I watched this muted so I dunno if the commentary is obnoxious or not, but here's the new torch.
I watched this muted so I dunno if the commentary is obnoxious or not, but here's the new torch.
Yeah I really hope they can add some extra info and details to make that less likely.Not to mention people will shout "we know all this" when stuff from leaks is used in marketing. I've seen that happen before.
I am an abomination.
Heavy Human T3 is still the best armor. v_v
Dude, you have no idea. It kills me that I wasn't able to get that project done in a timely manner. Just got back to it this week, but there have been... set backs. I lost my final workbook (first time Excel has failed me so in 11 years) and I need to redo all the work I did on the raw data. It was crazy demoralizing and I had to take a couple weeks of pretending that didn't happen before I could get back to it, but I got approval for the project that took me away from it in the first place and I am ready emotionally to redo my work. The update today was a quick stopgap while I get back to the real work. It's still a side project, but I have time for a side project again as of this week!
It was locally saved and we searched and searched for previous saves which is how we found the raw data book. I wish I had checked it into perforce. I wish I had also saved an additional copy on the share network. I wish I had brought it home to work on at some point. I wish I had sent it to someone in email. I wish I had finished documenting it in an actual design doc (which I was in the middle of when I got pulled off). I wish a lot of things. Even Izzy, Grandmaster Excel Wizard, couldn't recover it. It's been two weeks since I resigned myself to the fact that it was really super totally gone. I mourned that work. I went through stages of grief over that work. So many discussions with various developers about their area of the game (WvW, SAB, Scribing, Fractals, etc) to make sure I was doing the right thing with their related items. I'll need to recreate all of that. I have a decent memory for this stuff, but it's a real pain to be redoing all the heavy lifting for the project.
poor lindsey regarding material storage
We announced that today's episode, Flashpoint, is the second-to-last episode of the season. Yes, that means what you think it means: there's one more episode after this, and then straight to the expansion pack.
A lot of you have been wondering about the upcoming release cadence, given that last time around we took a long break from Living World releases to get Heart of Thorns out the door and then to support that expansion after release.
The good news is that this time around we have two separate fully-staffed teams that are both hitting on all cylinders. So our rough plan is to slot the expansion pack into the release cadence as if it were an episode: episode 5, then episode 6, then the expansion pack, then episode 1. But we'll make some allowance for the fact that shipping an expansion pack is a big deal logistically and will probably take longer than the 2~3 months we normally allocate between episodes.
I hope you're all enjoying the big reveal today – that is, the big reveal in episode five!
Some of you are looking for more reveals today, reading anything you can find about the next expansion pack. I'm glad you're so excited about what's coming. But keep in mind you have the potential to spoil yourself pretty hard. Spoilers take away the delightful surprises from upcoming announcements and releases, and more importantly they also take away the reveals that you'd otherwise get to experience fresh as you play through the content. If you want to spoil yourself, to open all your presents early, that's a choice you make for yourself, but do me a favor and don't make it for other people. Things can quickly become common knowledge around map chat, guild chat, Reddit, etc., and then it gets to the point where no one gets to be surprised and delighted as they play through the game. And, after all, games are meant to be played
While we're talking, there's another thing I'll ask for your help with. You love the game: then get the word out. Not just today, with the release of episode five, but whenever there are things to talk about. I know many of you look to us to keep the game's player base strong through paid advertising, but there's only so much that paid advertising can do for GW2 in 2017 when most people made their buy-or-don't-buy decision back in 2012. What brings new players to an older game isn't the advertising but the buzz, excitement, press coverage, word-of-mouth. And specifically, that buzz has to happen in the places where the people who aren't already playing the game are hanging out. If you only talk about the game in /r/guildwars2, and if you use /r/guildwars2 to spread leaks and rumors, thus muting our ability to make news elsewhere when we make announcements, you make it tough for us to keep reaching new players. But, you've shown as a community that you can be great evangelists for the game when you want to be. I hope you'll rally together to help us get the word out ... on days like today when there's a big release ... and of course when we reveal the next expansion pack, even if by then it feels like old news to some of you..
I can't wait to go to DR to see 2 dozen people with legendary armor, weapons and backpieces slathered in 4-6 auras
I am an abomination.
Heavy Human T3 is still the best armor. v_v
Are those effects from Bolt or does the crotch armor have shiny eyes?I am an abomination.
At long last, Matthias defeated, and thus I seen and helped through all of the bosses in the Forsaken Thicket. I am also pretty much done with the first legendary armor collection, well beside still needing to get a couple spirit threads to tangled depth lol.
Whether I continue on with the Legendary Armor journey, IDK, but completing the first collection will least satisfied me greatly of showing that I been through the Forsaken Thicket all the way.
Thanks! Will get the heavy armor set once I get the first collection done, since I usually lean towards that weight type, and I dig the heavy skin quite a bit even at the experimental stage.
I'd hide the helm imo.
Are those effects from Bolt or does the crotch armor have shiny eyes?
Still can't believe how much of a non-event the release of Legendary armor seems to be, all you can see is complaints left and right, the only positive aspect of it seems to be people being curious about rune swapping.
Traversing the new map is a chore.
The heavy precursor is actually pretty nice. I should look more closely at the other ones.
It's very similar to tangled depth in many aspects which is why I love it, and why I was certain other people would hate it
The new mastery helps a lot.
It's not bad. I just wish there was a waypoint more in the Rata Arcanum area.
Saw this dude while randomly questing and started laughing my head off, lol
It's not really a spoiler without context, but just in case I'm keeping it as a link only.