via SDF ray marching, it is pretty good but very low resolution, SSR looks fucking terrible and will show a distorted character reflection in those screenshots facing a wall, I don't remember seeing those artifacts in Control.
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It does have SSR but in those situations SSR would not work since it is reflecting things ofscreen and out of angle. And that again is the reasons why RT is perfect for those instances because you don't need a angle or special type of lighting to hide the flaws. It will work and look good 99% of the time. Just like games as RDR2, Horizon2,.. while they all have excellent lighting there are still moments where it looks shit or not as good as the highlight moments because the lighting is dynamic.
Nvm, it does seem to have SSR but with fast fallback to SDF reflection to minimize artifact.


First gif sold me on giving the game a try.

Second gif looks way to "anime ass anime" action game for my tastes.

But still think I will give it a shot.
My takeaway aswell. The combat doesnt match the setting. Its a little to ADD.
Hmmmmmm still on the fence.


Can’t Git Gud
then people wonder why games take so long to make. This is just doors.

It's the same thing I saw in the GTA 6 leaks. There was a clip of a dev just walking in an out of a door testing it.

Now they have to do that for every door in a huge open world. Plus from what we saw in the leaks it looks like there will be a lot more interiors.
Lol remember listening to valve dev explain doors opening… in a vr game where you do it yourself lol


Amazing lighting.


Last gen lighting

Amazing lighting? Can't see shit.
Ironicly the bottom gif showcases one of realtime lightings greatest challenges. How to light fire while it engulfs like that is super hard and would require RT Emissive GI just to look correct. Its the main reason the bottom gif looks so shitty. Other than that the lighting looks similar. One scene has alot more interesting geometry.

There does seem to be filter that darkens him just as rhe fire is unleashed. Maybe tk make rhe fire pop. Looks not so good.
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I’m replaying The Order 1886 right now mainly to see how the visuals hold up today and holy fuck it’s still one of the nicest looking games around imo. Sure it could be higher resolution and 60fps but for a game made by developers who were used to fucking PSP development as a PS4 launch window game it’s absolutely astonishing looking.

I really can’t imagine what they would have done with PS5 hardware when they created The Order on an almost mobile phone level CPU and a sub 2 TERAFLOP GPU.

I know there was a lot of controversy at the time over the game (especially it’s length) but I have to say as a linear, cinematic, third person shooter I can’t see much wrong with it outside of maybe an overuse of QTE’s and the few annoying as fuck insta fail stealth sections. It’s a solid 7.5/10 for me and an amazing base for a sequel to improve upon. A shame we’ll never see it 😔

So how did they do it? Art direction, giving themselves more headroom by reducing the number of rendered pixels by 40+% versus other 1920x1080 first party games, the shorter length meaning more time per asset / section or were they just focused on pushing the visual envelope as far as possible?

Another question to make my ramblings worthwhile… Would you guys take shorter games (say 6-8 hour linear games versus something like 25 hour semi open World games like God of War or 40 hour open World games like Horizon) if it meant the visual envelope continued to be really pushed like the early PS4 games such as Killzone, Second Son, The Order, Driveclub and Uncharted 4?

I’m obviously already aware the average person would take a 30-40 hour game over a prettier 8 hour one for value for money. There’s something to be said for playing something like The Order though and just admiring it’s pushing of the medium if only in a visual sense. I would watch Avatar 2 for the same reasons.
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GAFs #1 source for car graphic comparisons
Tech wise is great but why does it still look gamey?
Looks good to me, maybe a bit too clean compared to real LMP cars. Also couldn't find the same engine or even lighting codition with those engine shots.

There are also better photo's

And this gif shows the new lighting engine and shaders really good

If we want that ultra realistic look all the time than we need to wait for pathtracing for that. RT will bring us closer to it but we still have a long way to go as you can see.

Here is a Forza Motorsport car model rendered with pathtracing that T10 showed back in the day


I’m replaying The Order 1886 right now mainly to see how the visuals hold up today and holy fuck it’s still one of the nicest looking games around imo. Sure it could be higher resolution and 60fps but for a game made by developers who were used to fucking PSP development as a PS4 launch window game it’s absolutely astonishing looking.

I really can’t imagine what they would have done with PS5 hardware when they created The Order on an almost mobile phone level CPU and a sub 2 TERAFLOP GPU.

I know there was a lot of controversy at the time over the game (especially it’s length) but I have to say as a linear, cinematic, third person shooter I can’t see much wrong with it outside of maybe an overuse of QTE’s and the few annoying as fuck insta fail stealth sections. It’s a solid 7.5/10 for me and an amazing base for a sequel to improve upon. A shame we’ll never see it 😔

So how did they do it? Art direction, giving themselves more headroom by reducing the number of rendered pixels by 40+% versus other 1920x1080 first party games, the shorter length meaning more time per asset / section or were they just focused on pushing the visual envelope as far as possible?

