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Gundam Extreme VS (PS3) |OT| >>>>>>>>>> Your Favorite Fighting Game!

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got my game, tried some trial missions and arcade mode.

I'm getting a yellow bar for online but haven't tried a match yet online. Hope it's not too bad. Can someone invite me to our chatroom? :D PSN ID: Astery
got my game, tried some trial missions and arcade mode.

I'm getting a yellow bar for online but haven't tried a match yet online. Hope it's not too bad. Can someone invite me to our chatroom? :D PSN ID: Astery

Shouta might have to start another chat room since I'm at work right now.

Shouta said:
The net code seems to be a bit hit and miss but it's not so bad so far. When you get close folks, it's silky smooth.

We'll see how it is when other people around the world start getting it. Good to know it works well enough so far.

Oh man, new players vs Master = slaughtering.

Looks like you'll be getting your 100 wins trophy rather soon, lol.


I am going to get it by Tomorrow at 10:30... I will be teaching then... :\

Oh well. :( I am really excited for the weekend.:)
>__< I'm hoping I can get my game by Saturday to jump in with you guys. If not, at least SD Gundam Online will be there to soak my tears until it shows up.


I really like the balancing system using points. It's a bit like the warhammer system for building armies. I do have a question.. Are 1000 points units really worthless? I assume that a really skilled player can cause some real damage with a 1000 points unit; but will the average gamer using a 1k unit end up being cannon fodder most of the time?

edit: playasia shipped my jpn copy.. I pre-ordered it 2-3 days ago.


Upside, inside out he's livin la vida loca, He'll push and pull you down, livin la vida loca
THIS. Well, maybe except for the Strike ;).

Edit: And still waiting for my shipment notification from AmiAmi...if it doesn't ship till tomorrow then I probably won't see it till Monday or Tuesday :/
Got my amiami shipment notification earlier today, it's already in transit :D

The net code seems to be a bit hit and miss but it's not so bad so far. When you get close folks, it's silky smooth.
shit, guess I won't be able to use online that much :c


Mine is waiting on stock. T_T I think I'm going to power up GvsG Next Plus and listen to Linkin Park till it arrives. lol


Game is playable even with a red connection it seems. Paired up with a guy that seems far away and it's quite good.
Game is playable even with a red connection it seems. Paired up with a guy that seems far away and it's quite good.

From one of the dev interviews in Famitsu, they said they were really focusing on the netcode... probably as a test for the nationwide play with Full Boost arcade.

YesAsia really dropped the ball though since that order is still processing. Fuck them from now on. At least my japanvideogames order is solid.

BTW, see anything that could resemble system link play?

I really like the balancing system using points. It's a bit like the warhammer system for building armies. I do have a question.. Are 1000 points units really worthless? I assume that a really skilled player can cause some real damage with a 1000 points unit; but will the average gamer using a 1k unit end up being cannon fodder most of the time?

They aren't worthless at all. It's all balance considering you lose a lot less on the team bar if you eat it. If anything, it's all about team synergy. Just don't go rushing in with the 1000s since their health is considerably less than the other units.


My AmiAmi order also shipped. It's EMS though, so I expect to see it arrive to my house next monday or tuesday, but I can live with that (the GF would've never let me play this all weekend anyway!)


Doesn't seem to be a link mode, from what I can tell. =/

If you played in a private room on the same connection, it should be fine though, I suspect.


*sees that his play-asia order finally shipped; starts preparing his Mobile Trace system*

I'll be having my new Avatar ready by this weekend! 8D

Are 1000 points units really worthless? I assume that a really skilled player can cause some real damage with a 1000 points unit; but will the average gamer using a 1k unit end up being cannon fodder most of the time?

Not at all, actually. If anything, 1000 cost units are kind of like fielding "Ratio 1" characters in Capcom vs. SNK. If you know what you're doing, the life/power handicap won't make much of a difference, and you technically have a longer lifebar to work with than most 2500/3000 units.


