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GTA Online PS4/XB1 |OT| Just ignore the bodies (and look forward to heists)


GTA Online: Bikers Update - Two New Vehicles and Sixth Purchasable Property Now Available




Starting today, and running for a full two weeks through October 24th, take advantage of a new set of GTA Online discounts and unlockable rewards. You'll receive a black Western Logo Hoodie just by logging into GTA Online at any point over the next two weeks. There's also Double GTA$ & RP in the new Slipstream Adversary Mode, along with a special Double GTA$ & RP Playlist featuring a selection of Stunt Races (to join, just hit the prompt on the GTAV launch screen or select the Stunt Race Playlist from the Rockstar Playlists in the pause menu).

If you need extra back-up for your newly formed Motorcycle Club or you’re looking for a break from police attention, both Lester and Merryweather have cut their prices in half across their entire catalog of Services. Those looking to make over their vehicles can head on over to Los Santos Customs where you'll receive 25% off Resprays, Tire Smoke, Rims and Turbos. And Ammu-Nation is trimming 25% off all Bullet Ammo, Tints, Body Armor, Throwables and Drum & Box Magazines.




The first couple of Lamar missions are the tutorial for online. You can't skip them. If anything, you can just pull up your phone and select "quick job" or just drive around and look for the mission markers. There's really no set path for what to do online. A lot of people just go around in free roam and PvP, there are crews that only do races, etc. Just go around and explore Los Santos and find the things you enjoy doing.
So last night was awesome. Got to play with Cat and Tigress some more. Cat had to go AFK for a bit so we ended up with a mixed group of friendly acquaintances and GAF folks in an empty public lobby. We ran high player count contact missions for about an hour with hilariously OP setups. I think there were 3 Savages in the air during an LS Connection mission and we completed Judging the Jury in roughly 5 minutes at one point.

I had to go so we ended things with a rooftop massacre. My parting gift was a sucker punch into helicopter blades. I haven't seen mayhem with friendlies in GTA Online like that in probably over a year.



Anyone having issues with being placed in empty public lobbies? It's getting beyond a joke for me. The first three or so I join are empty. That's fine when I want to run some CEO or MC missions, but not when I just want to kick back and relax.


Anyone having issues with being placed in empty public lobbies? It's getting beyond a joke for me. The first three or so I join are empty. That's fine when I want to run some CEO or MC missions, but not when I just want to kick back and relax.

A lot of complaints lately about stuff like that -- people are having problems even logging on. I'm assuming something with the Bikers update screwed up.
Oh yeah, my first attempt at starting the game failed (yay DRM) and when I did start it and went to online it took a really long time to load into it.
Yeah, loading into a public lobby after missions was taking me 5 to 10 mins (seriously) last night. All of the new, lobby-based content is probably stressing things to the breaking point.

On a side now, I've become addicted to making photos using the R* editor.
Anyone having issues with being placed in empty public lobbies? It's getting beyond a joke for me. The first three or so I join are empty. That's fine when I want to run some CEO or MC missions, but not when I just want to kick back and relax.
I don't know about that but last night on the PC side purchase transactions were ridiculously slow.
A lot of complaints lately about stuff like that -- people are having problems even logging on. I'm assuming something with the Bikers update screwed up.
Oh yeah, my first attempt at starting the game failed (yay DRM) and when I did start it and went to online it took a really long time to load into it.
Yeah, loading into a public lobby after missions was taking me 5 to 10 mins (seriously) last night. All of the new, lobby-based content is probably stressing things to the breaking point.
All encountering this too.

Also, this morning I bought 2 sets of 3 crates, my money got deducted both times, but whenever I went outside my building, no mission to retrieve those crates started.

So I banked some money I had on me and then I joined a new lobby, to my surprise I still had the previous amount of money on me and the 2 previous purchases wasn't deducted...


I was switching lobbies until I landed in 4 player one, so I decided to sell coke from my Sandy Shores warehouse. Then I experienced ridiculously long loading time and after 2 minutes when it finally put me outside, I was in lobby with another 20 players. WTF? Of course someone destroyed 2 of my shipment vehicles, because why not :/

It's not like I need money after last weekend (based Sultans RS ;), but it really pissed me off.
Good times today.


SiteSeer, Symphonia, and Xenorevlis are in there with a few other non-GAF folks.

Oh and that single-shot grenade pistol. Makes riding a bike safe. LOL


Last night was hella fun, guys. Should do it again sometime. Having an 8-man MC tear up the streets of LS was amazingly entertaining.


I know this is the console thread but the PC one is dead and this post really encompasses all versions.

