Blue Frame
As good as it gets, price-wise.
They've redesigned their site quite nicely since I last went. If you're really desperate, Play-Asia's codes are instant (you might have to wait up to 24hours for Solaris) but you pay for the convenience.
If you didn't get the old DLC characters, those are all available by discount bundles now. If you wait a few months the new ones will likely be bundled too.
Hey I just got the Asia verison of this game since it was a bit cheaper. I see that there is a bunch of DLC for this game. Would I be able to purchase a Japanese PSN card and use that to purchase DLC from that store for it to work on the Asian region version of the game? Or would I have to purchase a new online pass for me to be able to get the Japanese region of dlc? I know Namco is kind of weird with that type of stuff depending on the game. It sometimes allows you to, and sometimes it doesn't want to let you do it.
This DLC has put me in a really bad mood now. This constant struggle to find the one unit I really like is never ending suffering. I feel like I should just settle for what I have now. I mean 7 suits is not a bad selection and some are even S/A tier.
Code:3K Ribbons 2.5K GP-02 ZZ 2K Blue Frame Spiegel 1K GN-X III Ez8
Asian version is only compatible with the Asian PSN store, unfortunately. You'll have to get HKD PSN cards if that's where you set your account off of.
I am glad though that the shop has identical dlc from the Japanese one, to my knowledge at least.
If we could actually connect to a match, sure.Since the game is similar to EXVS, I just wanted to ask here, is anyone playing the open Rise of Incarnates beta?
Playing naxiboost now. Arios Is hella fun. CSA is a charged triple shot
Nope.I take it the Maxi Boost version wont be released as a patch to the PS3 Full Boost game?
*New unit impressions*
Mmm i didn't buy it so far hoping for a localization... As of Now i'm better off buying it import or there have been hints of a localization?
Is Namco Bandai going to localize this game?
Full Armor Unicorn sounds wild and too complicated for dumb old me.
Hoping you'll try the 3k Sinanju too. 3k scares me but if it's even stronger than the old Sinanju then I might be alright.
Mmm i didn't buy it so far hoping for a localization... As of Now i'm better off buying it import or there have been hints of a localization?
Alright so i played Rise of Incarnates and i'm in love with that kind of game, and Gundam looks like... 10 times better ?
Do you know what is the cheapest way to buy the game digitally ? Is it on the HK Store as well ?
It's not on the HK store. The original EXVS isn't on there, either, so I don't think it will ever be added. You just gotta go to the JPN storefront and eat the cost however you can if you're dedicated to getting a digital copy.
Sinanju, F91, Zabanya, gimme MB now plx.
Thank you for the answer, i just bought the game on the Japanese PSN. Time for me to read some tuto/faqs.
Shouldn't you play EXVS FB first? ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
Hey, I played Gundam this weekend!
Okay it was Try Age SP but still
Played most of the new suits that I had access to with a brand new card/non-card
Avalance Exia is interesting, It's basically Exia but feels even more melee focused. CSa is a dagger throw vertically where the sub was a side dagger chuck. It had a special mode like Suzie's Trans Am too. Pretty fun overall but definitely for Melee specialists.
Red Frame Kai was great, totally awesome version of Red Frame. A solid main, CSa is a better sword throw. He shoots the tac arms like a bow in the sub where the shot is delayed a bit and he has the heavy melee of Blue Frame in special melee. He has a pressure move too. His Burst powers him up though so no fancy burst attack.
Legend is a sick funnel user and is pretty different from Providence. CSa is either 3 single shots or a gerobi-style beam depending on whether or not your dragoons are with you. Has the same Dragoon style though and he has additional dragoon spikes with Down + melee as well. Even calls in Luna for Boomerangs, lol.
Dreadnaught was pretty interesting. It's sub acts like two funnels you set around you to fire but it's on a timer and can be set to your partner like the Shrike team of GunEZ. Special melee sends out the pods to shoot out a giant spray of lasers and he has an assist call as well. Interesting unit.
Playe Age-1 and Age-2 but not enough to really get an opinion down on them but they do have multiple forms so it's pretty wild.
Brave Commander is basically what Suzie would beif you gave him shooting weapons and a transformation. He has the special damage mode in CSa but has a regular BR, missiles, and even a Gerobi. He also has an emergency transformation that calls the other Braves but it's ammo-based.
Perfect Strike is all of the best parts of the Strike in one form. It lacks certain strengths of the individual packs but it's still really sick.
Zabanya has so many weaposns but it's really fun and has the strengths of the Dynames and Cherudim, more or less.
FA Unicorn is similar to Zabanya in the "holy shit so much shit flying out" but it's kind of only temp. It has two other forms that you can change and it changes the strength of the unit a bit. Form you come out as is kind of like a big version of HA with all the missiles but it has a BR and a Beam Machinegun. Form two main is the beam chaingun and bazookas with special movement like Sinanju. Last form is the last one you see in the series with the 3 unicorn shields floating around.
Leos II is supposed to be the combined form of all the Extreme gundams but it's basically the Aios be even more shooting focused with its gerobi and stuff. Its special timed mode is pretty awesome though.
Gonna try more units tomorrow or maybe jump into certain ones a bit more, probably.
A: Wing Zero (TV) > 00 Raiser, Destiny, Zabanya, Sinanju, Quanta, Turn X > God, Master, X1 Full Cloth
B: Strike Freedom, Wing Zero (EW), Nu, Hi-Nu, Unicorn > Sazabi, Penelope, Turn A, Xi, V2 > EX-S, Epyon, FAUC, Reborns, Leos mkII
Tried ReGZ, the MA mode sucks tbh but it feels like all of the MA modes are kinda bad in Maxiboost. Also tried Hyperion and the Strike Rouge too. Pretty fun.
I tried DX in shuffle too and despite being C, it's still pretty winnable. Shame the game systems aren't a match for it and Drive really kind of made its strength stand out less. Drive feels really weird to be honest, while I like it to an extent, I feel like it kind of screws with the game design too much.
Melee drive is worse than shooting for sure, I think. It's not like A and B burst from Full Boost where it was kind of similar but with slight differences, S drive definitely is ridiculous. Ammo recharge is super fast, rapid fire of weapons, unique cancel routes, etc.
Going from what I'm reading and I've experienced, Maxiboost seems to be suffering from power creep for all of the units. Things are getting faster, strong, etc and some units suffer as a result like the DX because it didn't get buffed to the levels of others and there were system additions that give everyone crazy stuff.
Played some actual shuffle matches and it feels like super fast hammy play all around now.
THat's what S drive is. Shooting Ham, lol.
Do gerobis gain from S drive? From what I see in the tier list they seem to be on the weaker echelon, like FA-ZZ who's probably in C tier due to lack of mobility and raised shooting ham.
If only S-drive gave the FAZZ something like Itano-circus levels of missile spam...
Seems fine to play. Lots of interesting units but it's like even faster than FB, maybe too much so.
Ok i' gonna import it.. Cheapest is play-Asia?Thanks for the impressons.
Looks like there's still a lot left in terms of new units for you like Hyperion, "3 times faster" Custom Char Zaku II, RX78-2 + G-Mecha.
How's Eypon? Kappa.
From the OP:
Ok i' gonna import it.. Cheapest is play-Asia?
Nippon Yasan is about $10 cheaper than play-asia
There are similar prices on Amazon as well, a couple which are Prime eligible.