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Guy looks at Internet pics, concludes "Dogs hate hugs" in blog post

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Hugging a dog is disgusting anyway. The fact that even the dogs understand that just shows how primitive civilisation has become.


Darkness cannot drive out darkness; only light can do that. Hate cannot drive out hate; only love can do that.
This is the most depressing news since I found out that cats hate belly rubs.


yeah this probably depends on the breed and how it was raised. my dog actively comes to me for attention.

I can see how this would be true for dogs not used to it though.


My dog hated hugs, she would always growl after a few seconds. She loved getting her ears massaged though and I could go on forever doing that and she just wouldn't move :p

Mr Swine

My moms dog that passed away 5 years ago loved getting hugs from my mom but not from me or my siblings. I think it depends on what breed and how high you are on the hierarchy


I don't think I've ever hugged my dogs, it's just not something you do. Scratch/stroke their head or their throat, tap their flanks, sure, but no hugging.
I did headlock one from time to time, but that was just as a game, and only for a few seconds.


Hell one of my dogs actively hugs ME, he'll get up and put his paws on my shoulders and his head against my face...thats a fucking hug if I ever seen one

Mine did that too, but it's a gesture of domination, not affection. He's trying to be above you to show he's higher in the hierarchy (in his opinion). You're not supposed to let him do that (even if it's fun).
That title....Can't be the only one.


I thought this was obvious for any dog owner. Sure I hug my dog every now and then, but I can tell he's like "stop". I always tell my daughter to chill with the excessive hugging.

Mine used to be quite nervous when I had to hug him to cross a street, or avoid contact with pine processionary (a type of bug that's really dangerous). He never looked like he liked it.

As a kid I hug my dog quite a bit (not as much as I grew older). I never thought it was something that every dog hates though, just mine.


At least they offer some alternative's. I've hugged my dogs...a lot. Lol poor pups.

That's bad advice. What kind of research was this?

Dogs generally don't like being patted on the head. They dislike a person towering over them and bringing an object (hand) down on top of their heads from an angle they can't see well. You can literally see them recoil and become anxious when people do this. The correct alternative is to come down sort of to their side and rub the neck and lower jaw area. A dog will relax and nuzzle your hand when you do this.

The other big mistake is shoving your face into a dog's for a face to face kiss or nuzzle. Practically all dogs hate this and see it as an ultimate aggressive act and may even bite. A dog will only merely tolerate this of someone it really trusts but still hates it.

I remember a TV show host making the two mistakes above and getting a nasty bite to her face.
The other big mistake is shoving your face into a dog's for a face to face kiss or nuzzle. Practically all dogs hate this and see it as an ultimate aggressive act and may even bite. A dog will only merely tolerate this of someone it really trusts but still hates it.

Then why do dogs stick their face in your face and give you doggy kisses?


The other big mistake is shoving your face into a dog's for a face to face kiss or nuzzle. Practically all dogs hate this and see it as an ultimate aggressive act and may even bite. A dog will only merely tolerate this of someone it really trusts but still hates it.

I remember a TV show host making the two mistakes above and getting a nasty bite to her face.

If my face gets anywhere near my dog she starts licking like no tomorrow. Like, I have to force her off. One time, I let her lick as long as she wanted at one point and she kept licking for literally 5 minutes straight before getting bored. Heck, she occasionally comes over randomly, pushes me down with her claws digging in and licks my face.

My last dog wasn't as forceful, but he'd lick my face if my face got close to him.

I can see what you're saying applying to dogs who aren't familiar with you, though. Actually, now that I think about it, with my last dog I had someone over who got bitten by him when he suddenly got his face close. Then again, that person was also teasing the fuck out of my dog, and he was super irritable.

In reality it's because dogs lick when anxious if I recall.

But I pretend it's because he likes me too

I heard it was because they like the salty flavor of your skin.
Lol, what if dogs make the first move though!? I don't actively find myself seeking hugs from dogs, they just initiate the contact first.

Maybe it stresses me out, why haven't the dogs thought about that?


The Steam equivalent of the drunk friend who keeps offering to pay your tab all night.
Lol at all these "professional" tips. Ive owned multiple dogs for over 30 years. The last 10 or so ive always had sets of 3 at a time. None ever behaved or shown any of the signs people are posting here. No dog kisses? Get the fuck out of here, my pup wakes me up by licking my face, guess he hates me after all.
I think it all comes down to animal preference really. My lab absolutely adores hugs. She'll snuggle close and lick my face and rest her head against my cheek. Our little terrier hates being picked and he hates hugs. I'm pretty sure he hates everything actually. We also have one cat who hates being picked up, but he loves snuggling up close on my chest. The other cat loves being picked up but he likes to lie on my legs and not on my chest.
In reality it's because dogs lick when anxious if I recall.

But I pretend it's because he likes me too

I don't think so. I think they like the taste of salt on your skin.

Every dog I've had has had a trait in common, which is that they like to lick my hands when they're sleepy. Just last night my sister's dog came up to me, laid down on the couch next to me and started licking my hand and did so for about 5 minutes.


Then why do dogs stick their face in your face and give you doggy kisses?

If my face gets anywhere near my dog she starts licking like no tomorrow. Like, I have to force her off. One time, I let her lick as long as she wanted at one point and she kept licking for literally 5 minutes straight before getting bored. Heck, she occasionally comes over randomly, pushes me down with her claws digging in and licks my face.

My last dog wasn't as forceful, but he'd lick my face if my face got close to him.

I can see what you're saying applying to dogs who aren't familiar with you, though. Actually, now that I think about it, with my last dog I had someone over who got bitten by him when he suddenly got his face close. Then again, that person was also teasing the fuck out of my dog, and he was super irritable.

I heard it was because they like the salty flavor of your skin.

Dogs lick for all those reasons... because they may be happy, anxious, possessive or simply looking to taste your skin (particularly around the mouth where they can smell and taste food). But they're never really kisses in the same way we think of them.


At least they offer some alternative's. I've hugged my dogs...a lot. Lol poor pups.
To let your dog know you love him, a pat on the head or a nice belly rub or a treat will suffice. And if you need a new photo opp idea, maybe take a page from Coren’s UBC bio, and politely stand next to your dog. No hugs necessary.

But that's not true, dogs hate being patted on the head too.



My dog loves it. He crawls up commando style and shoves his head near my neck and rests his paws on my shoulders

Dude hugs me


I heard it was because they like the salty flavor of your skin.

I heard it's because dogs are trying to groom you by licking you as a sign of affection, this is because dogs groom each other and when you pet a dog they think you're grooming them.

When a dog licks you, that dog is petting you.
When I sit down my puppy will literally climb onto me and put her paws on my shoulders and tuck her head into me.

I think she likes hugs.


I wouldn't put it past people to hug their dogs in manners in which the dog would not be accustomed to so that they can take a nice looking profile picture - could explain why the dogs are stressed. But hey, science amirite?
I do not think it is just a dog thing as well, my cat hates being held as well. He enjoys petting though which dogs I feel do as well.

But that's not true, dogs hate being patted on the head too.
Do they like being rubbed on the neck? Every cat I met loves being rubbed on the neck.


My big dog clearly doest like it and merely tolerates it.

My little dog demands hugs. Jumps into arms whenever she can and will rest her head on my neck and cuddle in.


Everyday when I get home I get on my knees and my lab climbs to my shoulders to give me a hug, without me even asking. The way she wiggles her tail and that she does this every day as I walk into the house is a pretty clear indication that she isn´t stressed by hugs.
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