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Haha, The 90s! There's a Jay and Silent Bob game now (crowdfunding on Fig)

A 2.5D beat 'em up with Jay and Silent Bob is right up my alley. What they showed off isn't. It feels...over developed? I dunno. It feels like too much stuff being thrown in.
Kevin Smith is a whore, but I liked that intro with him and Jay. As for the game.... I am mildly interested. I guess they are going for a Scott Pilgrim thing, but that art style seems off. I still loved the old Clerks cartoon though.


jay and silent bob are stupid characters. couple of stoners spouting dumbass catch phrases like a third-rate cheech and chong or bill and ted. fuck jay and silent bob, fuck them up their stupid asses.

Tell 'Em Steve-Dave!

Seriously, this looks awful.

I don't think Jay and Silent Bob are funny. I also don't want another side-scrolling beat-em-up. Thanks but no thanks.

I dunno, I'm dying for a really good side scrolling beat 'em up, but the genre just attracts lazy garbage. I'm still playing guardian heroes from over 10 years ago and can't think of more than 1 or 2 newer games in the genre that even come close.


is beloved, despite what anyone might say
Are we sure this isn't an old Newgrounds project from 2001 when Jay and Silent Bob were at their most popular? The artwork makes it look like it is...
I love love love SModcast. I love Clerks.

I really like Chasing Amy, Mallrats, and Tusk.

I'm upper iffy about Fatman on Batman's tonal shift, the Eurotrip/American Pie era comedy stuff including Jay & Silent Bob Strike Back and Clerks 2.

I didn't like Clerks: Animated Series.

Kevin Smith is someone I am so glad exists. He jump started indie comedies, sure, but more than anything he is remarkably transparent. He is very insecure but is adamant about continuing his passions. Even with golden AAA numbers banged into his value system, ultimately he is spending his time making movies that he enjoys and that his niche die hard community will enjoy. It keeps him afloat, makes him happy, and is a really wild way to interact with your audience. I think it's admirable and a good message to people. Even those refusing to live under the thumb of some formulaic view of success still feel the burn of it. It's ingrained. But we can all find our audience somewhere. It's oddly very relaxing to me.

(Maybe because I'm a sensitive chubby pot smoking white self proclaimed artist. Just maybe.)


I love Kevin Smith although I have not been happy with his last couple of movies.
This look... awful the art style is all wrong.

The Real Abed

Yeah, pass.

Make a Clerks game and we'll talk.
Jay and Bob, eh whatever.

Dante and Randall in the style of the short-lived 2000 cartoon that keeps the feel of the show, now I'd be on board.

They need to save the world, and the convenience store, from Leonardo Leonardo.

Jay and Bob can just be around like usual.

And get the original actors to voice it.

And make it an RPG like South Park: Stick of Truth.


Super Comboman wasn't very good. I don't see anything here to make me think that this will be any different, especially considering that it's the same genre.
How was Randal's Monday? That didn't scratch the itch of those of you asking for a PnC in the style of Clerks? Jeff Anderson voiced Randal!


Pledged my $18. It's cool that Elias from Clerks 2 is one of the main dudes behind this.

The Smodcast with the creators is pretty good.


How was Randal's Monday? That didn't scratch the itch of those of you asking for a PnC in the style of Clerks? Jeff Anderson voiced Randal!

its a really good and really flawed game. Humor from it is hit or miss for people. Puzzle logic isnt really reasonable without a walkthrough.. and it has a hint system which is really just a walkthrough.
Wow, I try to keep up to date with Fig happenings but this slipped completely under my radar.

I agree with others. The art sucks, it looks like they're trying too hard to look like Ren & Stimpy. I don't know it's that's intentionally part of the whole "IT'S SOOOOO 90'S!!! HURHURHURHUR!!!" shtick.

Also, am I the only one who read "Super Comboman" and thought it was a game you get by redeeming 5 proofs of purchase on the back of these:
They have more than double the investment as they have rewards based backers.

This is why I hate Fig. Just get venture capital funding and let those investors bear the risk, leave us out of this.



Neo Member
They have more than double the investment as they have rewards based backers.

This is why I hate Fig. Just get venture capital funding and let those investors bear the risk, leave us out of this.


Justin from Fig here. This screen grab is actually from Rock Band PC

Another way to look at it, is that people are twice as interested in investing as they are in just getting a copy of the game.


Neo Member
I can't speak for Harmonix, but I do know that in the past their fans have asked for a PC version of Rock Band and have requested that they bring back RBN. This campaign gives them an opportunity to receive a signal from the market to see if there's enough demand for it, and at the same time gives their community an opportunity to share in the potential success if it funds.

And while your here, I've been trying to understand more why there's some resistance to this concept. For me it's not just about need, but also opportunity. There are several crowdfunding campaign in the past that I wished I could have invested in, and we're providing that option.


