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Greg Kassivin: PSP > DS

"Which is going to be better? Which one would you buy? Which company's approach is right? I love portable gaming systems--I've practically professed my undying love for my Game Boy Advance on numerous occasions in the past--so I'm very interested in these types of questions and have put a lot of thought into them.

Nintendo's next gaming device is certainly intriguing, but it's going to have to be a lot more than that to be a success.

I've also come up with preliminary answers to them. They are, in order, as follows: The PSP, the PSP, and Sony."

Pretty awful write-up, it's from the newest Gamespotting.

To be fair, Sony has also done its fair share of double-talking with respect to the PSP. In particular, there's a lot of confusion out there about the system's battery life and price point--facts that haven't been clarified as yet. But they're undoubtedly still being defined, and that's OK, because the system itself isn't done and is months away from release.

Kind of dodges the biggest issues regaurding the PSP, giving Sony the benefit of the doubt.

I'm a big Sony fan, but I will NOT be buying a PSP, no mater how cool Gamespot makes it out to be. It is a huge mistep for Sony and I wish they would concentrate on getting the Cell out then trying to completely erradicate NIntendo off the face of the planet.


That's what just about everyone in the industry is saying. It won the game critics awards hands down. Tommy and Vic on Judgment Day both said it was better. The only source I've seen so far who came back from E3 that thought the DS was better is X-Play.

The thing is that Nintendo is playing it smart and is going to continue to develop a separate system from the DS and continue the Gameboy line. Nintendo has always won in the portable market by not relying on graphics or gimmicks, so Gameboy not DS may end up being Sony's real competition in the future.

To be honest I was blown away by the graphics capabilities of both of them. The primary reason why I haven't been able to get interested in portable gaming is because of the terrible outdated graphics. Both DS and PSP are huge leaps forward.


---- said:
That's what just about everyone in the industry is saying. It won the game critics awards hands down. Tommy and Vic on Judgment Day both said it was better. The only source I've seen so far who came back from E3 that thought the DS was better is X-Play.

The thing is that Nintendo is playing it smart and is going to continue to develop a separate system from the DS and continue the Gameboy line. Nintendo has always won in the portable market by not relying on graphics or gimmicks, so Gameboy not DS may end up being Sony's real competition in the future.

To be honest I was blown away by the graphics capabilities of both of them. The primary reason why I haven't been able to get interested in portable gaming is because of the terrible outdated graphics. Both DS and PSP are huge leaps forward.

You're listening to Tallerico?


There's a lot of evidence to suggest that the Nintendo DS is a reactionary device that lacks focus. The fact that Nintendo has clearly stated that the system is due out this fall, yet its design and even its name have yet to be finalized, demonstrates that the company is desperate to get it out there. The company has also contradicted itself with its messaging about the DS, first by claiming that the system will not compete with the Game Boy line, and then by pointing out that the DS will be backward compatible with the Game Boy and announcing games starring Mario, Wario, and Samus Aran for the device. Sounds an awful lot like a new Game Boy to me. And while I'm all in favor of a powerful, new Game Boy model, I'd be fine with just one nice, crisp screen on it.

It's the PSP that seems to lack focus as well. Movies, music, games, what?


Tag of Excellence
Ok so Greg Kassivin likes the PSP over the DS, who cares. To be fair even if it were the opposite I wouldn't care either.

The real joy of the thread is from Daxter Too's avatar.


i'm not sure if greg is good at analysing the industry but his reviews are fine... so i'll just give the standard answer: wait n see.

Lyte Edge

All I got for the Vernal Equinox was this stupid tag
cuccoo said:
i'm not sure if greg is good at analysing the industry but his reviews are fine... so i'll just give the standard answer: wait n see.

That's the real answer. And wasn't the PSP pretty much unplayable, while the DS had some demos? Makes sense that people would prefer the system with the hands-on approach.

Personally, I'm more excited about the PSP; visually, it's a PS2...the DS appears to be an N64. That's NOT a good thing. :\ Consumers are going to want the system that will look better.


Scary Euro Man
Good lord, will people quit it with the damage control already? It's kind of pitiful, especially when PSP hasn't actually shown it'll do any damage that needs controlling.


