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GTA: Vice City still has the best song selections!


No doubt. GTA games have great soundtracks, but Vice City is the very best. In terms of licenced soundtracks, it's never come close to being bettered imo.


Not sure if it'll end up ever coming this side of the globe, but if Yakuza 0 does end up getting a western release, Sega would be mad not to include some 80's music in that seeing as it is set in 1988!

Who knows..
Never really go into Vice City probably cause i was only 10 years old but i do have the soundtrack on iTunes.

San Andreas is perfect in my eyes.

Went through the desert on a horse with no name.....


I love how Billie Jean was automatically the first song you heard, the first time you hijacked a car in the game. Shame that it had to be removed from the PC version.
So that's why it wasn't the first thing that played when I bought Vice City for my Nexus 7. It's a damn shame.

I view the PS2 GTAs as the best ones, and the soundtracks are a big part of that. Vice City in particular introduced me to an entire decade of music that I have been in love with since the official site for the game came out. Before that game I was listening exclusively to then-current Hip Hop, which was mainly Eminem and friends. Then not only am I introduced to the origins of Hip Hop, I'm introduced to a variety of genres that I would normally have ignored by default. Before I didn't listen to any rock or pop. Now my brain is flicking back and forth between 2 Minutes To Midnight and Broken Wings, with some I Ran thrown in there. It was the first game in which I could leave it on any station and enjoy it. I didn't even do that in 3, and I still listen to my personally ripped mp3s of Game Radio and MSX FM on a regular basis. (Side note: note many games ever had a DnB station. 101.1 MSX FM IN YOUR MANOR!)

San Andreas' soundtrack is something that didn't quite open my ears up in the way that Vice City's did at the time, but last year I put the soundtrack on (still have CD and that prologue disc that came with it) and enjoyed the hell out of it.

My love for those soundtracks is one of the many things that disappointed me about 4. That game wasn't GTA. It was an imitator that didn't understand what made the PS2 games so great. 5 is what 4 should have been.
If you guys like Vice City's soundtrack, also play Vice City Stories. Wave 103 is better on there.

Yup, plus Phil Collins is an actual character in the game.



Wow I haven't played this in over 10 years, I just listened to Motley Crue then I could imagine the map layout in my head, unbelievable, even some of the missions I can imagine.


wishes it were bannable to say mean things about Marvel
Still the best GTA full stop in my opinion.

Yeah, I'd agree with this too. Out of all of the GTA games VC is the one I still go back to just to have fun with now and then. It just had so much atmosphere and personality. Other GTA games may have technically been better but artistically I prefer Vice City over them all.


Yep, the best GTA has the best song selection, hands down.
I kept listening to V-Rock all the time at the point that I often ignored the mission I had and stayed in the car and kept listening.
San Andreas was superior. Captured the 90s perfectly.

It thought it mildly captured the 90s. The grunge selections were OK, the hip-hop wasn't very representative of hardcore gangster rap and the alternative indie rock was kinda off, lack of shoegaze, trip-hop, etc. The throwback 70s funk was nice, but it didn't really feel 90s. The overall licensing was not as strong as Vice City.


I love how Billie Jean was automatically the first song you heard, the first time you hijacked a car in the game. Shame that it had to be removed from the PC version.

That's what sold me on the game.

I hadn't played GTA 3 and wasn't really into the big 3D world (I loved the old 2D GTAs), but I went to a friend's place, he gave me the controller and said "Just play it for a bit".

I jumped on a scooter and Billie Jean started playing. I turned to my buddy, said "thanks, man", went out and bought the game.


The soundtrack was the most memorable thing for me. One of my top three GTA games. I never completed the game. I spent a major of it carjacking and listening to the radio stations. With a proper audio setup, the game is pure awesomeness!
Vice City is best GTA.

I would love to revisit it one day in a new game.

Vice City Stories also had an absolutely killer soundtrack.