Another question to make my ramblings worthwhile… Would you guys take shorter games (say 6-8 hour linear games versus something like 25 hour semi open World games like God of War or 40 hour open World games like Horizon) if it meant the visual envelope continued to be really pushed like the early PS4 games such as Killzone, Second Son, The Order, Driveclub and Uncharted 4?

I’m obviously already aware the average person would take a 30-40 hour game over a prettier 8 hour one for value for money. There’s something to be said for playing something like The Order though and just admiring it’s pushing of the medium if only in a visual sense. I would watch Avatar 2 for the same reasons.

We need a couple the Order types of games this gen.


So FFXVI basically looks like exactly what we've been waiting for, right? I still expect the best first party stuff to easily better it, but it looks pretty fantastic for now.

My only question is whether it'll hold a decent resolution in the performance mode.


Flashless at the Golden Globes
But its not using RTGI during gameplay, those are gameplay sequences without any RTGI. Only RT effect it has is RT reflections. And the lighting in those looks atleast as good or even better. I have more than 150h in GT7 i know how good the lighting looks and i know how good FM lighting looks compared to it.
Then i dont even know what we are talking about anymore. I said those Forza gifs posted on the last look great didnt I? I just dont think the lighting looks as good as GT7. Let alone a generational leap better.
lol so you want open world games and racing games to have static tod and weather? And do you honestly think that games like RDR2 and Horizon 2 wouldn't look better with RTGI. There are many lighting errors in those games that make them look gamey that RTGI would have eliminated just like it did in Metro.
Do you think that RTGI wouldn't make these scenes better?
I have said it numerous times in this thread that yes, RTGI will make them look more accurate. But there is a cost to it. Will HFW look that good if it used RTGI? We honestly dont know because RTGI has a higher base cost than whatever last gen lighting engine Rockstar and GG are using. I think RE8 is a great comparison because it has an RT lighting mode and a regular lighting mode. RT lighting mode looks more accurate, perhaps better but honestly the difference is negligible.

I want my games to be far more interactive and dynamic than they are now and if RTGI helps them get there then great but I dont think thats the only way to get there. DriveClub had dynamic time of day system with still to this day the best weather effects, and it didnt need RTGI or hardware Lumens to get there. There is this great misconception that you NEED RTGI to get dynamic time of day which cant be farther than the truth. Just go look at the first UE5 demo and how software lumens was able to completely illuminate the corridor after a boulder fell through. No RTGI needed there.


GT7 does have great, photorealistic lighting, and that's a major plus point, but as far as I can see that's pretty much all it has.

A lot of it looks laughably bad IMO. Whenever I play it I don't know whether I'm going to be staggered by uncannily realistic lighting or disgusted by ps3 era environments, low res textures, dodgy 30fps reflections etc.

It's rough as hell. Forza, overall, looks MILES better. Maybe the lighting isn't as good, I'm not sure - Forza just doesn't appear to be going for quite that photorealistic effect, anyway, so it's hard to tell either way.

I'd say it looks roughly as big a step from Forza 5 as 5 was from Forza 2.
There is this great misconception that you NEED RTGI to get dynamic time of day which cant be farther than the truth. Just go look at the first UE5 demo and how software lumens was able to completely illuminate the corridor after a boulder fell through. No RTGI needed there.
Both hard and software Lumen versions use RT, the hardware supported version just has more resources for more rays/bounces/geometry.

You are talking about how you don't need RTGI for great lighting and then present a system which relies heavily on RT as an example why you don't need RT.....
That corridor looked so great because Lumen does the global illumination including the bounce lighting via RT.
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GAFs #1 source for car graphic comparisons
Then i dont even know what we are talking about anymore. I said those Forza gifs posted on the last look great didnt I? I just dont think the lighting looks as good as GT7. Let alone a generational leap better.
But thats the thing, GT7 lighting is one of the best out of any game currently, it literally sacrifices lots of other things to get that running. You act like GT7 has last gen looking lighting and Forza's lighting looking as good(better imo, not as good iyo) is something bad for a current gen game. You don't factor all the other things that FM does alot better than GT7 while running the same rez and fps with real time RT reflections. You will see once the game is out i will make a direct comparisons and than you will see why FM is a current gen game vs the rest.

I have said it numerous times in this thread that yes, RTGI will make them look more accurate. But there is a cost to it. Will HFW look that good if it used RTGI? We honestly dont know because RTGI has a higher base cost than whatever last gen lighting engine Rockstar and GG are using. I think RE8 is a great comparison because it has an RT lighting mode and a regular lighting mode. RT lighting mode looks more accurate, perhaps better but honestly the difference is negligible.