I agree that the damage control is coming way too early. Frankly, features don't mean shit in the scheme of things. If the PSP comes out at a 300 dollar or more price point, it'll be a threat to mp3 players and pda's, not the GBA. I don't expect the DS to replace the GB, nor do I think Nintendo's intentions are for replacing it or putting out a direct competitor to the PSP.


ge-man said:
I agree that the damage control is coming way too early. Frankly, features don't mean shit in the scheme of things. If the PSP comes out at a 300 dollar or more price point, it'll be a threat to mp3 players and pda's, not the GBA. I don't expect the DS to replace the GB, nor do I think Nintendo's intentions are for replacing it or putting out a direct competitor to the PSP.



kiryogi said:
You're listening to Tallerico?
It's Tallarico and Tommy and Vic both liked PSP better. Not to mention I was there, I saw both for myself and came to the same exact conclusion as them, Gamespot, and the entire panel for the Game Critics awards. Tommy pointed out some very valid complaints about the DS like the size of the buttons and the demographic of the game lineup they used to show off the system.

PSP had the wide screen, the analog stick, better graphics, better sound, and a much better game lineup on display at E3. DS had gimmicky features like a voice control, a questionable stylus control, a gimmicky map screen, 2 tiny screens and tiny buttons compared to PSP. In terms of graphics and wi-fi even the DS blew me away, but of the two systems the PSP was clearly more impressive. Oh yeah and it plays movies, and music, and physically looks a lot cooler than DS if that counts for anything.
It's the PSP that seems to lack focus as well. Movies, music, games, what?

Exactly, wasnt Square who said that PSP lacked focus? something along the lines, "Sony needs to tell if they're making a games machine or something else" something like this....


Gold Member
ge-man said:
I agree that the damage control is coming way too early. Frankly, features don't mean shit in the scheme of things. If the PSP comes out at a 300 dollar or more price point, it'll be a threat to mp3 players and pda's, not the GBA. I don't expect the DS to replace the GB, nor do I think Nintendo's intentions are for replacing it or putting out a direct competitor to the PSP.

I don't care about the features, 'cause if I did I'd be excited about the DS and it's touch screen "revolution". I just care about the games, and the PSP will let me play GT4, Ape Escape, Armored Core, Wipeout, Ridge Racer, Vampire Savior, Viewtiful Joe, Devil May Cry, and EA sports games on a handheld with PS2 or near-PS2 graphics.

Those are some of my favorite game series over the last five to ten years, and so far there is no announced game on the DS that I'm too excited about. If I had to chose between a sub-N64 level Mario Kart with a stupid map on a useless second screen or a PSP GT4 Mobile with custom soundtracks via memory stick, I'd pick the Gran Turismo without a second thought.
ManaByte said:
I don't care about the features, 'cause if I did I'd be excited about the DS and it's touch screen "revolution". I just care about the games, and the PSP will let me play GT4, Ape Escape, Armored Core, Wipeout, Ridge Racer, Vampire Savior, Viewtiful Joe, Devil May Cry, and EA sports games on a handheld with PS2 or near-PS2 graphics.

Those are some of my favorite game series over the last five to ten years, and so far there is no announced game on the DS that I'm too excited about. If I had to chose between a sub-N64 level Mario Kart with a stupid map on a useless second screen or a PSP GT4 Mobile with custom soundtracks via memory stick, I'd pick the Gran Turismo without a second thought.

This is the biggest problem with PSP to me. It's a portable PS2. Why do we need a portable PS2. What is the point of that? Atleast with DS, Nintendo is trying to push the boundries a bit as to the way handheld games are being played. I shall look forward to playing with the DS and enjoying these new ways of playing handhelds, and play GT4 on my PS2...not my PSP.


ManaByte said:
I don't care about the features, 'cause if I did I'd be excited about the DS and it's touch screen "revolution". I just care about the games, and the PSP will let me play GT4, Ape Escape, Armored Core, Wipeout, Ridge Racer, Vampire Savior, Viewtiful Joe, Devil May Cry, and EA sports games on a handheld with PS2 or near-PS2 graphics.

Those are some of my favorite game series over the last five to ten years, and so far there is no announced game on the DS that I'm too excited about. If I had to chose between a sub-N64 level Mario Kart with a stupid map on a useless second screen or a PSP GT4 Mobile with custom soundtracks via memory stick, I'd pick the Gran Turismo without a second thought.

