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GTA: SA Loading Times?


Any word on the loading times for SA? The loading times killed the PS2 versions of GTA3 and VC. I hope they fixed this problem.


Banstick Emeritus
No loading at all, except when entering buildings. And unless you grew up with a Commodore 64 and a 1541 disk drive, you don't know shit about loading times. :p


"Killed?" A minute at start up and about 10 seconds in between islands was too much to wait?

And I think that the countryside is supposed to be a big loading point
How is it evev possable you have come to this board and not known about the 'no loading' feature? my god.

And I agree with belgurdo, killed? WTF? You let loading that shord ruin your play of some of the best games ever made?

~Black Deatha


Digital Foundry pixel pusher
Gantz said:
Any word on the loading times for SA? The loading times killed the PS2 versions of GTA3 and VC. I hope they fixed this problem.


That's utterly bizarre...

The only significant load point in the ENTIRE game was the initial startup. Once it was loaded, there was virtually no loading anywhere else in the game. The 3 second split between islands was nothing and hardly worth complaining about...


Bad Art ™
bishoptl said:
No loading at all, except when entering buildings. And unless you grew up with a Commodore 64 and a 1541 disk drive, you don't know shit about loading times. :p

I was playing on TAPE

NOT :p (and thanks god for that 1541-2 for life)


The black man everyone at Activision can agree on
bishoptl said:
No loading at all, except when entering buildings. And unless you grew up with a Commodore 64 and a 1541 disk drive, you don't know shit about loading times. :p

Whatever unless you grew up with a Pet Computer and a tape drive you don't know shit about load times. ;)



This is the first computer I did any programming on.


howabout my timex sinclair where you had to enter programs by hand off the pages of a magazine.. now thats loading time!


Well, at least you were doing something.... But damn, loading times of over a minute are a killer.. Once you're inside both Liberty City and Vice City, those loading screens are killed themselves.... I don't know how Gantz even got to this, rather weird, conclusion...


Clothed, sober, cooperative
Please, make with the flaming, but I experienced LONG loading times every time I entered or exited a building/cutscene in both games. So I agree with the original poster, but given the reaction - what am I missing? Is there some magic option? Am I playing with a crazy PS2 hardware iteration?


Digital Foundry pixel pusher
Stinkles said:
Please, make with the flaming, but I experienced LONG loading times every time I entered or exited a building/cutscene in both games. So I agree with the original poster, but given the reaction - what am I missing? Is there some magic option? Am I playing with a crazy PS2 hardware iteration?

There were VERY few buildings between the two games, and many of those small buildings had no loading times at all (a few of the larger areas had slight loading, but it was no more than 2-3 seconds).

There is slight loading between cutscenes too, but nothing major.

If you could define LONG loading times, perhaps we could determine whether or not there is a problem.

GTA is very sensitive on the PS2. If your system has issues with reading discs (or issues are developing), those two games can have major problems...


Flame me all you want. The loading times when loading a game were excruciating for me. 1-2 minute to load a save game this gen is ridiculous. Load times were non-existant on the Xbox versions(They didn't even have those lame loading bar screens). Anyway I was just wondering if Rockstar addressed this issue since devs tend to fix loading times on the next iterations of game series.


works for Gamestop (lol)
Loading a save game didn't take a minute. I love how people exaggerate load times. The formula is like (real loading time length) x 10


Digital Foundry pixel pusher
Wario64 said:
Loading a save game didn't take a minute. I love how people exaggerate load times. The formula is like (real loading time length) x 10

Yeah really...

1-2 minutes? Come on.

Not only that, it only has to load it ONE TIME. That's it, you turn on the game...it loads. You won't see that load screen again until you turn off the machine.
Crash Bandicoot the Wrath of Cortex has longer loading time than GTA, and it happens every time you enter a level. We're talking 50 seconds of Crash falling into space. The game is not even that impressive looking or complex.


Digital Foundry pixel pusher
Mega Man's Electric Sheep said:
Crash Bandicoot the Wrath of Cortex has longer loading time than GTA, and it happens every time you enter a level. We're talking 50 seconds of Crash falling into space. The game is not even that impressive looking or complex.

Ha ha ha, I forgot about that one. Truly awful...

Morrowind for XBOX is pretty bad as well (much worse than GTA).