I want my games to be far more interactive and dynamic than they are now and if RTGI helps them get there then great but I dont think thats the only way to get there. DriveClub had dynamic time of day system with still to this day the best weather effects, and it didnt need RTGI or hardware Lumens to get there. There is this great misconception that you NEED RTGI to get dynamic time of day which cant be farther than the truth. Just go look at the first UE5 demo and how software lumens was able to completely illuminate the corridor after a boulder fell through. No RTGI needed there.
But nobody said that those games have bad lighting or that its impossible to have good lighting without RTGI on games with dynamic tod. What me and other people try to say is that you will have more errors/lighting problems with those games and that it will not be 100% consistent. And all im saying is that RTGI will make it look better and fix most of those problems. And accurate lighting is better lighting, if the creator wants the game to look like it is now they can still edit it with extra lights and fine tuning to make it look like it is now. But those errors/problems will be significantly reduced and it will look better.

And lumen looks incredible and it is a fantastic alternative thats cheaper but it looks even better with RT added on. And funny you mentioned Driveclub because that game also needs RTGI to stay consistent. The highs are very high but most of the time it falls short which RTGI would have helped. And the same applies to other games also.
Like do you think the lighting in here looks good? Don't you think that RTGI would make this scene look better?


GAFs #1 source for car graphic comparisons
GT7 does have great, photorealistic lighting, and that's a major plus point, but as far as I can see that's pretty much all it has.

A lot of it looks laughably bad IMO. Whenever I play it I don't know whether I'm going to be staggered by uncannily realistic lighting or disgusted by ps3 era environments, low res textures, dodgy 30fps reflections etc.

It's rough as hell. Forza, overall, looks MILES better. Maybe the lighting isn't as good, I'm not sure - Forza just doesn't appear to be going for quite that photorealistic effect, anyway, so it's hard to tell either way.

I'd say it looks roughly as big a step from Forza 5 as 5 was from Forza 2.
The material shaders are also second to none in GT7, they have one of the best PBR.


I’m replaying The Order 1886 right now mainly to see how the visuals hold up today and holy fuck it’s still one of the nicest looking games around imo. Sure it could be higher resolution and 60fps but for a game made by developers who were used to fucking PSP development as a PS4 launch window game it’s absolutely astonishing looking.

I really can’t imagine what they would have done with PS5 hardware when they created The Order on an almost mobile phone level CPU and a sub 2 TERAFLOP GPU.

I know there was a lot of controversy at the time over the game (especially it’s length) but I have to say as a linear, cinematic, third person shooter I can’t see much wrong with it outside of maybe an overuse of QTE’s and the few annoying as fuck insta fail stealth sections. It’s a solid 7.5/10 for me and an amazing base for a sequel to improve upon. A shame we’ll never see it 😔

So how did they do it? Art direction, giving themselves more headroom by reducing the number of rendered pixels by 40+% versus other 1920x1080 first party games, the shorter length meaning more time per asset / section or were they just focused on pushing the visual envelope as far as possible?

Another question to make my ramblings worthwhile… Would you guys take shorter games (say 6-8 hour linear games versus something like 25 hour semi open World games like God of War or 40 hour open World games like Horizon) if it meant the visual envelope continued to be really pushed like the early PS4 games such as Killzone, Second Son, The Order, Driveclub and Uncharted 4?

I’m obviously already aware the average person would take a 30-40 hour game over a prettier 8 hour one for value for money. There’s something to be said for playing something like The Order though and just admiring it’s pushing of the medium if only in a visual sense. I would watch Avatar 2 for the same reasons.
I've been saying this for ages. I would rather have linear 5-15 hour games so devs could make more use of the resources they have.

We could have more focused game, art, and sound design, more care with smaller details like in animations, lighting, physics, better level design , and more meaningful moment to moment gameplay.


Looks good to me, maybe a bit too clean compared to real LMP cars. Also couldn't find the same engine or even lighting codition with those engine shots.

There are also better photo's

And this gif shows the new lighting engine and shaders really good

If we want that ultra realistic look all the time than we need to wait for pathtracing for that. RT will bring us closer to it but we still have a long way to go as you can see.

Here is a Forza Motorsport car model rendered with pathtracing that T10 showed back in the day



These are probably photo mode and IMO not perfect either. First one the sider rear view mirror is not working. In the Ferrari interiror you can also notice the dial in left side seem low polycount
GT7 does have great, photorealistic lighting, and that's a major plus point, but as far as I can see that's pretty much all it has.

A lot of it looks laughably bad IMO. Whenever I play it I don't know whether I'm going to be staggered by uncannily realistic lighting or disgusted by ps3 era environments, low res textures, dodgy 30fps reflections etc.

It's rough as hell. Forza, overall, looks MILES better. Maybe the lighting isn't as good, I'm not sure - Forza just doesn't appear to be going for quite that photorealistic effect, anyway, so it's hard to tell either way.

