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Guild Wars 2 - Heart of Thorns |OT| Welcome to the Jungle...

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thats great is the NeoGAF guild on the North America server by chance?

Have a N.American Guild, and a Euro one, both are fucking dead though.

Do you own the expansion? and even you don't, log in now to get Ember Bay map for free..once you buy the expansion map will become free... and if you do then you can start having fun now..


Have a N.American Guild, and a Euro one, both are fucking dead though.

Do you own the expansion? and even you don't, log in now to get Ember Bay map for free..once you buy the expansion map will become free... and if you do then you can start having fun now..

Is it worth buying the exp pack if i am not a high level? i am tempted but i don't know if i should till i am a higher lvl.


Is it worth buying the exp pack if i am not a high level? i am tempted but i don't know if i should till i am a higher lvl.

Most of the expac stuff is when you're at level 80. Buying it let's you play as a revenant though. I'd recommend holding off on buying it until you're ready for that content. Base GW2 is quite good and still fun to play through.

Boss Doggie

all my loli wolf companions are so moe
I haven't seen the sad anomaly

wait, found him, and done

I seriously hope picking the priory is the best choice, I have no idea what this ascended bloodstone is for
wat https://forum-en.guildwars2.com/forum/game/gw2/Update-on-the-Economy ???

Hello everyone, I’m John Smith, the Studio Economist for ArenaNet. We’ve kept pretty silent about the economy recently, but today I’m here to talk about our current strategy.

Guild Wars 2 has an amazing economy, one of the largest and most active in-game economies ever created. ArenaNet takes pride in offering players an ever-changing world that lives and grows with them. As the game develops, the economy must develop as well, and that’s one of the many reasons we’ve made hundreds of changes to economy balance throughout the lifetime of the game.

For the most part the continuous monitoring and balancing has led to an incredibly stable economy with sustainable growth and reasonable inflation levels. However, we’ve noticed a disturbing side-effect of that continuous balancing: For many markets we’ve accidently set the idea of a price, rather than the market setting the idea of a price. Flax is a great example of a market where the prices weren’t really reflective of input or demand, but rather the idea of a value. Eventually players recognized that there was an abundance of flax and the price began to trend in a positive direction. We’ve noticed that a large number of markets are exhibiting this behavior in both directions—resulting in their being underpriced or overpriced—and their prices no longer reflect the average wealth or income of players.

To address this, we’re taking a step back from the standard amount of economy balancing we’re doing; in fact, we’ve actually already started doing that. We hope to see many markets adjust their prices to match the current state of the economy. We do recognize that there are some markets moving to a place where we aren’t looking for them to be; once we see the economy moving we can reassess the markets and make improvements, as we have in the past.



Seems like the right move. They have to let the market strain and bend itself under the untenable hoarders so that players "let go" of the idea of 'intrinsic value' for certain goods (or just tens of bank tabs filled with shit that they have hoarded because they perceive it to be valuable). They'll basically let it run wild-west style until people start selling things one way or another, flooding the economy with "hoarded goods".

Once that occurs, they'll retake control of the market from behind the scenes but they cannot control player behavior unless they let it run rampant... which is what they are going to do here.

Like... Mystic Coins. Most of them are just being hoarded.
Seems like the right move. They have to let the market strain and bend itself under the untenable hoarders so that players "let go" of the idea of 'intrinsic value' for certain goods (or just tens of bank tabs filled with shit that they have hoarded because they perceive it to be valuable). They'll basically let it run wild-west style until people start selling things one way or another, flooding the economy with "hoarded goods".

Once that occurs, they'll retake control of the market from behind the scenes but they cannot control player behavior unless they let it run rampant... which is what they are going to do here.

Like... Mystic Coins. Most of them are just being hoarded.

I think I make 50-70 gold every month exclusively from selling my laurels to t6 mats and selling my mystic coins. I wonder what will happen now!


never left the stone age
So I've been trying to get into WvW, I'm on the underdog team :lol, I keep getting rekt by thief class people :(. Do people with HoT have a clear advantage over free tier scrubs like me, with the masteries and such?

It's like, everything I do misses, they teleport, stab me from behind, I lose 2/3 of health and then I die. I'm a ranger too, I guess I should use Entangle more to stop them in their tracks.

Edit: Also what do I do with the hoard of bloodstone dust and dragonite ore and empyreal fragments? I have like 500 of each and I dunno what to use them with.. :lol. AFAIK no weapons or armour have higher stats than what I currently have. Unless bows can do more than 920-1080 damage? I definitely need to up my slot upgrade game for sure. Thieves seem op as shit though, stealthing, teleporting, deflecting status effects, or is Ranger just a shitty class? :lol
PvP content requires a very different play style and equipment than pve. Thieves in general are extremely effective at ganking as well. The specializations do provide some increase in power for certain builds, but that's not universal.

