My Dragon God Gundam is destroying everything omg.
Gundam Try Lightning Guy's Backpack - Shitton Homing Missiles
God Gundam Body - Hyper Mode EX
God Gundam's Legs - God Gundam's Combo Burst Attack
Dragon Lance w/1800% Melee Stat EX2 Move
Bazooka w/800% Bazooka Bombardment EX Move (I'm sure I'll get a better one later)
Everything else is less important and mainly stat pumping. Using Dragon Head/Arms for continuity.
Basically, infinite combo of high damage destruction that uses invulnerability frames and movement to basically be a win combo:
Hyper Mode ON EX -> Launch a million missiles -> EX Bazooka Fury (will connect at the same time missiles are hitting) -> Jump in the air and Dragoon Lance Radius Blast for insane damage -> This will fill L3/R3 Bar, AWAKENING -> EX Bazooka Fury -> Launch a million missiles at slow motion falling enemy -> Jump in the air Dragoon Lance EX attack -> Triangle darting back and forth lance attack -> EX Bazooka Fury -> God Burst Combo -> EX Bazooka Fury -> Dragoon Lance attack -> Launch a million missiles while dashing back -> Hyper Mode ON EX (repeat cycle)
Pretty much invincible and taking out everything outside stupid bosses that are out of range and require shot weapons. Got a good Dragon Lance & Bazooka and just been manually upgrading their damage output along with upgrading Lance & Bazooka masteries to just min-max the damage output as much as possible. Good stuff.
Also now that I'm getting MG parts, one thing I noticed right away is how HUGE the level ups are when you upgrade MG parts versus HG. An HG weapon might go from 15,000 damage -> 16,0000 damage in a level, whereas an MG weapon can go from 15,000 damage to 25,000 damage in a level. This is good because it means MG parts can all be useful no matter the part in endgame since you can level it to be as strong as other parts.
I think to get around the grind of weapon build, Breaker 3 should just have kits for sale that include the weapons for more expensive prices. Would be nice to get complete weapon sets for all the kits you want.