Just picked up the PC version and started playing online for the first time since the PS3 release and I have a few questions. What is the best way to level up to 5 so I can get my first garage? Really want to check out all the new races and stuff but can't until I have a few different cars worth taking into the events.

Is there a good guide for a newcomer like myself? I'm level 3 ATM and just did the first TDM mission after the first holdup. I feel like they're a some sort of tutorial going on but don't know how to get the next mission/job to initiate.


The Lamar missions are the tutorial. I would say to just do some solo races. I'm not sure if the 2x stunt races are still going but even if they're not, you can raise low levels pretty quickly (and your driving skill and cash) doing solo racing.

Here's a reply I made on the last page:

But after that, it will help at first to spawn into a solo session so you don't have to worry about other players targeting you (you can pick this from the options menu). I recommend doing some races to raise enough cash to buy a garage. Go into the options and start a race and play it alone. This will also get you XP to raise your characters level (will allow you access to more things) and driving skill.

I believe the cheapest garage is about $25K and it is near a Los Santos customs that you can steal cars to trade in for cash (you can do this about once an hour). You can also store cars in there and it will be a safe spot from other players. Simeon will also contact you about cars he needs at his garage at the docks. You can also rob stores for a little money.

As your level goes up, you will have people from the game contacting you to do missions. Some of these are a good way to get cash and XP but some are awful and a waste of time. Some missions you can do solo but some require you to be with at least one other person.

Generally deathmatches aren't good for low level players because your weapons suck and you will spend a lot of money on ammo.

If you join a crew via the Social Club site, you'll get some free stuff including a decent rifle and car that will help in the beginning.


Thanks for the help.

There's a 2 car garage with a half pipe in east los santos that's free atm (atleast it was yesterday on PC). So I'm trying to level up as quick as I can to get it before it goes back to its normal price. Are there more Lemar tutorial missions to do after the TDM?

Also I'm trying to add custom races to my job list from the website but in game they aren't available that I can see. Do I need to be a certain level to access them?

Edit: I also applied to a couple Neogaf crews that seemed active still. Would like to join one if possible. My name in game seeems to be my PSN name which is Squadon. Not sure why it picked that as my name instead of my Steam account but it's probably since I already played some on PS3.


There's only a couple of Lamar missions for the tutorial. Once your level goes up enough he will contact you for the Lowrider missions.

The higher your level, the more races/deathmatches/missions will be available. At level 3 I don't think you'll have any so select Quick Job from your phone and then join a race. Even if you finish last (or even don't finish) you'll still get XP and cash and IIRC then the race will be added so you can go to it from the pause menu and do it solo. The longer the race, the more cash and XP you'll get but it caps off at about $6000/2000 XP.
Did they finally officially end transferring last gen characters to current/PC?

Try to get recruited for as an associate/bodyguard/whatever through the CEO thing and do the same with biker gangs, get a Bati or Akuma since they're both cheap and still decent overall in races where the only bike that now soundly can beat them is the new million dollar one.


I don't believe it does.
Meh. I'll check back later and see if sth changed.
Pretty shitty if true, I spend like 3~4h max a week playing GTA:O and it seems like one business run is about 5h.
Making some cash passively isn't too bad but it will take almost two months to make back the cash I spent if all goes right lol.


how do you quit a job without being penalized? i see no option to leave when a mission fails and the only way i found was to quit while on the job.


we all knew her
how do you quit a job without being penalized? i see no option to leave when a mission fails and the only way i found was to quit while on the job.

What kind of penalty are you talking about? If I'm a job that keeps getting failed and everyone else decides to restart, I just go to the pause menu and find a new session. Not sure that I've been penalized for it.


What kind of penalty are you talking about? If I'm a job that keeps getting failed and everyone else decides to restart, I just go to the pause menu and find a new session. Not sure that I've been penalized for it.

i dont know, everytime i quit like this the game says that i will become a 'bad sport', whatever that means.
So, we're seeing the Holloween update this week right? Maybe the rest of the Bikers content too? Or will they stretch the biker stuff out into November?

I haven't done a damn thing with the motorcycle club outside of just buying the club and using the bike delivery. The Compact Grenade Launcher is nice though, no more needing sticky bombs while chasing (with a bounty on them) or being chased by someone, at least while on a motorcycle. Oh, the melee on the bike is great too, I wish Rockstar made some GTA Races that incorporated that, maybe it's time I finally made one.


we all knew her
R* seems to be draining modded/glitched money from accounts now: http://gtaforums.com/topic/871877-modded-accounts-are-having-their-money-drained/

...and will also reset player data for any ban you receive. Pretty shitty, considering how spotty their history with handling bans is.

Glad to hear it. Now I get to go home tonight and find out if I lost the money I gained from the character swap glitch from a couple months back.


