for sure, close to zero warping. misses the point completelly.op video is definitely showing emulated with anti-aliasing footage.
I think Rayman 2 hasn't been cited yet.
for sure, close to zero warping. misses the point completelly.op video is definitely showing emulated with anti-aliasing footage.
I think Rayman 2 hasn't been cited yet.
What game is this??
Maybe Syphon Filter?What game is this??
holy wowAnything with good pre rendered backgrounds still looks great, if a bit blurry.
Chrono Cross, FFIX, Legend of Dragoon , etc.
If anything they usually look better non emulated because otherwise the super sharp 3D models stand out too much from the blurry backgrounds (unless you have something like the Moguri Mod)
Also maybe not the most technically advanced but I love the look of Breath of Fire IV:
AconcaguaWhat game is this??
Those look stunning. Do you mind sharing your configs/tools/shaders?
Even though the PS1 is several years old now, some games that released for the Sony Playstation console are still graphically impressive to this day! Join TVGS as we take a look at some gameplay of the best looking and visually impressive PS1 games the system ever received!
Naughty Dog really are something else arent they. I remember 'Gamesmaster' magazine (and the tv show actually) say Crash Bandicoot was second only to Virtua Fighter 2 arcade in terms of graphics at that time. Now thats VERY hyperbolic, especially when you look at some of the arcade games around at that time, but no doubt Crash Bandicoot was amazing by PS1 standards.Craft Bandicoot hacked the console to get more power, according to an ars technica interview with the creator.. think about it, compare the frame speed and detail, colours, with any other game
Always fascinated to retry a CRT after all these years. Digital foundry swears by them as do many people.I'll use mario galaxy as an example as it's a sort of best case scenario for 3d emulation of the 6th gen (equivalent) hardware. Cartoon visuals, bright colors.
I've played Mario galaxy on my crt trinitron, and on a high end lcd, and on emulation. On the crt it looked the best with a slightly softened, not harsh look, colors pop, motion is sublime. On dolphin, it immediately makes my eyes focus on the flaws : polygon count, textures etc.
I've really not seen a retro game that looks better emulated compared to on a crt or even a high end flat panel (that's not too large) and properly upscaled with an OSSC or something. In the end, you have to have enough detail for that high resolution to truly be a benefit, not to mention no amount of filters are a substitute for the originally intended display technology if a game uses scanline tricks or relies on the crt blur.
Not shitting on emulation btw, it's integral to the preservation of the medium. I'm particularly interested in Ps3 emulation at the moment, games are looking very promising in higher resolutions.