Alright, think I'm over this. Finished the story and did a ton of the post-game missions and challenges but nothing is really that challenging and the loot is kind of boring at this point waiting to hit lvl.80-99 to get the MG version of the best parts you're already using and the best weapon build stuff. It's fun but also a bit grindy and what's the joy of getting to lvl.99 and MG verisons? You're even stronger for stuff that doesn't pose much of a challenge lol
Shouta, you're right around lvl.60 it was worth ditching the missile backpack because the damage just becomes so small it's pretty much worthless at these levels, so might as well use a more useful backpack. Went with the 00 Raiser Seven Sword backpack for Trans-am + Trans-Am Burst Awakening. Later changed to Quant version for Quanta version of both.
In the end game, Lance + Bazooka weapon + Quant shield bits + Trans-Am + Quant burst + 25%+ Lance Mastery + 5-20% Bazooka Mastery modules + 5-20% Boost+ modules= pretty much means flying around the screen mashing triangle, using EX attacks, and bursting and that pretty much destroys everything. Pretty fun but gets old after a couple of hours.
Luck boosters are reaaaaaally nice. Used the one from the first press DLC and got a ridiculous amount of drops. Wish the real game drop rate was somewhere between what it is and that. At least for weapon build plans. I think that's the definitely the worst part (besides the story and defense missions), it was pretty limiting weapon building and you'd wouldn't have the parts you need to make the weapons you want, so you'd just upgrade the one you're using. Then when you do get the parts the weapons you wanted to make are now outdated and you might as well keep upgrading your current part. My Lance was like lvl.30 something HG Lance by it kept outpacing all the new weapon builds in damage since I was constantly upgrading it, only in endgame with MG upgrades did I get a better lance.
In the end it's a decent loot game in the Gundam world. You keep playing to get stronger to fight stronger enemies and get better drops to get stronger to fight stronger enemies and get better drops etc.... and there's not much more to it besides trying out the different unique Gundam attacks and building pretty Gundams if you're into Gunpla. Better levels (like Armored Core), better balance, 60fps and a real story could make Breaker 3 a big improvement.