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guilty gear reload sucks online


there is lag even on excellent connections. dedicated my cable modem to my xbox alone and i couldnt get a lag free match.

dissapointed in the game. i dissuade anyone from buying it if they ahve the ps2 version.

Lyte Edge

All I got for the Vernal Equinox was this stupid tag
bheemer said:
there is lag even on excellent connections. dedicated my cable modem to my xbox alone and i couldnt get a lag free match.

dissapointed in the game. i dissuade anyone from buying it if they ahve the ps2 version.

For non-importers, Xbox is the only way to go anyway, but I'd still take this version over the PS2 version; IMO the sound quality is better.

I prefer the PC version over both console versions for once, though.


anyone that has played gg hardcore knows any lag is not tolerable

some of the moves require you to respond with 2-3 frames. with any kind of delay it gets screwed up.

Lyte Edge

All I got for the Vernal Equinox was this stupid tag
Now customers will not want online games.



Supersonic, idiotic, disconnecting, not respecting, who would really ever wanna go and top that
So drop the bomb! That sucks though. I kinda saw this coming, but hoped Sammy could handle it.

You know, reviews that knocked points off PS2 version of SF:AC are going to look mighty foolish if the Xbox version has horrible lag. I'm just saying...why even bother taking points off for one version not having online, when you don't know how good the online mode is for the other version.

Lag is the #1 reason we won't see Virtua Fighter Online anytime soon. :(

Lyte Edge

All I got for the Vernal Equinox was this stupid tag
ArcadeStickMonk said:
so how are our collective hopes for SF3rd?

It differs by game/company, so who knows. Aren't initial reports of DOA Ultimate's online play pretty positive?

Then of course there's Capcom, with their excellent online support! Why, just look at how well Steel Battalion Line Of Contact got supported!! -_-


Lyte Edge said:
It differs by game/company, so who knows. Aren't initial reports of DOA Ultimate's online play pretty positive?

It's likely not true online play, more probable that it's a LAN or other such network in their office. Pretty sure that most XBL games get tested like this, which of course leads to 'oh!! no lag!!' since it's not real world conditions.
hey dudes i played online vs. DM and had no lag.

also, why are sports games pretty lag-free with 22+ polygon players on the field, but a fighting game can't have 1 vs 1 lag free (not talking about GG for me, but i see people complain about SNK Vs. SF and so on as well)

Dave Long

It's all distance and connection. I had no lag matches tonight. It was a blast. I could react as I would to a player in the room. Consider also that not everyone's connection is the same. Connections vary, even within the same ISP and especially on cable where the more users there are on your segment, the worse your connection's going to be.

I'm lucky. I've got a good connection and I get great online gameplay.


The size of the packets isn't that big of an issue since there's not so much data being sent out, what matters with fighting games is the pure latency. Just because you get great download rates doesn't mean you don't have 10 hops just to get to an outside connection which will absolutely kill your chances of playing fighting games online other than against your neighbours.
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