NEW YORK (AP) -- Indignant conservative groups are protesting this week's opening of the film "Kinsey," denouncing it as propaganda seeking to glorify the researcher they blame for inspiring the sexual revolution.
"Alfred Kinsey is responsible in part for my generation being forced to deal face-to-face with the devastating consequences of sexually transmitted diseases, pornography and abortion," said Brandi Swindell, head of a college-oriented group called Generation Life that plans to picket theaters showing the film.
"Kinsey," starring Liam Neeson as the pioneering professor, opens in limited release Friday and nationwide in the following weeks.
Its writer-director, Bill Condon, has described the film as "a sort of litmus test for one's own ideas about sexuality."
Although the film portrays Kinsey as a flawed adulterer, conservative critics nonetheless contend it is too admiring. They argue that it omits unflattering details about Kinsey's interest in pedophilia and exaggerates the accuracy of the findings in his groundbreaking sex-behavior studies of 1948 and 1953.
"Instead of being lionized, Kinsey's proper place is with Nazi Dr. Josef Mengele or your average Hollywood horror flick mad scientist," said Robert Knight, director of Concerned Women of America's Culture & Family Institute.
Focus on the Family, an influential Christian ministry based in Colorado Springs, Colorado, said in a review of the film that "Kinsey" mocks Christianity and condones immorality.
"To say that it is rank propaganda for the sexual revolution and the homosexual agenda would be beyond stating the obvious," wrote reviewer Tom Neven.
Gotta love the lady that pretends this was trying to be a documentary."If this was a true documentary, they would have included more negative information," Swindell said. "They're sugarcoating the issue, trying to make him look like a genius who all of humanity should be grateful for."
Robert Peters, president of the conservative watchdog group Morality in Media, saw an advance screening.
"Kinsey wasn't wrong about everything," Peters said. "No question there was an unhealthy shame about sex that prevented people from getting help. ... There were a lot of people who were suffering."
"A film could have been produced that would have shown that side of Kinsey but also shown the hell that he released," Peters added. "That's part of Kinsey's legacy -- AIDS, abortion, the high divorce rate, pornography -- and there's not anything in the film to connect him with it."