Glad to hear it. Now I get to go home tonight and find out if I lost the money I gained from the character swap glitch from a couple months back.

Nah, we should be safe.

GTA Online Halloween Specials, Anniversary Bonuses, New Vehicles & More

With its eerie skull-studded design, the Sanctus is a dread-inducing piece of machinery, guaranteed to strike fear into passersby on your next midnight ride. The new Lost vs Damned mode is a classic battle between the forces of good and evil, as hordes of Devils and hosts of Angels battle it out for the right to rule. Complicating the conflict will be a day/night cycle that switches every 60 seconds, with night time benefiting the Devils and day time rewarding the Angels – with increased Armor, Health and superior Weapon loadouts during each team's prime time. Classic GTA Online Halloween vehicles and items will also be returning along with some special Event Week bonuses that we’ll have more info on this coming Friday.



To commemorate three years of GTA Online, we're awarding anyone that logs in on PlayStation 4, Xbox One or PC from today through end of day Monday October 31st with a special GTA$250,000 gift, which will be deposited into your Maze Bank account by November 4th.

There’s also 30% off a wide variety of vehicles, weapons and more – with fan-favorite items representing GTA Online content updates since November 2013's Beach Bum update - from the star-spangled Liberator to the devastatingly powerful Heavy Shotgun to the Zentorno, T20 and more. We've temporarily rescinded all rank and completion requirements, so you can take full, unadulterated advantage of these limited time discounts now through Monday, November 7th.



R* seems to be draining modded/glitched money from accounts now: http://gtaforums.com/topic/871877-modded-accounts-are-having-their-money-drained/

...and will also reset player data for any ban you receive. Pretty shitty, considering how spotty their history with handling bans is.

Well... LOL at the douche I heard bragging about having 22 billion GTA fun bucks a couple days ago while in a jet griefing people.
Can I switch between playing GTAO on different platforms or is the character locked to a platform? If locked, which platform is the best to favor for possible GAF fun? I'm likely to mainly play private solo -- can a lot of fun be had and stuff like having a MC clubhouse or doing the CEO stuff still be done?


Can I switch between playing GTAO on different platforms or is the character locked to a platform? If locked, which platform is the best to favor for possible GAF fun? I'm likely to mainly play private solo -- can a lot of fun be had and stuff like having a MC clubhouse or doing the CEO stuff still be done?
Chars are ultimately tied to platform, yes. Not sure about the platform distribution, but I'd take a wild guess and say PS4 is most popular.
I don't think you'll have much fun playing solo in GTAO. You can buy anything without having to have people upfront but actually using or having fun with it solely at your own... improbable.
Chars are ultimately tied to platform, yes. Not sure about the platform distribution, but I'd take a wild guess and say PS4 is most popular.
I don't think you'll have much fun playing solo in GTAO. You can buy anything without having to have people upfront but actually using or having fun with it solely at your own... improbable.

I like just putzing around the open world and doing random stuff, and having cars / garages / yachts, etc. to grind for gives it some structure. Also will likely dip into some play with others (hopefully GAF) once I get a bit better.

One thing I didn't like about GTA Online when I played it right after the previous gen release is the world didn't feel nearly alive. Animals were missing (and still are, apparently), but also there just weren't as many pedestrians and random cool things happening it felt like. That still the case? I wish I could chase the collectibles in GTA Online, that'd be awesome.

Do I need PlayStation Plus even if I do GTA Online solo private? I hope not, I just let it lapse. I know I'll eventually need it if I do want to play with others.

Edit: Dang, need PS+ even though I'm not actually playing with others. Ah, well.,


I like just putzing around the open world and doing random stuff, and having cars / garages / yachts, etc. to grind for gives it some structure. Also will likely dip into some play with others (hopefully GAF) once I get a bit better.

One thing I didn't like about GTA Online when I played it right after the previous gen release is the world didn't feel nearly alive. Animals were missing (and still are, apparently), but also there just weren't as many pedestrians and random cool things happening it felt like. That still the case? I wish I could chase the collectibles in GTA Online, that'd be awesome.

Do I need PlayStation Plus even if I do GTA Online solo private? I hope not, I just let it lapse. I know I'll eventually need it if I do want to play with others.

Edit: Dang, need PS+ even though I'm not actually playing with others. Ah, well.,

That's still one of if not my biggest peeve about GTAO, is that the world doesn't feel nearly as alive as it does in SP.


Just got the game on PS4 after just having it on PS3 3 years ago.
The online is so overwhelming. I didn't and still don't know what I'm doing haha.
My character got deleted last night and I had to go to character selection screen. When I did the first mission with lemar my character was level 9 again and have 500k in the bank :S
Don't know what happened and it's pretty confusing
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