I finally got to the new map, did the first part of the story mode Tuesday and just didn't have time to play until today..
I made the new shinything. It's beautiful and I love it.
I made the new shinything. It's beautiful and I love it.
I made the new shinything. It's beautiful and I love it.
Hey all
I'm about to jump back into GW2 since being absent since just after launch
Is there a good Youtube channel to watch gameplay for the Elite Specializations?
Not to sure what class to roll.
Edit: Not just gameplay but a rundown of how the Class/Elite Spec plays etc.
Wooden Potatoes did videos on all of them when they were initially announced for the Heart of Thorns expansion.
I think Metabattle is updated with the most "meta" builds that give a general briefing on the various strengths and play styles of the classes in all modes of play.
Honestly I'd pick what seems fun and roll with that. GW2 is a game where once you get a max level character the game starts throwing free levels at you for your other characters like candy making it one of the most alt friendly games around.
But generally
Warrior>Berserker: Solid damage and essential party damage buffs. Can do direct damage and condition damage well.
Guardian>Dragonhunter: Dragonhunters in PVE generally take the changes and utility from the elite spec while keeping their usual weapons so not too much has changed. The general role of the guardian is to bring damage, break bar damage and throw Protection on the party. In PVP, dragon hunters use their longbows and traps to dart in and out of melee combat while bringing a ton of self healing, blocks, and invulnerability. One of the weaker PVE classes but probably the strongest PVP class with 4 of the top 10 players maining Guardian last time I checked.
Revenant>Herald: Revenent game play seems to primarily be focus on complaining about Revenants on reddit and the official forums.
Mesmer>Chronomancer: Primarily a tanking and buff vehicle. Chronomancer's most important role is keeping quickness and alacrity (Increased action speed and cooldown speed respectively) on the party at all times. Has several other utilities like party wide invulnerability, projectile reflection, portals.
Necromancer>Reaper: Reaper is an example of an elite spec that failed at what it set out to do but still has a place. Reaper was supposed to be a slow, beastly fighter that does colossal but slow hits. Unfortunately the numbers have never really been in right place for this to work. Instead, most necromancers run reaper and focus on heavy condition damage. Necro is probably the best class for fractals, the main 5 man party content of the game, do to their deathshroud mechanic providing them with safe, easy, reliable damage.
Elementalist>Tempest: Can run damage and support fairly well. Damage tempests focus on using and cascading their various AOE attacks on top of each other for absurd levels of damage. Very much your classic fantasy wizards in many regards. You'll only ever see support eles in PVP.
Engineer>Scrapper: A highly survivable tanky bruiser spec. Focuses on melee combat and it's quirky gyros. One of the few elite specs that is rarely run in PVE. You'll only really see it in PVP. Engineers in general are all about having an absurd amount of options in combat with their various kit utility skills.
Thief>Daredevil: Takes the thief's high mobility and burst and cranks it up to 11 while giving it more sustain and team fight capacity. Thief perhaps more than all the elite specializations embodies being a direct upgrade to the class.
Rangers>Druids: Druids heal. In PVE druids focus entirely on healing so that they can enter their Celestial Avatars and heal some more, granting party members a unique damage buff in the form of Grace of the Land. I've seen Druids tank raids as well. Rangers will often not run Druid and go with a condition damage build that's one of the most in demand damage builds right now.
Edit: I should have just dug up this
just so you know depending on what ur doing dont feel as though you gotta be forced into the meta. im loving ranger and im not following the meta im just crusing along as a longbow and sometimes using a greatsword, its fun and others have commented in game how its nice to see something that isnt using the bog standard condi etc.
just play around with each class they all have fun things and there will be one that suits u more
anyone having some weird lag spikes. my ping is at 3k for some reason, but my internet seems fine? just want to know if it's a game server issue, or is it truly my internet.
I went with Guardian because I liked the blue flame theme of it.Wooden Potatoes did videos on all of them when they were initially announced for the Heart of Thorns expansion.
I think Metabattle is updated with the most "meta" builds that give a general briefing on the various strengths and play styles of the classes in all modes of play.
Honestly I'd pick what seems fun and roll with that. GW2 is a game where once you get a max level character the game starts throwing free levels at you for your other characters like candy making it one of the most alt friendly games around.
Was thinking it was just me.was happening to me in the new Orr map
Don't run Meta, Meta is for brain dead fuckers who rather have someone tell them how to play their class than actually learning..
No one is going to clear a raid wing with 10 nomad shout heal warriors no matter how much they enjoy the build.
I'm mean if you're just running around in the open world, sure. Open world, especially core Tyria poses next to 0 threat to you so it's perfectly fine to run around will all sorts of wacky builds. But in actual hard content and against real players there is a reason the meta happens. No one is going to clear a raid wing with 10 nomad shout heal warriors no matter how much they enjoy the build.
I'm mean if you're just running around in the open world, sure. Open world, especially core Tyria poses next to 0 threat to you so it's perfectly fine to run around will all sorts of wacky builds. But in actual hard content and against real players there is a reason the meta happens. No one is going to clear a raid wing with 10 nomad shout heal warriors no matter how much they enjoy the build.
