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GTA Online PS4/XB1 |OT| Just ignore the bodies (and look forward to heists)

That video lead me to a bunch of videos that have come up in the last week or so of modders/cheaters crying about their method of cheating not working because of Rockstar cracking down on shady character transfers.
Lol wut.

Yeah I heard that you can no longer transfer characters from previous gen.


Can't deny I dislike seeing dudes run around with bugged out invisible body parts or low res checkerboard pattern on all of their clothes.



I love freemode events, I just hate the randomness or not knowing when they'll trigger. I wish there was something on your phone to tell you when the next one would begin, so you could know to hang in the lobby or not.
Hmm, maybe it's time to get that Sultan RS upgrade.

I finally invested in a warehouse last night. My group got really lucky with a quiet lobby. One hour in and someone finally decides to grief us. A terrible buzzard pounded us with missiles all the way back to the warehouse. Bless the Insurgent Pickup. While we weren't able to take him down (he took care of that himself, lol), I lost count of the missiles he put into us. Sitting with a 60% full medium warehouse now. I may set the MTU on the PS4 here at work on lunch and start some deliveries. That will be about 2 1/2 hours from how if anyone is interested in watching my back. ;)
Excellent. I will probably be on in an hour at this point. No mics though. Either way I should also be on after work tonight. Busy all weekend though. Which is probably a good thing. I feel like I've been playing GTA O too much lately.

Update: The MTU trick was more trouble than it was worth. It worked as long as we were moving slowly across the map. Started getting lots of teleportation when we hopped in a helicopter. The lobby started filling up after 20 mins anyway, which completely defeats the purpose. YMMV.

Gonna try to find a quiet lobby when I get home. The warehouse is almost full.


Update: The MTU trick was more trouble than it was worth. It worked as long as we were moving slowly across the map. Started getting lots of teleportation when we hopped in a helicopter. The lobby started filling up after 20 mins anyway, which completely defeats the purpose. YMMV.

Gonna try to find a quiet lobby when I get home. The warehouse is almost full.

What did you set it at? I tested it out at 800 one night and it seemed to work well but I wasn't really interested in continued use (just curious if it worked) so I didn't mess with it long and switched it back to the default value afterward.
Finally decided it was time to level strength on my second character from one bar to max, not done with it yet but I have only one bar left on going around punching NPCs while on the Death Metal mission. I wish I started my second character back when the stomping on an NPC's vehicle bug still worked.
What did you set it at? I tested it out at 800 one night and it seemed to work well but I wasn't really interested in continued use (just curious if it worked) so I didn't mess with it long and switched it back to the default value afterward.

Yeah 800.

About to hop on now actually if anyone wants to join me.


Ah gotchya, and yeah like I said I only messed with it briefly before switching it back so I admit I didn't spend much time testing it out.
I love freemode events, I just hate the randomness or not knowing when they'll trigger. I wish there was something on your phone to tell you when the next one would begin, so you could know to hang in the lobby or not.
Apparently it was every 15 mins to begin with, then every 30 mins after the CEO update. This week it's supposedly set to every 5 mins for the special event.

Update: The MTU trick was more trouble than it was worth. It worked as long as we were moving slowly across the map. Started getting lots of teleportation when we hopped in a helicopter. The lobby started filling up after 20 mins anyway, which completely defeats the purpose. YMMV.

Gonna try to find a quiet lobby when I get home. The warehouse is almost full.
At 927 on PS4, whenever I hit find new session I'm out in a session on my own. Friends can still join, and we have no lag, but missions etc. (anything with a new lobby) don't work. With your friends you can vote to kick anyone who joins, and if you do that quickly whenever someone does join then it happens way less frequently (chances of new people joining seem to increase exponentially as the player count increases).

Finally decided it was time to level strength on my second character from one bar to max, not done with it yet but I have only one bar left on going around punching NPCs while on the Death Metal mission. I wish I started my second character back when the stomping on an NPC's vehicle bug still worked.
There are player created fist only deathmatches that pop up a fair bit, those are your ticket to max strength.
At 927 on PS4, whenever I hit find new session I'm out in a session on my own. Friends can still join, and we have no lag, but missions etc. (anything with a new lobby) don't work. With your friends you can vote to kick anyone who joins, and if you do that quickly whenever someone does join then it happens way less frequently (chances of new people joining seem to increase exponentially as the player count increases).
Ahh, maybe I'll give that a try. Thanks for the tip!