My favorite GTA of the series (I haven't had a chance to play V yet). I would like to mention the talk radio is almost exclusively what I listen to while driving.
Back then I wasn't really into GTA. Until I saw the tracklist for Vice City... I hopped on my bike and went to the shop. I drove around in Vice City all night.


OP neglects Wildstyle radio, the only channel worth a damn in VC.

here you go for any interested.

Wildstyle was awesome. Run DMC's Rock Box, Tyrone Brunson's The Smurf, The Message, Whodini, Man Parrish, just so many classic tracks. Brings me back to my childhood, swapping pirated streetsounds cassettes at school and trying to scratch on my dad's Bush music center hah.


I agree Vice City has the best soundtrack. That rock selection is godlike.

Because of this thread I'm having an urge to go buy Vice City Stories PSP... It is Vita compatible, right?


I've downloaded this from PSN, would this version have the Billie Jean soundtrack to it? Must admit I've never played it before, originally I got a copy of the game from a friend close to when it first came out, but the CDs/DVD didn't work on my PC..for some reason..
Fever 105 was my station of choice, but I pretty much loved the entire soundtrack. People may laugh, but the GTA soundtracks are probably the 2nd biggest draw for me, after the location of course. Even the modern-day GTA's, where picking tracks is arguably harder, have yet to let me down.

They do need to go back to Vice City for the next game though, it's been way too long.


Phone reception is more important to me than human rights
As a child of the 80's, I agree.

Same here. Even tho the 90's had nice music, GTA SA didnt take advantage of it enough.

GTA V has its moments with a song here n there....but overall I give it to Vice City's soundtrack.

The list is not complete without Summer Madness. Check your self.


OMG.... I am about to let this play on my PC with the volume turned up... Vice City.....might have the greatest game soundtrack...ever....


Completely agree. Despite loving GTA V, the song selection is terrible and forgettable. The lack of a Metal station is sad and Los Santos' Rock Radio selection is average at most (Elton John, Gerry Rafferty playing on it, really?).

I'm curious to see if they can fix that with the "100+ new songs" for the PS4 version.


Or is it just one of Phil's balls in my throat?
Am I the only one who only listens to the talk show radio stations when driving ? That's what I like doing in real life too ..

would much rather listen to a podcast/radio show compared to songs when on the road.


This song alone,

Michael Jackson - "Billie Jean" 2

Made it great

Am I the only one who only listens to the talk show radio stations when driving ? That's what I like doing in real life too ..

would much rather listen to a podcast/radio show compared to songs when on the road.

That's exactly what I do. The talk shows are so much more enjoyable. Plus, I do the same thing when I drive (irl). Although, I do have those music moments.


Phone reception is more important to me than human rights
Am I the only one who only listens to the talk show radio stations when driving ? That's what I like doing in real life too ..

would much rather listen to a podcast/radio show compared to songs when on the road.

At times I just drive around listening to the radio, period. Love, love hitting the highway and just driving listing to the radio. GTA is the type of game you can just do nothing and lose yourself in it.
It's also the best game of all time. I'd suck an HIV infested dick to have a ps4 remake. In fact, I'm not getting married or committing to a real relationship until I get a remake.


I would love to own a copy of the official 'Grand Theft Auto: Vice City Soundtrack', as the commercials & talk show segments are pure gold.

Fever 105 was my station of choice, but I pretty much loved the entire soundtrack. People may laugh, but the GTA soundtracks are probably the 2nd biggest draw for me, after the location of course. Even the modern-day GTA's, where picking tracks is arguably harder, have yet to let me down.

They do need to go back to Vice City for the next game though, it's been way too long.

Wasn't there a PSP prequel to Vice City?
I would love to own a copy of the official 'Grand Theft Auto: Vice City Soundtrack', as the commercials & talk show segments are pure gold.
I have the entire boxset, you give me your address and I'll burn it for you. For free simply because everyone needs to own it.
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