Let me clarify a bit...
Learn your class first, don't copy and paste shit, you will never learn the strengths and weakness of the build, do i check on meta builds? yes, my Engineer runs one of the raid meta, but I didn't copy and paste that shit, i learn it from testing 1, 2, 3, over and over, also run WvW build, and PvP from pure testing, my friend copy and paste and I see him dying a lot because he has no clue what the weakness of the build, also for some situations may call for you to change traits from bottom to top, but players who copy and paste don't know this, I call Meta brain dead for a reason, it teaches players this is the way to win, with out learning shit...
Man that story was just all over the place. I think overall I prefer the story in season 2 over 3, even though the latter is crazier and bigger. The buildup and finale of season 2 was really well done. Season 3 feels convoluted and messy, with the writers trying to one up themselves at every turn in an attempt at keeping players interested. I was a much bigger fan of the stories in GW1 when the stories felt personal and focused, kinda had a sense of adventure to them that I haven't felt sine we went off exploring Dry Top and Silverwastes, though it could be nostalgia speaking. I wish Anet would take us to a new location of the world again. The existing lore feels more like a crutch to them than an aid at this point.
The Lyssa and Dwayna portions of the new map was worth it though. The level design in this game continues to outshine everything else by a mile.
Ten more levels until I finally get to 80 with my Guard.
I dont know on which class I should use the level 80 boost.
Man that story was just all over the place. I think overall I prefer the story in season 2 over 3, even though the latter is crazier and bigger. The buildup and finale of season 2 was really well done. Season 3, on the other hand, feels convoluted and messy, with the writers trying to one up themselves at every turn in an attempt at keeping players interested. I was a much bigger fan of the stories in GW1 when they felt personal and focused; kinda had a sense of adventure to them that I haven't felt sine we went off exploring Dry Top and Silverwastes, though it could be nostalgia speaking. I just wish Anet would take us to a new location of the world again. The existing lore feels more like a crutch to them than an aid at this point.
The Lyssa and Dwayna portions of the new map was worth it though. The level design in this game continues to outshine everything else by a mile.
I don't consider it brain dead at all.
I have a mesmer at level 40, I think I'll just use tomes of knowledge to level him.My recommendations would be either Mesmer or Ranger. Mesmer because it's pretty annoying to level conventionally, and Ranger because they are highly versatile as max level druids.
Edit:The downside is that Mesmer takes a while to learn, so skipping to 80 would still leave you not really sure how to play the class.
any reason why i get 20 stacks of might with scepter sometimes? which passive?
also I swear I saw a passive that makes symbols last longer and be bigger, but now I can't find it.
I have a mesmer at level 40, I think I'll just use tomes of knowledge to level him.
It's always been my opinion that Anet listens to their community a bit too much. Obviously the devs should listen to feedback about missing features, bugs, and how certain elements are received, but Anet goes all the way and it sometimes feel like the community is designing the game by metric of how many people rage about something on reddit. I can't cite any examples at this moment because my memory is crap, but that was the general notion I had pre-HoT. I guess WvW is the clearest example here but I remember that mentality leaking into the PvE from time to time. I guess none of it was important enough to remember.Doesnt help when ur rabid fanbase demand i want Cantha i want elona i want tengu.
Those 3 things have been demanded so much anet will never make people happy if we get jusr new entirely areas. Everyone will be like this isnt Cantha or elona wtf
I miss the mobility of the sword 2 and the extra protection focus gives with focus 5. But the scepter/torch combo seems pretty nice from a dps perspective with all the might stacking.The scepter symbol gives might if you stand in it. You might also have the Zealous Scepter or Empowering Might traits on. The bigger symbols trait is in Honor.
While I agree with you, meta is a dirty word round here, BEWARE slides back into the closet
The scepter symbol gives might if you stand in it. You might also have the Zealous Scepter or Empowering Might traits on. The bigger symbols trait is in Honor.
Scepter has a symbol now?
I need to use more of my weapons... >.>
Scepter has a symbol now?
I need to use more of my weapons... >.>
My recommendations would be either Mesmer or Ranger. Mesmer because it's pretty annoying to level conventionally, and Ranger because they are highly versatile as max level druids.
Edit:The downside is that Mesmer takes a while to learn, so skipping to 80 would still leave you not really sure how to play the class.
While I agree with you, meta is a dirty word round here, BEWARE slides back into the closet
Metabot?Metabotting destroyed GAF.
Metabotting destroyed GAF.
new wings are awesome when dyed
Anet did that with Horrible tunnel vision maps in HoT..i hope the new expansion is larger than HoT, content is king for any MMO, and when you charged $50 for content that was probably $30 you gonna lose players, if they didn't learn that lesson from HoT, they are going to see more players leave, some of my friends playing FF14 want to come back to GW2, but they don't want to waste money, if the content review shows this new expansion is also trash, they will stay in FF14...