My group has been playing pretty regularly so we decided to go for the criminal mastermind. We figured that there are enough ways to make good money outside of heists and marathoning it is unrealistic. So we're just playing setups and completing heists as we have free time. Maybe one or two a night over the course of next week. So far things are going well. We have two good pilots, a tank, and a marksman.
My group has been playing pretty regularly so we decided to go for the criminal mastermind. We figured that there are enough ways to make good money outside of heists and marathoning it is unrealistic. So we're just playing setups and completing heists as we have free time. Maybe one or two a night over the course of next week. So far things are going well. We have two good pilots, a tank, and a marksman.
The no deaths Heist playthrough? That's gutsy, I've never had the courage for that one, we stuck to the loyalty and all-in-order challenges for the $2,000,000 bonus.
Yep, really not looking forward to Series A. Our lowest is just a hair under level 100, so health and artillery access aren't an issue. We will be stinking up the Karuma for sure, hovering over vests in the action menu. There are a few sticking points, but we play well together.


The no deaths Heist playthrough? That's gutsy, I've never had the courage for that one, we stuck to the loyalty and all-in-order challenges for the $2,000,000 bonus.

Yep, really not looking forward to Series A. Our lowest is just a hair under level 100, so health and artillery access aren't an issue. We will be stinking up the Karuma for sure, hovering over vests in the action menu. There are a few sticking points, but we play well together.

To be very honest, if there was no timer in any of heists missions, give me four consoles and I would finish Criminal Mastermind single-handedly with little effort. I know all shortcuts, all hiding spots, all methods to make it almost a breeze. It's the other players I always fear about :/
Apparently it was every 15 mins to begin with, then every 30 mins after the CEO update. This week it's supposedly set to every 5 mins for the special event.

Oh that's great, I'll definitely play it then

I like a lot of the special challenges. Only ones I don't really like are kill the beast or whatever it is, or any where you need a lot of coordination in a public server.


Oh that's great, I'll definitely play it then

I like a lot of the special challenges. Only ones I don't really like are kill the beast or whatever it is, or any where you need a lot of coordination in a public server.

There was a time recently that the beast notification popped up (press left if you want to be the beast) and I was like "nah I'm good" and kept dickin around.

Guess at some point I turned a cars headlights on cause next thing I know I'm the fucking beast lol.

My car spawned nearby so I said fuck it and got 7 or 8 of the landmarks before getting killed.
Anyone ever got hacked and then framed for it? A Hold the Vehicle event happened and I took it and the players that tried to ram me were see-through and couldn't touch me. Then everyone accused me of hacking and didn't believe me when I plead innocent. The fuck? On PC btw.
Anyone ever got hacked and then framed for it? A Hold the Vehicle event happened and I took it and the players that tried to ram me were see-through and couldn't touch me. Then everyone accused me of hacking and didn't believe me when I plead innocent. The fuck? On PC btw.

I've been accused of being a hacker, even when the idiots accusing me of it were griefing the shit out of me and some don't even understand what lag is which is funny seeing how the game pairs people up with seemingly no regard for location. GTAO has a lot of idiots, there's really no point in worrying about them.

Was it like they were in passive mode? >_> I don't know if it's still happening but I've seen stuff like that happen when I'm not sure if it's a modder who is able to some how put people in passive mode or a bug.
I've been accused of being a hacker, even when the idiots accusing me of it were griefing the shit out of me and some don't even understand what lag is which is funny seeing how the game pairs people up with seemingly no regard for location. GTAO has a lot of idiots, there's really no point in worrying about them.

Was it like they were in passive mode? >_> I don't know if it's still happening but I've seen stuff like that happen when I'm not sure if it's a modder who is able to some how put people in passive mode or a bug.