Software is also very important in this case, and I find that the people who are taking sides already are doing so based on what they want to play. For me, I could care less about having Dreamcast level visual, Wario Ware doesn't or Animal Crossing does't need that kind of horse power. At the same time, what you want is better realized on the PSP. I think both machines will carve out their niche--what I don't expect is some kind of revolution of handhelds.


Bluemercury said:
Exactly, wasnt Square who said that PSP lacked focus? something along the lines, "Sony needs to tell if they're making a games machine or something else" something like this....

Funny how Square, of all developers, would say something like this. The Spirits Within? Advent Children? :p


ManaByte said:
the PSP will let me play GT4, Ape Escape, Armored Core, Wipeout, Ridge Racer, Vampire Savior, Viewtiful Joe, Devil May Cry, and EA sports games on a handheld with PS2 or near-PS2 graphics.
So are you going to buy these games for your PSP only, or for the PS2...or are you going to shell out the cash to buy 2 copies of the same game?

That's THE biggest question up in the air about the PSP. Is it going to compete with its older brother?


Gold Member
kitchenmotors said:
This is the biggest problem with PSP to me. It's a portable PS2. Why do we need a portable PS2. What is the point of that? Atleast with DS, Nintendo is trying to push the boundries a bit as to the way handheld games are being played. I shall look forward to playing with the DS and enjoying these new ways of playing handhelds, and play GT4 on my PS2...not my PSP.

Well, you could say that the GBA is just a portable SNES. Why play Super Mario World on the GBA when you can pull out your SNES and play? Forget those Classic Nes Series releases, I can play those on my NES.


This is the biggest problem with PSP to me. It's a portable PS2. Why do we need a portable PS2.

Did anyone bring this up prior to E3? I don't see the problem with a portable PS2, the sameway I wouldn't find a problem with a portable GC.


"GAF's biggest wanker"
Exactly why don't movies, music and games go together well? If Sony was designing and marketing the PSP as the machine that plays games and does spreadsheets, I'd understand the lack of focus comments. But considering that game software often encapsulate movies, music and gaming within the same package, I don't see how a machine that offers the ability to do these three things separately or in conjunction with each other is somehow unfocused.


Vargas said:
Did anyone bring this up prior to E3? I don't see the problem with a portable PS2, the sameway I wouldn't find a problem with a portable GC.

A portable PS2 should be something a few years down the line.


This may sound strange, but I wonder if people would be less worried about PSP directly competing with PS2 if it would've had PS1 technology and PS1 games? Just like GBA is a few generations behind GC?

Mama Smurf

My penis is still intact.
I agree with kitchenmotors. I just don't get why with the PSP. I can't say I'm totally onboard with the DS either yet, but if good games using the new inputs come out, I'll be happy.

Is it just that you can play these games in a portable form? Is that it? I'm sure that's enough for some people, but personally that's hardly exciting. I mean, it's just a PS2 with less buttons, a battery life and a smaller screen. I realise it'll have different games, but unless these games can't be made for the PS2 (and I'm struggling to think of ways that could happen), wouldn't it be better on the home system? I know there's nothing the GBA is doing that couldn't be done on home systems too, but just because of its relative power weakness, developers are forced to develop 2D games, something generally missing on consoles.

There's the whole other side of the PSP of course, the movies and music etc, but that's a whole other load of crap I don't want to get into. I wouldn't be saying anything positive anyway.
ManaByte said:
Well, you could say that the GBA is just a portable SNES. Why play Super Mario World on the GBA when you can pull out your SNES and play? Forget those Classic Nes Series releases, I can play those on my NES.

That's fair, but how long ago was the SNES on the market? These games are being released for a new generation. I work with kids for a living, and I can't tell you how many times I told them I've played Mario World or Mario 3 and beat it and they're like...this game just came out for GBA! The PS2 is still on the market. PSP has no real direction, other than for Sony to cash in on the handheld market and possibly get more money out of people who plan to buy both versions of GT4, and Spider-man2 on DVD and UMD.


A portable PS2 should be something a few years down the line.
KIRIKU said:
This may sound strange, but I wonder if people would be less worried about PSP directly competing with PS2 if it would've had PS1 technology and PS1 games? Just like GBA is a few generations behind GC?
Comments like this make me sad. They show just how successful Nintendo has been at conditioning people to believe that archaic, overpriced technology in a handheld is they only way to go.


The PSP doesn't lack features, and it doesn't lack a broad focus, it simply lacks a defined one.