Art style is literally abhorrent. I love Kevin Smith, but I can't even stand to look at these screens so it's a pass for me just based on that, regardless of whether it turns out ok or not.
I can't speak for Harmonix, but I do know that in the past their fans have asked for a PC version of Rock Band and have requested that they bring back RBN. This campaign gives them an opportunity to receive a signal from the market to see if there's enough demand for it, and at the same time gives their community an opportunity to share in the potential success if it funds.

And while your here, I've been trying to understand more why there's some resistance to this concept. For me it's not just about need, but also opportunity. There are several crowdfunding campaign in the past that I wished I could have invested in, and we're providing that option.

I don't have a problem with having the option, by all means, people should be able to invest and I hope the investment pays off. My problem is with how it's presented.

With the way you present funding amounts, I think it abuses what people assume when they visit your site. When people go to a crowdfunding site and see a big total amount contributed, they can be expected to think this came from the crowd. It's only when they click on the tiny little button below it that they can see the true amounts raise by the crowd. Because of that, it's easy for a casual visitor to think it's is a six-figure success story when it's actually much lower and from a much smaller crowd, and I think that is deliberate.

Why not make the screen you see by clicking the little button the default layout? Or even better, don't count the investment totals into the crowdfunding goal amount at all? You guys did some of this in the Psychonauts 2 campaign, there was an unknown outside investment amount from the outset that wasn't factored into the funding amount. So you can't say my idea is absurd, you guys endorse it to some extent.

Also the pledges are not monitored, which is why someone like me can make a burner account with an absurd name like "Chris Chandler" and "invest" $12,000 (like I did last time) without any payment information and have it count towards the total funding amount. The reason for not having this safeguard is clear- you'll take a check written on toilet paper so long as it makes the campaign appear more successful than it actually is. Because any crowdfund marketing guy with a brain knows- the more money you've raised, the more popular you look, and the more likely other people are to contribute. Again, it's all about presentation.

This leads to my conclusion that you're not a crowdfunding site at all, you're an investment website. The crowd part is secondary and your amounts do not represent what the crowd is doing. Case in point- you just said the Rock Band campaign's success would be a "signal from the market" that they want it on PC. But that's not what the crowd (i.e.- market) is saying at all. If anything, the current figures are showing that it's investors that want this PC port more than the crowd. Unless you remove the investments from the funding total, but of course that won't happen because then the campaign looks pitiful and becomes a much harder sell.


Neo Member
The investors are the crowd - that's our differentiator. The site is not oriented towards VC or even wealthy people, but toward the fans - that's why we dropped the share amount to $250. If anything, I might make investment more prominent, because if a large number of fans want to invest in something they are passionate about, that's also a very strong signal.

And yes, I saw your fake account on Psychonauts 2, we vetted it and it's not represented in the final total. We've instituted tighter upfront controls since then and will continue to refine the process.

(EDIT: Fixed my cell phone's auto-correct of Psychonauts 2)
The investors are the crowd - that's our differentiator. The site is not oriented towards VC or even wealthy people, but toward the fans - that's why we dropped the share amount to $250. If anything, I might make investment more prominent, because if a large number of fans want to invest in something they are passionate about, that's also a very strong signal.

And yes, I saw your fake account on Psychonauts 2, we vetted it and it's not represented in the final total. We've instituted tighter upfront controls since then and will continue to refine the process.

(EDIT: Fixed my cell phone's auto-correct of Psychonauts 2)

Sure there are wealthy people on Kickstarter who buy a $10,000 original Ryo jacket as a reward but those people are drowned out by normal "crowd" people like me who go there to get an early deal on a game we want. We are the true "signal from the market." When you look at a campaign like Shenmue, they had their crazy special $250+ tiers but the averages showed that most backers were just like me and just wanted the game.

We can argue till we're both blue in the face about whether investors are what people associate with the "crowd" but I say let's just wait to find out which one of us is right- we should have the perfect testing ground soon. As I understand it, Consortium should be on your site in the near future. I actually backed them, I wanted that game. But I think the numbers will show us that the type of funding you see on Fig is not a signal from the market. I predict the amounts will be grossly out of proportion when compared side by side with what we saw on Kickstarter. But let's wait and see.
Currently sitting at $127,234 OF $400,000 GOAL. Good luck to them.

I hope it does succeed, I kinda want this even though i am not a big fan of the art style either.

They have more than double the investment as they have rewards based backers.

This is why I hate Fig. Just get venture capital funding and let those investors bear the risk, leave us out of this.

Nobody is forcing anyone to back this. It's still a wait and see on what the returns are like for investors, but I do like this concept. I think letting people invest directly in a product and making a little profit from it is an interesting idea.
Yeah, pass.

Make a Clerks game and we'll talk.

I'm not saying this is any reason to get this game, but if this don't make it we won't see Ol' Somber Robert in the gamesphere anytime soon.

gamesphere feels appropriately '90s. welcome to the gamesphere, comin over the cyberwavesssssss


I enjoy myself some Jay and Silent Bob as much as the next guy, but...


The art style is fucking hideous and should be relegated to sub-par children's cartoons.

If it was a toejam and earl clone, I'd be in.

Nailed it. Time to pack up and go home.
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