It was like I was in a passive so they couldn't attack me. Their cars kept phasing through me and their heli missiles had no effect. They accused me of getting into that passive mode first lol. Then some dude said he would report me so I hope I don't end up banned for some bullcrap.


we all knew her
I was doing a motorcycle race yesterday and some Level 8000 turd kept jumping out in front of me. Like, I would pass him and then he was just pop into existence back out in front of me. He won the race (obviously) and his character model was invisible except for his head. What is the best way to report this kind of thing?
I was doing a motorcycle race yesterday and some Level 8000 turd kept jumping out in front of me. Like, I would pass him and then he was just pop into existence back out in front of me. He won the race (obviously) and his character model was invisible except for his head. What is the best way to report this kind of thing?

Screenshot and report it to R* support. My understanding is that there have been some pretty heavy ban waves directed toward those types lately.
Man are playing races annoying. Dudes just sabotage themselves at the start and whenever you get a lead some dude creeps up behind you because of catchup and spins you out. I wish Rockstar would stop with the handicap modes like this and lock-on aiming in multiplayer because that's all anyone uses and it can be infuriating constantly getting taken out by nutbars.


Not sure, the money glitch only lasted a day or so after it became well known, the current issue with transfers seems to be related to modded accounts if what people are speculating about are correct.

The recent transfer issues also didn't appear to start up till at least a couple weeks after that glitch too.
So much for that Criminal Mastermind run. Someone decided to take a parachute risk during the Prison Break finale.

Me: "Alright everyone, this is a sticking point. It's on you to open the chute. Don't fuck around and don't land in the rotars. This isn't a VIP session, the rotars WILL KILL YOU."

One chute, two chutes.

Me: "Who hasn't opened their chute yet?"


*xxxx died

xxxx: "Aww man."

Me: "Why didn't you open your chute as soon as you leapt from the plane?"

xxxx: "Well, I was trying to aim for the water."

Fuck this game and everyone who plays it.
So much for that Criminal Mastermind run. Someone decided to take a parachute risk during the Prison Break finale.

Me: "Alright everyone, this is a sticking point. It's on you to open the chute. Don't fuck around and don't land in the rotars. This isn't a VIP session, the rotars WILL KILL YOU."

One chute, two chutes.

Me: "Who hasn't opened their chute yet?"


*xxxx died

xxxx: "Aww man."

Me: "Why didn't you open your chute as soon as you leapt from the plane?"

xxxx: "Well, I was trying to aim for the water."

Fuck this game and everyone who plays it.

At least it happened in the first proper heist and not someone trying to be clever at the end of Pac Standard.
Probably the only positive I can think of.

"Well, you guys want to just finish this one out and start over?"

The fuck would I want to do that?
Just out of curiosity, do you already have the All-In-Order and Heist Crew Loyalty challenges done? Because it's $1,000,000 for each of those, and you've already started down the path.
I don't. I would consider going ahead with it, but not with this person after tonight. I had a feeling we were going to have trouble when we started tonight. That player tore off in their own car, causing a failure that required a setup restart. They had another fail immediately after when they decided to take a short cut near the fucking prison. They ate all the vests in their inventory during the prison gauntlet.

They are high level and a solid player. I consider them a good online friend. However, their random rule ignorance and refusal to follow directions (they always know best, even when everyone is shouting otherwise) has lost my trust. I doubt I will undertake anything serious with them in GTA Online again.
I don't. I would consider going ahead with it, but not with this person after tonight. I had a feeling we were going to have trouble when we started tonight. That player tore off in their own car, causing a failure that required a setup restart. They had another fail immediately after when they decided to take a short cut near the fucking prison. They ate all the vests in their inventory during the prison gauntlet.

They are high level and a solid player. I consider them a good online friend. However, their random rule ignorance and refusal to follow directions (they always know best, even when everyone is shouting otherwise) has lost my trust. I doubt I will undertake anything serious with them in GTA Online again.
Criminal Mastermind is intensely difficult, even with pros. There are some setups where a random death can hit you out of the blue no matter how good you are. Like I said earlier, I've never even bothered to attempt it, it's just a recipe for disappointment and blame if you ask me.


Man are playing races annoying. Dudes just sabotage themselves at the start and whenever you get a lead some dude creeps up behind you because of catchup and spins you out. I wish Rockstar would stop with the handicap modes like this and lock-on aiming in multiplayer because that's all anyone uses and it can be infuriating constantly getting taken out by nutbars.

