So I'm returning from class, and I notice a fire truck parked out in front of my apartment complex, lights flashing. I think to myself, maybe they're just showing off. Then I see a couple firefighters in full garb entering one of the buildings. Not a great sign. I see some police standing outside same building, and smell a bit of smoke. Getting a little worried. Fortunately, the police have a fairly unconcerned look about them, so I ask them what's going on. It seems some jackass in that building managed to create a small fire (coincidentally, at the apartment senate meeting last night we were talking about organizing a relaxation activity which might involve giving out those smelly candles, but concern was raised about the prohibition on burning items) in his/her (dunno) apartment. This is something I'm always worried about when living in any sort of multiple unit residence. One moron can burn down everyone's home. Oh well, I hope that if this person was acting negligently, they boot his ass out of this housing complex.