Who does this guy think he is, cubsfan?
Well, this seems like a good place to share my sort-of success story from Friday night, since I didn't want to start my own attention whore thread.
So I went to this party where I didn't really know anybody, was kind of hanging out talking to random people. I start talking to this slightly attractive girl, and bust out the COCKY & FUNNY OMG. Just generally teasing and making fun. Wandered off to drink more Guinness and talk to some dude who seemed cool. Talked very briefly to this pretty hot Indian girl, who turned out to be several years older than I am (7 years, actually. O_O)
So then the hot Indian girl was going around asking guys how old they thought she looked-- she was apparently feeling insecure about being so damn old. So every time she asked me, I'd tell her 30 (she was 29). Then she'd say "no, seriously!" Eventually, she goes "What makes me look thirty? Is it the boobs?" *bounce bounce* Heh.
It was pretty funny. Finally, she came back over and was like "I like you, you're not such a liar like those other guys." I was like, "whoa, this stuff works." Then the first girl wandered in and was trying to discreetly (lol) sit on my lap. The hot girl came back and started whispering to me about how much hotter she was than the first girl. Which was true.
Unfortunately, the hot one eventually disappeared, and then the first girl kept trying to kiss me, at which point I realized I wasn't that interested in her.
Not quite sure where I went wrong-- I'm slightly hazy on the details. Better luck (and slightly less Guinness) next time!
Anyway, just wanted to see if I get the cubsfan thumbs up.