You have to play it smart, there's no other way, unfortunately. If you are leading, drive as fast as possible to gap other players. If you can't and there's someone coming for you, let them by and wait for their mistake.

I had race like that few days ago, it was Rally stunt race. I was 2nd on the grid, tried to make a break, but with catchup on it wasn't possible. What I did? I let others by, one by one, constantly looking at the minimap and behind me, trying not to be taken out. When I was sure there was no danger from behind, I started to play the waiting game, picking them one after another, while they were making expected mistakes. I was quickly up from 7th to 2nd and had absolutely fantastic second part of that race including a lot of clean overtakes with someone, who as it turned out, was also in a racing crew :)

So much for that Criminal Mastermind run. Someone decided to take a parachute risk during the Prison Break finale.

Yeah, as I said, it's not enemies who are the problem on a CMM run, it's other players :/


we all knew her
You have to play it smart, there's no other way, unfortunately. If you are leading, drive as fast as possible to gap other players. If you can't and there's someone coming for you, let them by and wait for their mistake.

I had race like that few days ago, it was Rally stunt race. I was 2nd on the grid, tried to make a break, but with catchup on it wasn't possible. What I did? I let others by, one by one, constantly looking at the minimap and behind me, trying not to be taken out. When I was sure there was no danger from behind, I started to play the waiting game, picking them one after another, while they were making expected mistakes. I was quickly up from 7th to 2nd and had absolutely fantastic second part of that race including a lot of clean overtakes with someone, who as it turned out, was also in a racing crew :)

The stunt races remind me a lot of Super Mario Kart in that it's not always best to be in first place (if catchup is turned on). A lot of the time it does seem to work out better to stay behind whoever is winning and then make your move toward the end. I pretty much picture Catchup as an invisible blue shell tethered to the first place car to slow them down.


I don't. I would consider going ahead with it, but not with this person after tonight. I had a feeling we were going to have trouble when we started tonight. That player tore off in their own car, causing a failure that required a setup restart. They had another fail immediately after when they decided to take a short cut near the fucking prison. They ate all the vests in their inventory during the prison gauntlet.

They are high level and a solid player. I consider them a good online friend. However, their random rule ignorance and refusal to follow directions (they always know best, even when everyone is shouting otherwise) has lost my trust. I doubt I will undertake anything serious with them in GTA Online again.
I don't remembering doing this.
I wish they could fix whatever issue it is that causes you to sometimes lose all your momentum on a landing, maybe it's too hard and causes the body of the car to smash into the ground? I was on I think the Chiliad stunt race last week and had that happen while in second place, the guy who was in first screwed up his landing while I did it seemingly perfectly and was closer to the finish but then that happened and instead of being at least slightly ahead of him I ended up several seconds behind. That was a bitter loss...


You weren't a part of the group. You wouldn't do this.

If our time zones were closer together you would have been a part of the group.
It was s joke, pal, sounds like the kinda fuck up I'd do

(At least I didn't let my PS4 controller die on me while piloting the plane during the Prison Break finale...)
Hehehe. Were you playing the Signal setup for the Pac Standard with us that one night when that one guy decided to bail out of the chopper? We're flying along, clean run with the chopper, and this guy just decides to jump out because lol. Avi pairs with him for whatever reason (he wasn't the individual in the cutscene that Avi originally paired with). Avi bails with him, no parachute, paints the mountain. Lost the chopper, had to start the setup again.

We don't play with that guy anymore.


I wish they could fix whatever issue it is that causes you to sometimes lose all your momentum on a landing, maybe it's too hard and causes the body of the car to smash into the ground? I was on I think the Chiliad stunt race last week and had that happen while in second place, the guy who was in first screwed up his landing while I did it seemingly perfectly and was closer to the finish but then that happened and instead of being at least slightly ahead of him I ended up several seconds behind. That was a bitter loss...

Tip: land on rear axle first :)

I was mad when it was happening on Chilliad too, seemingly only after last 2 jumps. So I checked few things out and yeah, landing on your rear eliminates this problem.
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