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Great Arcade Games?


So recently I have gotten MAME and been going through all the games and what not, and man, some games I've forgotten over the years were really awesome. Note, this is not a request for any roms or any illegal things like that, it's simply a discussion on what are peoples favorite games.

Dungeons and Dragons - Tower of Doom + Shadows over Mystaria: Wonderful beat 'em ups. I wish Capcom would make another game like it. 4 player simultaneous side scroller shits all over those Baldur's Gate console games and clones.

Super Gem Fighter: Wow, I had completely forgotten about this. It's a fun game. Nothing too deep, but it's cute and easy to play.

Super Puzzle Fighter: ROCK!

Sengoku - Fun ninja games.

Of course, no brainers like SFA, SSF2:T, MvC, MSHvSF, G:MotW, etc don't need mentions.

Anybody else have any reccomendations for games to play?

And what's generally the best KoF? 2000? 1999?


I was made an instant fan of Crazy Taxi the moment I first played the game. Nice, arcadey goodness.

I loved Sonic the Fighters too. Can't remember too much about it.


Simpsons: Arcade
Teamup abilities: the gameplay feature that for some reason nobody ever wanted to copy.

Silent Scope 2
My favorite arcade game, if only because it's the one I'm very, very good at. Duel mode 2 player kicks serious ass.

evil ways

X-Men (Konami)
Spiderman (Sega)
The Simpsons (Konami)
G.I. Joe (Konami)
Shadow Dancer
Final Fight
Rolling Thunder
Ikari Warriors
Heavy Barrel
some of my all time favorite 8-bit arcade games
Pengo!!! yes i loved this game!
Congo Bong
Donkey King
Mario Brothers ( my seond favorite 8-bit arcade game after Pengo)
Mr. Do!

then we have Sega's 16 bit games

Alien Syndeome
Altered Beast
Space harrier
Super Hang on
Galaxy Force
After Burner 2
Powe Drift
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