Classes are ending for me, and Pro League is on the off season. So for the next month, how would people like a Monday Night Fights event? Depending on turnout, we'll either group up and play Hotjoin against each other or a couple of Unranked/Ranked matches. You can get build advice, tune for team comps, try silly strategies, or just have a night where a number of people want to queue together.
I was thinking about it just being PvP guild missions, but those only work for one team at a time so I'll save that for if we get a low turn out.
Some other night in the week I want to dedicate to WvW guild missions... I'd prefer Wednesday's but I do not want to get in the way of the Jumping Puzzle Day because it's pretty fun for a lot of people.
People rushing for that 10k drink achievement. I should get in on that action...
Good on you. Read and experienced the meta then got a decent looking build going. I'm impressed that you're finding success with a Ventari build.
I just bought the wings yesterday and found that they hilariously match my badly dyed Necro to a great degree. I thought they'd be more cute than anything at that size, but hey, here we are now.
Thanks! I will say that Ventari is super-specialized, but especially with Glint, I think it's a massively underrated Legend. The kicker is you basically have to forfeit attacking entirely while in Ventari mode, making it horrid for a build designed to, you know, actually hurt things. But by going Cleric amulet and wading into a teamfight as Ventari, I can summon the tablet, spend all my energy on cleansing condis and healing my team, then use Facet of Chaos, pop it for Fury, and rock surprising burst with sword.
The real kicker to the build is between Shield 5 and the talent that copies it, I can turn invuln multiples times per fight, while simultaneously still healing with tablet. It makes focusing me in a teamfight absolutely useless, and if they don't, I just get to go ham healing.
I'll need more testing to be truly committed, but our first week in ranked after I swapped, with no other changes to our team, we went from going 2-3 or 1-4 each night [I was honestly a liability] to 5-0 twice in a row.