Finance minister Yanis Varoufakis has praised Greeks for the ‘brave decision’ to reject the bailout package proposed by lenders, calling it a “big yes for democratic Europe’.
I wonder if they all forget that all other 18 Eurozone members are answering to their electorate as well, of they just choose to ignore that in public statements.
The people in these other states are very much against lending Greece more money and against a debt relief, even though Greece is not able to pay the loans back. And the leaders of these states will have to answer to their own people, not to the people of Greece. I really don't see why the governments of these 18 states should give a sing fuck about the popular vote in Greece. Especially since some of these states have a worse standard of living than Greece and are paying anyway. And especially since Greece already received hundreds of billions of Euros in help and loans (which everybody knows will never be paid back in full), which is many, many times larger than something like the Marshall plan ever was. How do you want to sell that to your electorate without getting burned?
They already were under heavy criticism from home for the concessions they were willing to make. I really don't see why they would validate Tspiras' completely uncompromising negotiation strategy, especially after all the circus and demagogic rhetoric of the last days and weeks. There is no trust anymore between the negotiators.
Looks very much like Greece is heading for a Grexit. Judging from the tactics of Tspiras' government it looks like that's what he wanted all along. Now he can have it without taking responsibility for not fulfilling his pre-election promisees.
I hope that the EU will be able to organize help (medicine, energy, etc.) quickly, and that Greece will be in a much better shape a few years after the Grexit. And the rest of the Eurozone won't at least don't have to pretend anymore that the debts will be paid back.