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Guilty Gear X2 help


I'm entered for a Guilty Gear X2 tournament for this upcoming weekend. I have a few questions.

1.) What kind of calibur playing can I expect?
2.) I'm using May. There's no FAQ for her on Gamefaqs for X2. Did some people not like her? I'm fairing extremely well with her.
2a.) If May sucks, who's a good replacement?
3.) Any tips on how to train for this?

Thanks in advance.


1. How the hell would I know. You're entering a random tournament and haven't specified past that.
2. Cause most fighting game FAQs on gamefaqs are bullcrap.
3. She's very low tier, bottom 3.
4. Get the basics down Instant air dashing, RCing, Faultless defense. Then move on to your indiviual characters strats, combos, FRC combos, whatever.

By the sounds of it you don't know how to play, and if there's anyone decent you'll be trashed.


It's the tournament at the Penny Arcade Expo. Thousands will be at the event, but only so many will have registered for the Tournament.

I live in the Vancouver area and there's damn near no copies around. When I went on a trip to Idaho in February I found a copy, finally, and I've been playing it ever since. Not religiously, but not against throngs of people either.


The Motorcycle That Wouldn't Slow Down
yeah, um. you're going to get owned. wait, that's too harsh -- you're LIKELY going to get owned.


God damnit. I'm not letting up without a fighting chance. Thanks for the little bit of "help" though.

I've won places in VF4: Evo tournaments and a fair share of SSBM tournaments. This will be no different.


Dyne said:
God damnit. I'm not letting up without a fighting chance. Thanks for the little bit of "help" though.

I've won places in VF4: Evo tournaments and a fair share of SSBM tournaments.

so first

1. Just because you can win at one game automatically makes you good at another?
2. Ya, and plently people win "tournaments" but of course the only competition is a bunch of scrubs just like themselves.

PAX is a pretty big gaming event, in washington which is one of the hot spots for fighting game players. Chances of there being people out of your league are pretty damn high.

And like I said, from what I can gather you don't know GGXX much at all.

I'd hate to be a downer and all. But you can't just expect to pick a character a week before a big tournament and expect to win.


Bob White said:
Ferrio is right.

And now to go somewhat off topic. Ferrio, I'd own YOU in GGX2.


Anyways serious suggestions.

1. Pick a character and learn much about the game as you can in a week. You ain't going to win, but hopefully you won't look like an idiot.
2. Pick sol and scrub your way past other scrubs until you get beat down.



Well, I'm pretty sure I won't get beat down like an idiot. :) Like I said, I got the game in February. I've dabbled in most characters, learned most combos-- I only settled on May for a bit here because she's not conventional like the others and I really enjoy screwing with people in games. I've contemplated Zappa at times but I think that's extremely high caliber playing that I'm not ready to invest in at such a level.

Alright, I'm giving up May.

Testament.. I like Testament. He could work. I've used him a lot before.

I've played against a few really good players in the arcades before, but never throngs of them. I know some people have strategies going into these things (extreme defensive, extremely close-rubbing is an example).


Dyne said:

Well, I'm pretty sure I won't get beat down like an idiot. :) Like I said, I got the game in February. I've dabbled in most characters, learned most combos-- I only settled on May for a bit here because she's not conventional like the others and I really enjoy screwing with people in games. I've contemplated Zappa at times but I think that's extremely high caliber playing that I'm not ready to invest in at such a level.

Alright, I'm giving up May.

Testament.. I like Testament. He could work. I've used him a lot before.

I've played against a few really good players in the arcades before, but never throngs of them. I know some people have strategies going into these things (extreme defensive, extremely close-rubbing is an example).

Defense doesn't get you far in GGXX, very offensive game.



play Slayer.
- good damage
- mappa and dandys are fun
- his air combos are fun and surprisingly effective, despite damage scaling
- his dash has invincibility

or play Faust
- awesome anti air
- great damage
- great range
- wacky

but play Sol if you just want to pick up and go ... Gatling -> Gun Flame -> Gun Flame ... whee.

and read the GGXX forums on Gamecombos, i guess.


Nah, I'm sick of paying against sol and I'm sure other people are too.

I like Slayer and Faust. Thanks for the suggestions!


Well... if you have stuck with May so far, you might as well stick with her until the tournament is over. I wouldn't suggest switching to a new character 4 days before the tournament. Anyway, May isn't that bad at all. She is middle tier; has no extremely bad matchups and can accomodate a lot of different styles (rushdown, turtle, etc).

I don't play May seriously, so I can't give you any crazy tips, but I can suggest some general things.

May's 6P (f+P) = Godly. It does like 300% stun on normal hit and like 600% on counter. It's a LV4 attack, so that's alot of stun! So if you land it like 3x, it's very likely that the opponent will be dizzy. It's got good upper body invulnerability (around 18frames), so you can use it as anti-air, anti-fireball, etc. 6P, s.S, 6P is a decent combo as well for helping get that dizzy. Some people even use the dizzy to setup her instant kill since her IK transform is pretty quick. Might be an option for you if you are still close to the opponent after the dizzy.

Standing K is good too since it avoids lows at non-point blank range, can't be thrown, and starts her pressure strings.

IAD (instant air dash) H is hella good and has a huge hit box. Jump 2H is her best air to ground attack and can crossup and can be just plain annoying if you use it well

General combo.... 2K-2D -> dolphin upper > FRC, a.H, land, IAD K-H, land, dolphin upper. Thats pretty tough, but worthwhile to learn. At least learn the 2D -> dolphin upper, FRC, a.H combo. For general B&B, you can just use K-1S-1H -> dolphin across, FRC and followup with pressure attacks like falling H (after the FRC) or stuff like IAD H or j2H.

Best supers..... HCB+H for midscreen stuff. Good invincibilty on startup and decent damage. If you have your back to the corner, use the whale (QCFx2+S) super. Great invincibility and is instant with your back to the corner. Against light characters, you can standing S into air combo after it. For everyone else, I usually just followup with 6P -> dolphin hoop setup.

Use her command throw (Overhead Kiss aka. OHK). Great range, and easy to tick into. You can tick into it off of a blocked 2K or standing K, or set it up off of hoop fakes. (Like knockdown opponent and setup dolphin hoop above them (hold the button), then run up and OHK.) OHK is hella good, so mess around with some setups. If you connect it at midscreen, you can followup the throw with like j.K-H, land j.K-H->623S type stuff. Thats pretty difficult though, so you may just want to use a single j.K-H->623S followup. You can also combo to whale super versus mid/heavy weights, but that's kinda wasteful. Only use that at distances where the j.K-H followup won't connect.

Know her dolphin hoop distances. 236P = on top of May, 236K = in front of May, 236S = in front of opponent, 236H = on top of opponent. Good for pressure on wakeup. Can be FRC'd as well, but probably not necessary for you. Also, 236P is decent as early anti-air as well since the dolphin hits on the way up as well.

May gets good damage off her dust, so be sure learn her dust combos. You'll be playing the US version probably, so I don't really know what her best option is there. (Her jD is different in the JPN version, so her typical dust combo doesn't work in the US version. You're gonna have to experiment and figure out the best one.)

Only problem with May is that she lacks some solid anti-burst stuff, but I don't think you are up to that point anyway.


Wow. Amazing advice toohectic. :D You are GOD! That's exactly the kind of stuff I was looking for and you nailed it on the head.

I'm still working out my dust combos but I think I'm on to some things. I'm definitely all about that forward punch though. It's one of her redeeming values. I'm also pretty decent timing all the hoops.

Thanks man. :D
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