The PS2 plays DVDs and Music, but it uses the general media of those...media. It uses CDs and DVDs to play those movies and music. The PSP uses UMD, a different media. It wants you to purchase movies only to be able to play them on PSP, Music that only plays on PSP...for this reason, which is it most meant to do. It it the ONLY device to play that Music, that movies and those games...which one is the most important to them?
I said it before, I'll say it again:

Greg Kasavin is the most retarded,half-assed fucktard reviewer Gamespot has(Jeff Gershtshit's not so far behind).


Rhindle said:
Comments like this make me sad. They show just how successful Nintendo has been at conditioning people to believe that archaic, overpriced technology in a handheld is they only way to go.

Yeah, I was thinking along the same lines. The handheld market has adapted to this kind of lag when it comes to technology. Or more like the handheld market adapts around Nintendo's business choices. :p
The question is if PS2+PSP would really work out though, IF PSP turns out to be a handheld with many PS2->PSP ports. Would consumers really eat it up? Would we still be hearing the "it's a handheld, I can play it Anywhere, so it's cool" argument? :p


---- said:
Oh yeah and it plays movies

Why anybody count this as a "feature" is beyond me.

You can't play DVD format which everyone has their movie collections in.
You can't play movies for longer than 2 hours.
When given the opportunity to watch a movie on a handheld versus the television I don't know who would choose the handheld. You actually want to be able to see the movie here folks.

And unless this Sony format is going to be cheaper than DVDs which you can get good movies for 2 for $15 at Best Buy and the like all the time I don't see ANYBODY using this except for morons that like to show off shit that's not practical.


Rhindle said:
Comments like this make me sad. They show just how successful Nintendo has been at conditioning people to believe that archaic, overpriced technology in a handheld is they only way to go.

Your generalizing what people want from what you want. Not everyone wants a super computer in their pocket. And going by the many of the posts I see on these boards, many people are buying into the GBA because it's "archaic" tech is restricting games to style that is almost dead on consoles.

It's not like the situation will be getting better in terms of pricing either. If the estimates are close to what will be the reality, this next gen of handhelds will bring us closer to portable games being in the same ball park as console games.


ge-man said:
Your generalizing what people want from what you want. Not everyone wants a super computer in their pocket. And going by the many of the posts I see on these boards, many people are buying into the GBA because it's "archaic" tech is restricting games to style that is almost dead on consoles.
I think people have accepted SNES-level tech (and have even come to view as a good thing) simply because that is what they are accustomed to -- it's all they have ever seen in a handheld. Given a choice, I doubt that too many people will stick with the retro-gaming thing for very long.

Bringing console-quality technology into a handheld should eventually increase the size of the market as well. Right now, only those with a natural affinity/tolerance for retro gaming bother with GBA gaming. I think a lot of people who have paid no attention to handheld gaming in years will be interested in the PSP and get back in to handheld gaming.


And going by the many of the posts I see on these boards, many people are buying into the GBA because it's "archaic" tech is restricting games to style that is almost dead on consoles.

But that will cease as soon as Nintendo releases the DS. You won't see too many of those uniquely created 2D titles on a system created by Nintendo if it can do true 3D with a level of horsepower slightly better then that of the N64. If 2D isn't dead already, then it soon will be -- and this coming from a huge fan of Street Fighter III, GGXX, and the 2D versions of Metroid and Castlevania. :(

By the time the PSP hits shelves, the PS3 will be right behind it and I'm sure the graphics for those games will be significantly better then those on the PSP and far superior to that of the DS even though it'll simply be a better version of 3D graphics. To put it simply, Sony knows people will own both and there will be no competition. Kids will ask for the PS3 one Christmas and the PSP for their Birthday. It's pretty much as simple as that.

Lyte Edge

All I got for the Vernal Equinox was this stupid tag
ge-man said:
I agree that the damage control is coming way too early. Frankly, features don't mean shit in the scheme of things. If the PSP comes out at a 300 dollar or more price point, it'll be a threat to mp3 players and pda's, not the GBA. I don't expect the DS to replace the GB, nor do I think Nintendo's intentions are for replacing it or putting out a direct competitor to the PSP.

Price is definitely going to be a huge factor here, but people did say the same thing when the PSX launched for $300. The movie player aspect is dumb when the discs are going to be a completely different format, though.

