Yeah, fought him twice. Party got blown up the first time (apparently we got there too late in his cycle) but got him the second time. Good fun.We (as in nearly the entire map) failed to kill him, and he exploded us into oblivion. The 2nd most casualties I have seen, with the most casualties being when someone failed to defend one of the batteries during a Teq fight.
Btw for that collection, you don't need to do the current event 5 times. You can swap the skins for unbound magic:
Question: I just got to 80. I have the base game (bought it 4 years ago) but don't have the expansion yet. Would it be a waste of time/points to keep doing stuff with this character until I get the expansion? I'm worried about the mastery point system, I don't know if these points are locked somewhere until I buy the expansion or if I don't get anything at all.
Thanks for the explanation, I think I understand how it works now. I'm getting the expansion in a couple of weeks so I'll slow down doing stuff with the level 80 character and focus on my other one.There are two kinds of mastery points, Tyria and Heart of Maguuma. Each comes from doing content introduced pre and post expansion respectively. Tyria mastery points are all tied to achievements, so if you complete achievements that grant mastery points the points you've earned will automatically unlock when you play through the first part of the expansion. So technically you can earn Tyria mastery points without the expansion, you just can't see or use them. Of course you can't earn any Heart of Maguuma mastery points since they're all tied to expansion and later content.
The other aspect is experience. You can't earn experience toward either type of mastery without the expansion. So ultimately you can still earn some points, but your XP goes to waste after lv 80. It's up to you whether it's worthwhile to wait or buy the expansion. I don't know what your buy in price is, but HoT is currently $32 on amazon.
Necro just going back to where it belonged in the first place: the bottom.
I played Guild Wars 2 a lot and dropped it during the start of Living Story Season 3.
Two weeks ago I picked up Guild Wars ( the original ) and I'm hooked.
Hooked to the point that I don't think I can go back to Guild Wars 2 now. I mean, of course I still like 2, but the original and its expansions just feel ... 'more interesting'? I don't know... I find myself wanting more like Cantha, and less 'here's a couple of new zones stapled onto the old map'. I want more Factions ( a new threat in a different land ) vs. Heart of Thorns ( here's another one of those dragons but he's off to the west this time ). I think the best we can hope for at this point is that Kralkatorrik flies off to Elona. x3
But I like a lot about the original - I like the way you can build your character, I like being able to start a new character in any of the campaigns, I like Cantha and Elona being so different from Tyria, I like being able to run around with Heroes, I like that the level cap isn't some arbitrarily high number, etc. I also got a lot more insight into little lore things that I previously hadn't fully understood or recognized the significance of.
After completing Prophecies, Factions and Eye of the North, I feel like Guild Wars 2 should have been called 'Guild Wars: Eye of the North 2' instead. >x>
I'm still here waiting for a sale before getting the first game. Not sure if it will ever happen though.
The recent current event was really sweet. Though I kinda wish we got the actual.Caladbolg
Also since I was banned when I made this (roughly three days ago), here's my... (Frostfang, Nevermore, Twilight, Zap, HOPE) sixth legendary!
The recent current event was really sweet. Though I kinda wish we got the actual.Caladbolg
You can get it.get all the forms and you unlock Caladbolg Origin
no I mean, the weapon itself with its own attacks
like make it an endless item
The Havoc's Heir has been retrofitted with new Silent Steam technology, allowing Captain's Airship Pass holders to visit in peace and quiet.
Studded, Marauder, and Scale armor have been added to the Legacy Armor Reward Track for PvP and WvW.
Raid boss tokens (e.g. Vale Guardian Fragment) can now be consumed to automatically add to your guild.
I wonder why they added leather and metal to other crafting schools
Because the marks needed to purchase ascended items using fractal pages/ascended shards of glory weren't craftable by those professions. You had to have other crafting professions leveled as well. A person couldn't buy ascended light armor if they just had tailor at 500 for example.
I think I'll take a break at legendary making, none of the remaining legendaries interest me
I'm really interested to see what they do with scepter and of course, great sword.