Fret Runner
I have a guitar but haven't really had the time to dedicate learning it
I have rocksmith and tried that out when i first got it but it just confused me even more. Would love to start learning tho
This is slacker talk!I have this beauty but I won’t pretend I can play it very well. I’ve got a few chords nailed down but my technique is shite, I feel like I’ll never conquer the bastard.
Drop and give me your best enter sandman’s, right now!
but seriously, stick with an go at your own pace. I’m a self-taught nincompoop who knows nothing about the technical side of music, an if can somewhat get passable at it then I’m more than positive you two can.
Remember, in times of wanting to give up guitar, ask yourself this: do you really wanna live in a world where bass players and drummers out number us?
I’m just kidding you bass slappers and bongo bangers, I love ya really.