Mama Smurf

My penis is still intact.
I guess since no one responded most of you really are happy with portability being the only reason for the PSP.

I think some of you are looking at the SNES style graphics the wrong way. It's not a bad thing, it's a good thing. 2D isn't dying, there'll always be 2D, but it's so much weaker than it was. The GBA has kept that side of gaming alive and well. I know it was inevitable that handhelds would go 3D eventually, but it just sucks that they have anyway. Nintendo have given me hope with the DS that I won't just be playing poorer versions of games which could have come out (and been better) on a home console, but I'd like to see some really killer games using the new stuff.
Mama Smurf said:
I agree with kitchenmotors. I just don't get why with the PSP. I can't say I'm totally onboard with the DS either yet, but if good games using the new inputs come out, I'll be happy.

Is it just that you can play these games in a portable form? Is that it? I'm sure that's enough for some people, but personally that's hardly exciting. I mean, it's just a PS2 with less buttons, a battery life and a smaller screen. I realise it'll have different games, but unless these games can't be made for the PS2 (and I'm struggling to think of ways that could happen), wouldn't it be better on the home system? I know there's nothing the GBA is doing that couldn't be done on home systems too, but just because of its relative power weakness, developers are forced to develop 2D games, something generally missing on consoles.

There's the whole other side of the PSP of course, the movies and music etc, but that's a whole other load of crap I don't want to get into. I wouldn't be saying anything positive anyway.


That said, I'm adopting a wait and see approach. I'm already sold on DS; PSP could be good, but it all comes down to battery life and price.

Lyte Edge

All I got for the Vernal Equinox was this stupid tag
Mama Smurf said:
I guess since no one responded most of you really are happy with portability being the only reason for the PSP.

I think some of you are looking at the SNES style graphics the wrong way. It's not a bad thing, it's a good thing. 2D isn't dying, there'll always be 2D, but it's so much weaker than it was. The GBA has kept that side of gaming alive and well. I know it was inevitable that handhelds would go 3D eventually, but it just sucks that they have anyway. Nintendo have given me hope with the DS that I won't just be playing poorer versions of games which could have come out (and been better) on a home console, but I'd like to see some really killer games using the new stuff.

But looking at games like Bomberman and Super Mario seem to show that the DS is just going to have poorer versions of N64 games on two screens. :p

Anyway, I'm very eager to see how both of these systems turn out. Can't wait; I'm more excited for the DS at the moment since it should be coming out this year, though.


Ppl are obsessed with GT4/Portable. You will not find Metal Gear Acid on the PS2, or Nippon Ichi's Makai War, or a bunch of the other games that was shown in the video montage.

It is too early to judge, especially on the software. The TGS is supposed to be the official unveiling of softwares.
But from what was shown already, looks like it'll have cross platform games(GT4), ports of oldies(TOE, blah), to go along with the original games and sequels(Wipeout!). Ppl seems to be fixated with one aspect of the lineup over all the others.

Mama Smurf

My penis is still intact.
Lyte Edge said:
But looking at games like Bomberman and Super Mario seem to show that the DS is just going to have poorer versions of N64 games on two screens. :p

Like I say, I'm waiting for the killer ap. I can see lots and lots of ways two screens, touchscreen and microphone can make current games far better, but nothing truly amazing. My example of what I'd do with Mario Kart for example is good I think (have a weapon which you can choose to aim at a specific rival by reaching over quickly and touching their icon on the touchscreen, something highly impractical for a racing game normally as it would probably need a lot of scrolling through things), and while it's a neat feature and would make the game slightly better, it's hardly blowing me away. Same with Animal Crossing. It's great to be able to type your letters using a touchscreen, soooo much quicker, but it's not different. Just improved.

Mama Smurf

My penis is still intact.
jiggle said:
Ppl are obsessed with GT4/Portable. You will not find Metal Gear Acid on the PS2, or Nippon Ichi's Makai War, or a bunch of the other games that was shown in the video montage.

There will obviously be original games, but what about those titles couldn't have been made as good as or better on the PS2?
I don't know. I don't care about what someone's general opinion of the system's future is. I just go by impressions of the actual unit. How it feels, how the demos were, how fun I felt it looked through videos (since I didn't get to go). What some random guy thinks has a better future doesn't affect that for me. It's completely hypothetical. I think they'll both do well and I'll likely buy both eventually.
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