No love for Hyaku Shiki? :(

some day some game will use the awesome Full Armour Hyaku Shiki and I'll be happy

I love the Hyaku Shiki in the Gundam Musou games but that's mostly because of it's speed and melee moveset. Oh and the look. It looks awesome. =)

PA has shipped my Asian version. Glad I ordered when I did! I wonder how long EMS Speedpost will take to arrive to the Southeast of the USA?


Well, individual rooms are hosted by someone rather than a central server. So, I assume they just want you to route the match information to the central server but will directly connect you to the player. Should possibly achieve land speeds if you're on the same connection but I won't know until we tried.
Well, individual rooms are hosted by someone rather than a central server. So, I assume they just want you to route the match information to the central server but will directly connect you to the player. Should possibly achieve land speeds if you're on the same connection but I won't know until we tried.

Fair enough. When I get my second copy, I'll see how it runs.


YesAsia really dropped the ball though since that order is still processing. Fuck them from now on. At least my japanvideogames order is solid.

Hmm the last time I ordered with them was with FF Dissidia back in 2008 and that one was shipped before launch if I remember well. I hope to get it next week at least.
My Play Asia Order has shipped! EMS so I should have it for Monday (Since it's the holidays and shipping seems to be a bit quicker, fingers crossed for tomorrow). I can dream right?
My AmiAmi order has shipped :D. Now just hoping for a Saturday arrival...but in the meantime I'll fire Next Plus back up. Actually, my anticipation has gotten to the point where I've put in some time on ACE:R (which I had given up on pretty quickly before) to get my Crossbone fix :p.


Well, individual rooms are hosted by someone rather than a central server. So, I assume they just want you to route the match information to the central server but will directly connect you to the player. Should possibly achieve land speeds if you're on the same connection but I won't know until we tried.
Yeah, but any local network play will require the venue to have a functioning Internet connection with few enough restrictions that all four players can all connect to PSN, and then hope for the best. But I guess in the unlikely event I find people locally to play the game with, I can always bring a switch with me too.


tomorrow will be glorious. I will be off and some gundams. I'll probably stream some matches tomorrow if I have time.
Shipped this morning, will be to my house by 10:30am Friday. Fortunately my wife will be working from home tomorrow so she can sign for it.
I mean, of all the suits to represent the iconic Zaku, they choose the Gunner Zaku Warrior over a Zaku III or any other Zaku variant. =/

Yeah, definitely a lousy choice, but I'm sure they just HAD to find a way to get Lunamaria in the game (though they could have given her the Impulse, but whatevs).


Hail, peons, for I have come as ambassador from the great and bountiful Blueberry Butt Explosion
Shipped this morning, will be to my house by 10:30am Friday. Fortunately my wife will be working from home tomorrow so she can sign for it.

Yep, my copy shipped as well. Thankfully, I work from home, so I'll be able to sign for my own copy. :D
No one is going to pay/sign for my copy unfortunately. Going to have to pick it up on saturday.

Edit: Although I told my self that I would finish Assassins Creed over the weekend so I could spend the evenings putting together my Exia MG kit. If only there was time to do everything.
After their Ico HD delay, I am never using YesAsia again.

I went with AmiAmi this time.

Yeah, everywhere was sold out when I went to pre-order and YesAsia was really my only option since Play-Asia wasn't shipping to the UK yet until recently. I got stuck since I couldn't cancel my order once I made it. Luckily japanvideogames got my back when they put up their order. I really hope system link is hidden away somewhere cuz I'm itching to get some games running at home and work with some peeps.

Time to see if SDGO is up. =(
I think they said 2PM PST

Cool deal. I guess some late night SDGO will be fine.

And I was just told I'm taking a business trip to Sweden until the 13th. Gotta get a hold of japanvideogames and see if I can switch the address before they send. FUCK. =(
Cool deal. I guess some late night SDGO will be fine.

And I was just told I'm taking a business trip to Sweden until the 13th. Gotta get a hold of japanvideogames and see if I can switch the address before they send. FUCK. =(

Damn, hope you can get it sorted out. I was checking out the NA SDGO site though...might give it a try.
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