I'd say it looks roughly as big a step from Forza 5 as 5 was from Forza 2.

Laughably bad? No ..it looks great most of the time. It depends on the course I'd say. The lighting is great it's the trees that look bad from certain angles.
These are probably photo mode and IMO not perfect either. First one the sider rear view mirror is not working. In the Ferrari interiror you can also notice the dial in left side seem low polycount

Did the Forza devs lie to us in that last conference? It sure seemed like they heavily implied rt gi would be in gameplay on SX ....now, everyone seems certain it's only on PC. Did the devs have to clarify that this past week or something?

They definitely implied rt gi on Series X
I’m replaying The Order 1886 right now mainly to see how the visuals hold up today and holy fuck it’s still one of the nicest looking games around imo. Sure it could be higher resolution and 60fps but for a game made by developers who were used to fucking PSP development as a PS4 launch window game it’s absolutely astonishing looking.

I really can’t imagine what they would have done with PS5 hardware when they created The Order on an almost mobile phone level CPU and a sub 2 TERAFLOP GPU.

I know there was a lot of controversy at the time over the game (especially it’s length) but I have to say as a linear, cinematic, third person shooter I can’t see much wrong with it outside of maybe an overuse of QTE’s and the few annoying as fuck insta fail stealth sections. It’s a solid 7.5/10 for me and an amazing base for a sequel to improve upon. A shame we’ll never see it 😔

So how did they do it? Art direction, giving themselves more headroom by reducing the number of rendered pixels by 40+% versus other 1920x1080 first party games, the shorter length meaning more time per asset / section or were they just focused on pushing the visual envelope as far as possible?

Another question to make my ramblings worthwhile… Would you guys take shorter games (say 6-8 hour linear games versus something like 25 hour semi open World games like God of War or 40 hour open World games like Horizon) if it meant the visual envelope continued to be really pushed like the early PS4 games such as Killzone, Second Son, The Order, Driveclub and Uncharted 4?

I’m obviously already aware the average person would take a 30-40 hour game over a prettier 8 hour one for value for money. There’s something to be said for playing something like The Order though and just admiring it’s pushing of the medium if only in a visual sense. I would watch Avatar 2 for the same reasons.
I’ve been saying this…The Order 1886 looks CGI…like what I imagined PS5 games would resemble before PS5 launched..


Flashless at the Golden Globes
Surprised none of you are mentioning the GTA 6 rumours.

What do you think about the "super advanced" water/physics that game will supposedly have?

If the rumours about the physics are true, then this just might be the type of stuff we have been dying to see for over a decade.

Game has the potential to blow everything out of the water.

Hope it does.
Rip represent! 13 years and gone just like that. Fighting the good fight too. Anti cross Gen Bros 4 Life!



TThere is this great misconception that you NEED RTGI to get dynamic time of day which cant be farther than the truth. Just go look at the first UE5 demo and how software lumens was able to completely illuminate the corridor after a boulder fell through. No RTGI needed there.
Lumen IS real time global illumination, and it does use raytracing, the only difference is that it didn't use the built in hardware to compute that global illumination.
Looks good to me, maybe a bit too clean compared to real LMP cars. Also couldn't find the same engine or even lighting codition with those engine shots.

There are also better photo's

And this gif shows the new lighting engine and shaders really good

If we want that ultra realistic look all the time than we need to wait for pathtracing for that. RT will bring us closer to it but we still have a long way to go as you can see.

Here is a Forza Motorsport car model rendered with pathtracing that T10 showed back in the day


It’s not even just the lighting its the lack of geometry…CGI has alot of geometric density…thats why The Matrix Awakens looks photorealistic in some parts…add Lumen and photorealism…


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GT7 does have great, photorealistic lighting, and that's a major plus point, but as far as I can see that's pretty much all it has.

A lot of it looks laughably bad IMO. Whenever I play it I don't know whether I'm going to be staggered by uncannily realistic lighting or disgusted by ps3 era environments, low res textures, dodgy 30fps reflections etc.

It's rough as hell. Forza, overall, looks MILES better. Maybe the lighting isn't as good, I'm not sure - Forza just doesn't appear to be going for quite that photorealistic effect, anyway, so it's hard to tell either way.

I'd say it looks roughly as big a step from Forza 5 as 5 was from Forza 2.
Yeah I think GT7 has mediocre enviroment. Not that ps3 bad but still the enviroment looks meh. Some tracks look really flat.
I'm not racing/car fan so I don't really care about car details that much. I often look at the enviroment when playing GT7 and feel like playing early ps4 game.


It’s not even just the lighting its the lack of geometry…CGI has alot of geometric density…thats why The Matrix Awakens looks photorealistic in some parts…add Lumen and photorealism…


What ever happened to this demo which was supposed to be released by Nvidia for RTX4090 owners? I would love to try it, looks incredible.
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