The exotic equipment you have is not the top end of equipment. Ascended stuff exists and is a leg up (you can get it, but its harder without a paid account). Do keep in mind your armor and trinkets also add to your stats as well. You also have runes and sigils to look at as well. Not sure how you built your ranger, but build for some survivability along with your offense makes a big difference.


never left the stone age
Yeah I realised that it's more important to debuff your opponents over buffing yourself, entangle works great, Sic 'Em works great against stealthed people and I got two pets that both have abilities that impede movement. Skill wise, I apparently focused on the better PVP skills, beacuse I looked up a good skill distribution and I was pretty much on point for 90% of the skills lol. But yeah I need more health buff'y stuff and defence. Leathercrafting is confusing though :lol, and you can't buy runes from the trading company as a free tier dude, only the materials needed and such.

Edit: Jesus fuck even European servers have Trump supporters, can I get away from US fucking politics in my fucking videogames, please? I don't want to hear bullshit about how "Hillary sold uranium to Russia", it's so fucking dumb. Agh. I just wanna play videogames ;(. I want to get the full game just to be able to tell these people to shut the fuck up :lol.


never left the stone age
You can always try to nab runes off dungeon armor.

Yeah that's what I've been doing, salvaging pretty much everything I get for the luck boosts as well. Been a good 5 last days, went from 22 silver to 23 gold from doing WvW stuff, got a pretty nice supply of stuff for the mystic forge once I finally come to grips with it :lol.


Not Spaceghost

So I haven't played since they added the glider outside of the jungle and I noticed I was given a free level 80 boost. Is there any trick to using this? Or is it gonna just give me the same amount of skill points as my main character?

Also what is a fun thing to boost? I was thinking mesmer or elementalist. My main is a necro and I played reaper so I was looking for something very different, preferably something that feels really fast and has good aoe.
Elementalist is a good way to go. Try dagger/dagger or staff.
The level 80 boost actually has a test drive feature where you can make a character, boost them, play them in the silverwaste map with a full set of exotic equipment, and then decide if you want to keep them once you leave.

Not Spaceghost

Elementalist is a good way to go. Try dagger/dagger or staff.
The level 80 boost actually has a test drive feature where you can make a character, boost them, play them in the silverwaste map with a full set of exotic equipment, and then decide if you want to keep them once you leave.

Oh awesome, so just pop the token? Try them out in the silvewastes and then I get an option to reset them back to before the token??

Boss Doggie

all my loli wolf companions are so moe
axe, staff, greatsword... is sword a good legendary to make in that many classes could use, or should I go for scepter?
MEOW Training Raid tonight at 9 PM EDT. We have a spot or two open if anyone wants to come. Quote my post for a link to our Discord channel if you are interested and have any questions.



The Cryptarch's Bane
GAFGuild missions are happening tonight at 9PM Eastern. I'm in the Keys on my laptop but we should be able to get some stuff done at least! :)

Next weekend, I'll finally be back home and will be putting up a big jackpot for the lotto. So if you're around, definitely try and make that one!
After making an Ascended weapon, my next long-term objective would be making the Legendary back-item. Could someone give me a very rough estimate of how long that would take? Mostly based on the number of minimum fractals one would have to do.


After making an Ascended weapon, my next long-term objective would be making the Legendary back-item. Could someone give me a very rough estimate of how long that would take? Mostly based on the number of minimum fractals one would have to do.

I think the minimum is a couple hundred fractals. You need to get 112 fractal pages (2 per day from the daily fractal achievements) and 140 pristine fractal relics (mainly from the other daily achievements). You also need 8350 fractal relics but I'm not too sure on how long that takes.
I think the minimum is a couple hundred fractals. You need to get 112 fractal pages (2 per day from the daily fractal achievements) and 140 pristine fractal relics (mainly from the other daily achievements). You also need 8350 fractal relics but I'm not too sure on how long that takes.
With "a couple hundred fractals" do you mean "single" fractals? I haven't played in a bit and I can't recall if they did change the fact that you had to five at a time.


Haven't seen the defeat of Matthias yet, but I saw his last phase, which is a total nightmare lol. Sabetha is a more fun and still pretty challenging boss overall I think.


Gorseval's Staff and mini (again), Sabetha's backpiece, and another Mcleod mini tonight lol. Holy crap good luck came in this week in regards to raid.XD

Time to get working on condi engi more, and he going to have a pyro like look that includes the backpiece.


Curious nerfs to Guardian/DH incoming.

Shield of Courage (F3) is going from 5s to 4s.
Big Game is getting a cooldown increase (or just outright getting a cooldown...?).
Trap Heal is getting hit hard but wasn't told how.

And I think that was about it for what I was told, maybe because that's all that was relevant. /shrug

Also apparently farewell (not entirely, more a figure of speech) Rev stability and... something bad is happening to Alacrity/its sources.
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