Soldiers of Fortune on the DC had some ridiculous load times too. It would take like 5 minutes to load a cut scene before the level, then another 5 minutes to load the level itself. :p

The only thing I hope in GTA is that there is no loading necessary to save. Put a save point outside that can quickly bring up the menu. Don't make me have to load some interior just to save a game (like in Vice city if I remember correctly)


Digital Foundry pixel pusher
Future said:
Soldiers of Fortune on the DC had some ridiculous load times too. It would take like 5 minutes to load a cut scene before the level, then another 5 minutes to load the level itself. :p

The only thing I hope in GTA is that there is no loading necessary to save. Put a save point outside that can quickly bring up the menu. Don't make me have to load some interior just to save a game (like in Vice city if I remember correctly)

Damn, another great example. It took longer than GTA3 to load a map...but each PC map was divided into like 3 or 4 segments and each one took that long to load. So, you had to sits through damn near 4 minutes of loading just to reach the end of the first stage!


...and that, kids, was the first time I sucked a dick for crack
Mega Man's Electric Sheep said:
Crash Bandicoot the Wrath of Cortex has longer loading time than GTA, and it happens every time you enter a level. We're talking 50 seconds of Crash falling into space. The game is not even that impressive looking or complex.

There was a PINBALL game on the PSX; one of the very first PSX games (it came out in those big cases and shit) that loaded a game for over 3 minutes. PINBALL!

Lyte Edge

All I got for the Vernal Equinox was this stupid tag
I really want to just wait for the PC/XBox version of GTA San Andreas...especially the PC version, since Vice City plays so much smoother on PC than either Xbox or PS2, and I'm sure San Andreas will be the same way...

...But there's no way in hell I'm going to wait.

bishoptl said:
No loading at all, except when entering buildings. And unless you grew up with a Commodore 64 and a 1541 disk drive, you don't know shit about loading times. :p

Don't forget about the Neo-Geo CD!


Ninja Scooter said:
wasn't their even a couple of n64 games that had really shitty load times? For some reason Quake comes to mind.

Perfect Dark was the longest one i experienced... ~5 sec to load a cutscene or stage :p
i didn't play much 3rd party games on N64 though, so i wouldn't know about them.


bishoptl said:
No loading at all, except when entering buildings. And unless you grew up with a Commodore 64 and a 1541 disk drive, you don't know shit about loading times. :p


bish = <3

Memories... load up the disc, then it would do that loud ass rattle, and you knew you were good.


Ninja Scooter said:
wasn't their even a couple of n64 games that had really shitty load times? For some reason Quake comes to mind.

It took almost a minute to get to the title screen of Shadowman.
Insertia said:
Loading times killed GTA3?


There was barely any loading in the game.

Yeah, there was a bit at the start, and little pauses between islands. I'd like to say that fanboy bitching has sunk to a new low, but the sparks debate was worse than this.


dark10x said:
Ha ha ha, I forgot about that one. Truly awful...

Morrowind for XBOX is pretty bad as well (much worse than GTA).

Morrowind was bad but only to start, essentially a one time mass loading. After that the game world had practically no loading between areas.
Heck, I would take a 5 minutes of loading over a lot of small loads.

Just turn the system on, get some food, go to the bathroom, etc. and when you come back it would be ready.

But complaining about one 1-minute load session is beyond ridiculous.
bishoptl said:
No loading at all, except when entering buildings. And unless you grew up with a Commodore 64 and a 1541 disk drive, you don't know shit about loading times. :p

Yo, 1541 FO' LIFE!!

And my Vic-20 had a tape drive. Fucking tape!


Knows the Score
I had a version of International Soccer on C64 that took 1/2 hour to load.
Someone had dumped the cartridge to tape, but they didn't have any method of compression for the loader.


Digital Foundry pixel pusher
Sysgen said:
Morrowind was bad but only to start, essentially a one time mass loading. After that the game world had practically no loading between areas.

Just like GTA...

However, unlike GTA, loading a save game (or dying and loading) required the game to load once again and it took just as long.

GTA only loads one time, no matter what you do.

I'd prefer a 10 min load at the start vs Fable or REs constant interruptions.

Now THIS I really agree with. Fable's constant loading drove me mad...
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