I'm not sure how the trailblazing will work. A lot of people didn't like being on for like four hours for the whole event.
Like I said in my post on the last page; the entire zone clears in two weeks no matter what, but the reward increases depending on how deep players push into the territory on their own via completion of Events.
For example, say we have a large zone that is completely overgrown. You can't even walk into the jungle because it's so densely overgrown, and if you do manage to get inside, some invisible nasties just instantly kill you or dump you at the edge of the woods in a downed state. You literally
have to clear the way first.
So let's say the first part of the campaign (which, let's be serious, that's what this is; a strike at the heart of an Elder Dragon before he can fully awaken) is scouting. Events start up every hour (this was a good pace for Lion's Arch and Marionette) to do some reconnaissance
in force. The catch is, there's more than one set of events running, so maybe the southern forces start up river in patrol boats (
Apocalypse Now-style) at the top of the hour, then the middle forces start into the jungle at 20 minutes past, then the northern forces try to make their way towards some ruins at 40 minutes. Each time an event is successfully completed, that area is scouted a little bit more, a progress gauge fills and players get a reward. Little random events occur along the way; spiders drop from the canopy or some kind of drake rises out of the river. Something that makes each trek into the jungle unpredictable.
Once a progress gauge is completely filled, a new event begins. For example, the Southern forces have come to a waterfall and need to find a way up it. The Middle team needs to clear-cut a road into the jungles, and the northern team needs to establish a base camp in the ruins, which turn out to be a lost city. Again; the events run at regular, staggered intervals and progress is done a step at a time. Now, however, a random element is added; once an hour, some kind of enemy attacks one of the forces, sending up a zone-wide event. It happens randomly, and without warning.
The events would basically go on like that over the course of two weeks. Defend a position one day, push in further the next, clear cut a road the next day, escort supply dolyaks the next. The progression would be paced out so that it usually takes about a day to move the event forward.
Here's where things could get really interesting. Each server would be working independently, so some will progress in different ways than others. Depending on how the events are being completed, different things can unlock. Imagine there's a dungeon in this new zone that you don't get access to until one of the campaigns reaches it. Now imagine each of the three paths through that dungeon are unlocked based on which campaigns have made it to that objective.
Lots of things could work like that. Establishing waypoints. Unlocking new vendors with unique rewards based on the path (aquatic weapon skins and rebreathers for the River-route? Camouflaged armor skins for the middle Jungle team? Ancient weapon skins found in the ruined city the North Team is exploring?
We're talking about 42 events (3 every day for two weeks), plus a slew of random encounters that can occur during those events, plus a big bad World Event-type encounter. I'd compare it to something like Orr, but obviously temporary. But holy shit would everyone remember it.