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GT4 Japanese release date confirmed...


The black man everyone at Activision can agree on
All of that sounds great, and though I myself don't care the removal of online which has been hyped a few times... IS a noticeable loss in this day and age.


Shit fucking hell this sucks!!!!!!!!!!!

No online play? I'd rather them delay the game and take the time to implement online play then release it as a 'bonus'.

Three years of development time and no online play...
Smack to the face of GT fans.

Lord Error

Insane For Sony
I guess I'll just buy the 'updated' version they release in 2005. I don't like GT games nearly as much to buy the same thing twice, one of which being the crippled version.

Musashi Wins!

Anyone think there really will be an "updated" version? Damn, unbelievable. Why not wait?!?! GTA and MGS3 will sell a ton of games for Xmas, why release an unfinished game?


Supersonic, idiotic, disconnecting, not respecting, who would really ever wanna go and top that
I bet it was something with the online framerate. Maybe Polyphony just couldn't get it online at 60fps.
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