Boss Doggie
all my loli wolf companions are so moe
what would an Elona charr look like
what would an Elona charr look like
That_Shaman been datamining some more Elona faces/hairstyles:
We gon' be slaying undeads in Vabbi folks. Better check your Sandals for Sand cuz it's going south!
Very nice to see more Africa inspired gamesNot many games with hairstyles like these!
Yeah, seems like I spoke a bit too soon because I hadn't reached (I was actually kinda glad that they gave Logan a somewhat more meaningful role in the last episode. He had basically been sidelined for forever. I love ensemble casts and the more we get to see some of the lesser used characters, the better.
I don't think their absence in itself is an issue. They've been involved in the past and it's fine for them to not be part of the main story for a while. My issue is that nothing has really filled the hole they left when they left the story.I don't really agree with Canach and Rytlock absence being an issue. They've been involved and I like how their characters are written (helps that they have stellar VAs). Marjory has been a bit absent without a ton of expanation, but yea.
Agreed. I honestly had to look up Zojja's name purely because I remembered there being another Asura. I just really can't remember anything she did.Zojja hasn't done much at all and I feel like you barely know her at all if you don't play and pay attention to the Asura personal story. We get more than enough Taimi though.
I hope so too.As for Braham, I feel like he's supposed to be completely unlikable right now. The true test depends on how they wrap up this character arc for him. Hopefully it will be something a little more nuanced than him just coming to senses and going back to being strong willed straight arrow.
I bought this over a year ago and only just downloaded it for the first time. I'm playing as a human thief. Just wanted to say hello!
Hey GW2 GAF, I have been playing GW2 since release as a solo player, it is my first MMO and I was nervous about getting into any guild, however for this past year I have been into raiding and I find it so much fun to play and interact with other players.
I thankfully remembered we have a guild here and I would like to join, however I play in euro server. Is any of you in eu?
Are you guys interested into raiding?
Depends on if you want the rewards (orange or red weapons, maybe new stuff next time). The daily count is saved for next year so if you do it 4/8 times before it ends now for example, you only need 4 next time to get your first there really a point of doing SAB dailies if you already did the 8 run twice?
Depends on if you want the rewards (orange or red weapons, maybe new stuff next time). The daily count is saved for next year so if you do it 4/8 times before it ends now for example, you only need 4 next time to get your first chest.
Or actually, this is just an assumption because it worked like this between last year and now. But I think it's a safe bet it will continue.
No idea, but lighting is pretty borked in the whole game for 1080 users since the update. :/ Everything flickers like crazy, SAB is a nightmare.What exactly did they do to the lighting? The game looks.. better somehow. But it's a subtle effect. It's there, but subtle.
No idea, but lighting is pretty borked in the whole game for 1080 users since the update. :/ Everything flickers like crazy, SAB is a nightmare.
Edit: It can look like this. Heeelp.
It looks fine on my 970 but I do notice a difference. The lighting is most def improved.
Is it possible they are cooking up a larger graphics upgrade with the next expansion? Something I've noticed over the course of many MMO expansions is that there is a psychology at play where the free "base game" improvements are added at the same time as the release of the expansion. WoW is well known for doing this. The mega patch for the base game comes out with all sorts of new bells and whistles, and then the expansion follow shortly.
That's a pretty good way to do it. It makes you feel like you also get the benefits of an improved game even though you didn't buy the expansion. Of course the entire point of making expansions is to have people buy them, but I like to think that it's always been ArenaNets philosophy to make want people to buy expansions because they wanted to, not because they felt forced to.
At the same time, it is- both true of GW1 and GW2, that even if you try to make an equal ground between expansion and non-expansion players, that it will not be fair. In GW1 people got angry and felt ArenaNet were Nazis (at least on GWGuru) when the Flavor of the month builds demanded you had Factions/NF exclusive skills. Same with GW2 and the elite specializations being stronger.
I don't think it's avoidable, but I am happy with how much they have tried to strive towards an equal playing ground, and that is why I love playing GW2 and am happy to continue the game. Good people, good developer, good community. People might take breaks and go on hiatus, but the game is just gold to me, every time I play it.
I don't say it enough about games I really love, but I really love this game, and I am glad I can just go back to it, pick it up and take it down, take it up and take it down.
I also find it rewarding to just keeping logging in for my daily reward![]()
Have even the officers lost interest or do I just have really bad timing?
Is the guild still capped or can an Asura get an invite back? Jest.9276
Have even the officers lost interest or do I just have really bad timing?
Bad timing.
Invite sent.
The Juggernaut isn't really that hard to craft.
Just that fucking 250 silver doubloons![]()
well that was lame, I was expecting some content update after SAB
The one key premise we've had for legendary armor is that it shouldn't clip with itself. That might sound like a simple thing, but let me tell you—it's far easier said than done. Remember, what we're doing with this armor is different from anything else in the game. The way the models for the Guild Wars 2 characters are made makes it an exercise in compromise. For example, if a player character's hand clips through a skirt, we could move the hand—but the hand now clips through a weapon. We can move the weapon's stow point—but the weapon now floats too far away from the body. We can use a particle effect to hide the gap...but that impacts the frame rate, and so on, and so on. Every change we make has consequences. Where we are now with the armor is the result of hundreds of hours of making similar decisions. There will be clipping—it's the level of clipping that is important.
When you apply an upgrade (rune or infusion) to a piece of legendary armor and there is already an upgrade in the slot you have selected, the existing upgrade will be moved to your inventory and the new upgrade will replace it. Simple as that.
Heart of thorn received a permanent price drop. Lineing up for expansion reveal
In the future, if we release further Guild Wars 2 expansions, we plan to offer all of the prior expansions, the core game, and the latest expansion for one single purchase price.
I won't be making Legendary Armor, I don't raid, and have no plans too...I really want to forget HoT ever existed, one of the worst expansion I have ever played for any MMO..
I won't be making Legendary Armor, I don't raid, and have no plans too...I really want to forget HoT ever existed, one of the worst expansion I have ever played for any MMO..