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GVF-Hop l0† 13l La Soulja Nostra

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as a cube fan, i can't resolve someone not loving R.A.P. music

I can

holy shit at that top comment lol

"Lol hey Vlad you keep on saying dumb shit like that I just might try and call YouTube myself and have this wack ass channel removed... You corny my nigga for even trying to compare a male tranny with bleached dreads to a legend like Lil Wayne, Young Thug can't even rap, he's more of a melody guy who would be great at making jingles for Subway commercials... You can't even understand the guy, his Bater 6 mixtape was terrible the first week iTunes sales was terrible too... Wayne is legend who raised a generation of young and old rappers, so knock it off with the bullshit... Thug the tranny must of gave you some behind the scenes attention for you to even risk your importance in Hip-Hop..."

RTJ lurk GAF-Hop confirmed
Vlad is so fucking lame but he's great at what he does. Like Skip Bayless he's a master of saying the most ridiculous shit possible in order to garner attention.

Wouldn't be surprised if he skipped through each track and didn't fully listen to any of it.


Yeah it's pretty inoffensive, nothing mindblowing, but I kind of enjoy it...About to check out the new Bishop Nehru as well since nobody seemed to talk about it, has me curious.
brehs definitely buy Witcher 3.

Been playing it for the past few hours and it's

I didn't know it was coming out on PS4 until literally last week lol
But im gonna assume the definitive experience is to be had on PC for a game like that
Nevertheless I still may indulge


I got a message today letting me know I got a month until I have to start paying back these students loans.

Salli Mae is readying the strap-on.

do not sleep on this, that shit will garnish your wages fam
seen it happen to a few friends...i consolidated with nelnet and made peace with dying before i square up
do not sleep on this, that shit will garnish your wages fam
seen it happen to a few friends...i consolidated with nelnet and made peace with dying before i square up

I have to start paying back this month. Sucks shit.

Income based repayment will cut that shit drastically. Try that route. I only have to pay like 30 a month even though im throwing 1 check a month to it.

I'm not all that worried. I no longer have a job so it;s not like I could really pay for it. I think I'll file a deferment. Shit, I have another debt to another school from years ago I haven't paid either.
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